Thursday, November 29, 2018

MSNBC's "Leaning Too Far Right" Ad Campaign Needed An Update

You're welcome.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Hal Rager said...

What the fucking fuck? I'm lost…

Robt said...

The Network where Morning choking Joe is not listed as conservative?

Where Chuck Toad pretends to be liberal and But is really Frankenstein's Igor.

Where David From and Steve Schmidt are the only legally licensed to criticize the Republican party.

CNN does the same crap, hell they brought us Matt Whitaker.

Are they telling us their is not enough time in FOX's 24/7 broadcasting, Sinclair's air time, all the Radio and internet space and print for Santorun to Gingrich? I mean CNN discussing Mia Love's discontent losing her seat that the defrosted JC Watts from the morgue to bring on as a host to give JC Watts's opinion on it which we were all anxiously waiting to hear, right?

Where is the equal or more than equal time left leaning media emits vs zero left hosts or guests on like the FOX for example.

Brad in Dallas said...

Unplug! Honestly I have zero minutes in my day for anything coming from a television and labeled news. Once in a while I'll turn on ABC's news-and-weather half hour, but mostly to mock the happy news that takes up more than half the show. TV is owned by Wall Street investors (Disney, Sony, GE), and they seem to have decided that their editorial position is establishment Republican orthodoxy, to the exclusion of anything else. As Ta-Nahisi recently said on a podcast, you are what you absorb through your eyes and ears. Don't pollute your precious mental fluids with what the networks would have you hear.

RUKidding said...

I only glance at TV crapola at the gym, and even then, I severely LIMIT what passes before my eyes (no sound, thank the dog).

I heard somewhere - as I do listen a teeny tiny bit to National (conservative) Propaganda Network on the radio - that Trump was whiiiiiiining and demanding that a "Government" TV station be implemented to "counter" all of the horrid, dreadful, dastardly LIEbrul "nooz" eminanting from CNN's piehole. AS IF we need yet another - taxpayer funded, no less - conservative/whackaloon/fascist propaganda "nooz" network.

As stated above, it's not like conservative propaganda isn't available everywhere 24/7/365 from all of the usual suspects: Fox, Sinclaire, Christiany Broadcasting, numerous outlets on the 'net, plus most Christiany "churches." How much is "enough"????

I chucked out my tv ages and ages ago and have not missed it one iota. I borrow the good tv series for free my wonderful public library, so I can watch quality tv shows without any commercial interrputions. Highly recommended course of action.

Thanks to Driftglass for checking in, so I don't have to. Ugh.