Also a bridge in New Jersey.
From the NYT:
Chris Christie Endorses Donald Trump“I am proud to be here to endorse Donald Trump,” .... said President Trump's nominee for United States Attorney General.
Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey endorsed Donald J. Trump on Friday, a major turn in a wild race and one that gives the New York businessman a major boost as he heads into the pivotal Super Tuesday contests.
Mr. Christie was a candidate himself until he came in sixth place in New Hampshire’s primary. Seeing his political career facing an abrupt conclusion at the end of a second term as governor following his faded presidential campaign, he was said to be is deeply angry with Senator Marco Rubio, according to three people with direct knowledge of his thinking. He blames Mr. Rubio’s “super PAC” for halting his momentum in New Hampshire in December with a string of slash-and-burn ads.
“He’s been my friend for many years, he’s been a spectacular governor,” said Mr. Trump, standing with Mr. Christie at a press conference in Fort Worth, Texas, for the announcement.
“I am proud to be here to endorse Donald Trump,” said Mr. Christie, noting they have been friends for a decade.
And like *that*, any lingering bruises from last nights cage match become yesterday's news as Trump gives the ADHD media a newer, shinier and more quotable bauble to chase.
One more ogre to scare the kid voters with!
Are you surprised?
I mean Christie'Swan (Swoop) Song in the New hampshire primary debate.
Pointing out the Koch's latest robotic technology in Marco.
It wan't for the benefit of Cruz now was it.
Besides, Christie wants to be seen a a winner, and Trump so far encapsulates "winner" to all his loser supporters.
Hmmm, AG you say? Wasn't Nixon's AG John Mitchell indicted after he was AG?
So this would be a case of being indicted before you become AG?
Because I still believe that's coming.
Christie's 70+ year old mentor and political rabbi, David Samson, doesn't want to die in prison.
Christie is probably the ace he will have to play to avoid that.
Since Samson has the morals and loyalty of a wolverine, that won't be hard for him to do.
Makes Ed Meese look positively fabulous, at least by way of comparison.
I can't agree that anything makes Ed Meese look fabulous (maybe you had to be there and have attained the age of discretion to appreciate fully the ambiance of the Nixonians).
There is nothing surprising or astonishing or even particularly newsworthy IMO about Christie backing the Yam. Nor do I think it in enhances Trump's vote getting potential in any significant way. It won't do him any good in NJ ferdamsure.
It will be called The Bully Ticket and Teddy Roosevelt will spin in his grave.
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