Friday, October 12, 2018

This Week On "Tone Cop!": Michael Gerson

Once again, America's Truest True Conservative -- former George W. Bush chief speechwriter, senior Republican policy adviser and reliable Beltway Republican stalactite, Michael Gerson -- uses his subsidized media platform to hand out a blizzard of "Both Siderist" parking tickets to mouthy Liberals who make him feel uncomfortable.
Democrats are playing with fire

One measure of the effectiveness of a political movement is how it changes its opposition. And President Trump is in the process of driving portions of his Democratic opposition insane...
Which might just remind some of you longer-term readers of this quote from 16 years ago from Michael Gerson's spirit animal, David Fucking Brooks:
The Pelosi Democrats

Are they going to become the stupid party?

ARE THE DEMOCRATS about to go insane? Are they about to decide that the reason they lost the 2002 election is that they didn't say what they really believe? Are they about to go into Paul Krugman-land, lambasting tax cuts, savaging Bush as a tool of the corporate bosses? Are they about to go off on a jag that will ensure them permanent minority status in every state from North Carolina to Arizona?...

Because tone-policing has always been the weapon of choice of the Serious and Respected Beltway Republican goon whenever the Left starts to effectively punch back against the constant and ever-escalating barrage of seditious lunacy and racist bile from the Right.

Returning to the present, Mr. Gerson continues:
Hillary Clinton — whose warmth, integrity and down-to-earth style were the largest reasons for Trump’s election — has now publicly turned against civility. “You cannot be civil,” she explains, “with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”
No, Hillary Clinton is recognizing -- just like Roosevelt or Reagan -- that America faces an enemy which regards civility -- and civilization -- as a weakness.  And -- just like Lincoln -- she is facing the grim fact that this enemy is within our borders and made up of our fellow citizens.

Gerson continues:
But is ethno-nationalist populism effectively fought with intemperate language, lame symbolism and pathetic nostalgia for the summer of ’68? Do Democrats really want to run Eugene McCarthy against Trump?
I'm sure this sounded clever in Mr. Gerson's head.  Just like the "smoking gun/mushroom cloud" lie he deployed to help George W. Bush lie us into the wrong war.  But honestly, here on the page, all it does is lead me to wonder how your super-awesome True Conservative action plan of spending 25 years social climbing, ass-kissing, bible-thumping, impotent finger-wagging and self-absolving hectoring about Both Side is working out for you?

Specifically, I'm wondering how the fuck it became the Democrats job to round up your fucking mad dogs like Limbaugh and Hannity and Ingraham and Gingrich and Ryan and McConnell and put them back in the box?  Why isn't policing the toxic Republican shitpile you created your fucking job? 

Gerson tosses a big slab of Both Siderism on the fire:
This may be fighting fire with fire, but it is also playing with fire. ...When both parties regard electoral losses as indications of electoral fraud and theft, our nation will enter a new stage of fragility. It will become easier to surrender to the irrational, to practice harassment and humiliation, and to turn to verbal and physical violence.
This right here should have gotten Mr. Gerson fired.  It won't because the WaPo doesn't really give a shit when its GOP op-ed goons lie, but it should.  Because even Michael Gerson damn well knows that Republican complaints about Democrats "electoral fraud and theft" are fairy tales invented to rile up the party's reprogrammable meathead base --
-- while even as I write this, Mr. Gerson's Republican Party is engaged in actual, real, verifiable, wide-spread voter suppression.

Gerson finally limps his leaky garbage scow into port:
Some rising Democrat needs to study up on President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, and Gov. Bob Casey Sr. and Prime Minister Tony Blair. To eventually beat Trump, liberals must remaster the language of unity and hope.
Now, some rising Democrat should strap Mr. Gerson to a gurney and force him to listen to some of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's greatest hits:

"They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.

"Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred."

Or maybe Mr. Gerson could just Shut Up and Sing:..

Hey, perhaps some rising Democrat could take it upon themselves to teach Mr. Gerson our Tone Cop! theme song?
The tone police
They live on cable teevee
The tone police
They're paid to shush and decree
The tone police
They're coming to denounce me
Oh no...

Behold, a Tip Jar!


tony in san diego said...

Every Republican president has driven Democrats insane. Every Democratic president has driven Republicans insane.

How is this new? Why does this even need to be analyzed?

Robt said...

Our Scotus can help by reviewing Citizens United and clarifying the that its money speech is not legal for Soros. Only right wing money.

Putin for instance, got this Gerson notion perfected. He just needed to calmly convince his money-Garchs with a small amount of Polonium. When their tone got out of its allowed range. Which displayed the ( the end of the road, Gerson notes ) Why tone and behavior he opines against.

This Gerson piece showed up in my local paper Op ED to provide balance between DFB and Cal Thomas. With a short story by Thomas Sole. You know, to provide balance and moderate the tone to reach all sides, (?????????????? ).

Out of many problems comes this one.
As Trump went on his Birther binge and money applied +to grow his adoring Mushroom Root base.
On national TV. "I've got top investigators in Hawaii. You won't believe what they are finding" Quoting Trump over Obama (a sitting president).
The press never stayed on Trump over this blatant lie he led. Let Trump end it all without any apology, presenting receipts of paid investigator or the killer report results.

From where I stand and live. Gerson never had a problem with that tone?

Nor the Benghazi tonal ass vocalizing. For that matter, Gerson's Article puts him at Trump's rally. In the crowd chanting "Lock her Up: and slapping his hands togeter like a trained NAZI seal.

In summary;
Gerson is like a republican hack driving down the freeway. Looking down at his phone to see if his check from his client cleared the bank.
hasn't look up to see where he is going and the cars in front of him have stopped or not. Not even sure if he is in his very own "right" lane.

Everyone else on the road need to be a defensive driver and get the hell out of his way. Just another road hog that thinks he owns the public roads.

Which is the root cause of a lot of road rage.

Davis said...

We did have a Democrat who mastered the language of unity and hope. Remind me; how did Gerson's Republican Party react tho him?

Unknown said...

For Republicans of a certain ilk (i.e. every one of the bastards), it's just a game.
The game is for Republicans to propose batshit crazy, world-burning schemes - and then set up interference against the Democrats who try to keep it from happening. Think James Bond meets Spectre + 3 Stooges.
Of course it is the job of the Democrats to stop it. If it was such a bad thing the Republicans were doing, I mean, really, somebody would say something, right?
That the alliance and economic strutures set up after WWII were designed to prevent WWIII - well, if they are that important, you couldn't set them on fire, right? They would be made of asbestos, or something.
Oh, the NLRB and Labor Law are designed to prevent a radical labor take-over of production - and have done that very fucking well - so, let's get rid of that. Because NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN.
Or, Roe v. Wade? That decision was in response to large numbers of very bad things happening as a result of even worse things. Women being forced to have children they did not want - and often did not consent to- in the first place.
These freaks who believe that Democrats will solve everything also believe that laws, regulations and rules of good and normal order do not exist for a reason. That the gains made by obliterating them are just part of the game. And the Democrats, from their perspective, get so god-damned distracted by putting out the fires and protecting little things like human rights, children and a liveable planet that we are easy to punk, easy to troll and by extension, easy to control.

Robt said...

You have some points Jeff Olsen,

Vietnam War. Gave rise of the long hair ed freaky hippies. People took vacations to go on a viewing Safari through S.F.'s Height / Ashbury to see the animals in the wild.

What brought on the end of the draft?

When will the GOP brainiacs develop the "return of the draft" to light a bush fire so they as a diversion while they rob the bank again?

If anyone noticed,
The only big intrusive and burdening big government they have and are tearing down is. Corporate restrictions, the right of wealth to act above the law,
Wealth's God given right to own the chattel and do as they may with them.

The A.C.A., Medicaid, Hell! the New Deal, Civil Rights Act, Consumer Protections. Citizens United allowed for Congress to one stop donate shop and be accountable to that donor only. 2nd Amendment is redefined for weapons sales and marketing. !st Amendment meet Tone police and FOX.
At the GOP Cafe. You have a long menu for sale.

Where the KKK, NAZIS are in the IRS express line for their tax exemptions Putin and his RTV wants his. Charles Koch purchases his SCOTUS justice as an insurance policy. Israel needs $38 billion of American tax dollars per year so we can say we are true Christians. As Israel provides Universal health care to its citizens (including abortion), but we just can't afford to provide American citizens a level of standard protection from a health care insurance industry who needs to see higher profits.

You need merely to listen to Trump honor the "good people" on the White supremacist side of that violent rally.
Hear your Senators who said they are just so appalled.

I can only assume, when any senator meets Trump on issues. When shaking his Groping hand in a greeting. They use their Obamacare to see their doctor to have their hand checked for STDs.

What is taking so long to get my mail in ballot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!