Monday, March 19, 2018

Walt Whitman: A Land of Contrasts

When David Brooks' Liberal straw men are in the shop being restuffed and restitched and he has momentary run out ways to lie about Both Sides being to blame for the depravity of his Republican Party, The New York Times pays him to a giant pile of American money to write Another Book Report About National Greatness.

One of my favorites of these lab reports is Walt Whitman’s essay “Democratic Vistas,” published in 1871...

Whitman had hoped...

Whitman feared...

...[Whitman] believed

Whitman wrote...

[Whitman] observed...

Whitman was not, however...

Whitman spent...

[Whitman] thought...

[Whitman] pointed out...
-- joins Mr. Brooks previous half-assed contractual-obligation dropping in this genre.  A list which includes but is not limited to...

So there you go.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


bluicebank said...

You missed the part about David Brooks prefacing his column with the tired lie (which he trots out on occasion), of a hack:

"I met with the common folk, and they spoke to me."

To wit, DFB began his column with: "Last week I went to Houston to see the rodeo." Paragraph ensues with statistics.

Column then goes off on Walt Whitman, as if there were a connection between Whitman and a rodeo. If you were to show me evidence that Brooks was not a said rodeo, but instead perving on a young thang, I would not be surprised.

Brooks is a liar, and you can often spot the lie in his first sentence.

Begin with the false premise, and it all follows. THAT is his modus.

Professor Fate said...

and Whitman would have laughed in Brooks face calling him a man afraid of his own life.

Jason said...

Listening to Chapo Trap house podcast and one of the hosts says Brooks ' avatar equivalent is the turtle you draw to get into a correspondence art school. Fell over on that one.

cvmbner said...

Blah blah blah. Brooks is like the hospital physician who can’t bring himself to say inoperable cancer at a young age” so instead says something like “well this noble experiment still has hope, jeremiads, and Walt Whitman and perhaps virile individuals can be found to stand in the public square and exhort us all to... hey, why are you crying?”

jim said...

So basically he's a sociopolitical Roomba infected with a malicious Markov Chain?