Saturday, March 02, 2019

Both Siderism Creates All Manner of Monsters

If you ever wondered how it came to pass that twaddle-mongering establishment testicle cozies like Chuck Todd or David Brooks manage to keep their extraordinarily lucrative jobs even though literally all they do is repeat the exactly the same failed Both Siderist bullshit over and over and over and over and over again, decade after decade... is because our country is saddled with a small cohort of incredibly wealthy idiots for whom that particulars line of bullshit tastes like the finest Belgian chocolate.

And they are willing to pay premium prices to anyone who will feed them the lies they wish to believe.

Exhibit A:

Behold, a Tip Jar!


tony in san diego said...

President Trump is one extreme and on the other side is a vitriolic undermining of the American free enterprise system.

One of these things is not like the other.

Dinah said...

When you put it that way, it makes a lot of sense.

WV 1st District DNC Delegate said...


Jason said...

Howard Schultz can eat shit. Just where exactly does he think he's positioning himself? He's either completely delusional or he truly believes there's a mystical fairy land where so-called moderate centrists live that want to have nothing to do with "both siderist extremism". If he ever gets traction enough for anyone to give 2 f-cks about anything that belches out of his pie hole, he's going to see exactly how few people want more of the centrist right corporatist neo liberal styrofoam chuggabrew he's peddling.

bowtiejack said...

The rotten core at America's heart is the belief that having a lot of money (whether obtained through inheritance, fraud, grifting, theft, monopoly, corruption, dumb luck or, in this case, vertiginously overpriced coffee) equates with having wisdom, knowledge and good sense. Spoiler Alert Howard, it doesn't.
And while we're on the subject of competence generally, when Pence was in Congress, staffers would observe that "there are salads in the Congressional Dining Room with a a higher IQ" and Trump's Wharton Professor William T. Kelley said, “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had”.
So this is where we are, boys and girls.

Ian said...

Is he talking about the D's or the R's? I don't seem to remember any other presidents ordering capital and business to the advantage of select groups around like this current one.

bowtiejack said...


I believe it was Mussolini who defined fascism as the welding together of business and the state. And he also observed that democracy didn't work and socialism was a fraud. So, yeah, the Cheeto Bandito and his gang of CPAC knuckle-draggers didn't invent this stuff.

Meremark said...

"When you run government like a business is fascism," Mussolini said, to define the word he made up that no one had ever heard before.

But what's "like a business"? For profit? Keep it in one family's ownership handed down from generation to generation?
Slightly smudged & singed ballots at 'Fire Sale' prices being consecrated proof through our night of Bush's hell conflagration set off as false illusion and bearing precipitously slaven of fake Pillar of Fire.

Meremark said...

"When you run government like a business is fascism," Mussolini said, to define the word he made up that no one had ever heard before.

But what's "like a business"? For profit? Keep it in one family's ownership handed down from generation to generation?
Slightly smudged & singed ballots at 'Fire Sale' prices being consecrated proof through our night of Bush's hell conflagration set off as false illusion and bearing precipitously slaven of fake Pillar of Fire.

ziply said...

Howard Shite-for-Brains 🤬

Robt said...

Alternative use of Both sides in favor of one side.

Figure out the favored side in this usage.

* Socialist Bernie Sanders votes for a socialist spending bill that gives farmers more socialist farm subsidies.

* Sen. Sasse from Red state overly dependent on AG, votes for the farm bill to support his Free Market, Capitalist, "big government out of the way" president and their proud conservative ideological beliefs..

* President Trump signs the Republican Senate majority controlled budget bill into law.