Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Dread Lincoln Park Pirate Is Dead

Well, mostly dead.  From the Chicago Tribune:
Lincoln Towing's license revoked by state regulators
If you lived on the North Side for any length of time, you knew these guys.

It's why, when my friend John told me (far too late) he was sure it was OK that he'd parked my car (I'd loaned him) in the alley behind my apartment building because he knew "It'd only be for a minute" (it was a couple of hours) I was sure it was gonna cost him.the price of a bus ride to the 4800 hunnert block of Clark, and whatever it was gonna cost him to bail my shit brown '88 Cutlass out of car jail.

John was always way too sure about things he had no business being sure about.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

A lesson well instructed by Ronald Reagan and the Conservative ideology that never succeeds after implementation and never goes away like a bad case of Anal Herpes.

"Although my head tells me I did break the law, my heart tells me otherwise".

Only permissible in a republican/conservative court for exclusive use for their fellow republican brotherhood only.

dinthebeast said...

"Way, hey, tow them away."

That used to be Rob's favorite song back when he worked for Bill Taylor's A&B Towing, Oakland's version of the Lincoln Park Pirates.
Rob once put a strip of white tape through the middle of the top of the "A" on his tow truck's door to make it look like an "H" instead.
H&B instead of A&B, for "hook and book"...

-Doug in Oakland

The Kraken said...

Living under Lake Michigan means never having to park in front of hydrants or on the wrong side during street cleaning. Or having to sacrifice a lawn chair for dibs in the cruel winter. But that’s just me. I cheer vicariously for the fall of the house of Lincoln.

clem said...

let's blow up the tow truck