Saturday, February 23, 2019

"Never Again" is What You Swore The Time Before...

How luck I am that Depeche Mode already wrote the short version of my admonition to credulous Liberals and media persons who are being suckered by Never Trumpers.

Or, as I once wrote as a dirty, America-hating, terrorist-loving Libtard all the way back during the Age of Bush:
The men who the GOP has put in charge of our country are criminals.

Yes, the scope and scale at which they steal and kill is so vast as to be dizzying, but at the end of the day these are nothing but gangsters, pure and simple. And the simpletons and brownshirts who continue to stand with them are nothing more that their wheel-men, and must be called out as such at every opportunity.

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating:
In the Age of Duyba, you can either be a good American, or a good Republican, but you can no longer be both.

The Wages of Sin ... Barely Cover My Bar Tab.


dinthebeast said...

And now we have a cheap-ass money launderer for the Russian mob.

-Doug in Oakland

Meremark said...

I'm unsure whether you can tolerate this categorical denounciation of greenwald since it is researched by RT in WashingtonDC and perhaps includes special shamanic Russian code words that cause readers to go insane on-sight, or not.

Robt said...

I have a fair view on what a "Good American" basically requires.

As for the "Good Republican".
Please elaborate more. Provide a definition.

Is there Good Cancer? Nice mental illness? A cute Polar bear attack?

There are some good Benedict Arnold s ? I suppose good for England at the time.

That leads into good times on both sides?