Thursday, December 10, 2015

A Day In The Life: Laura Ingraham

First, comes your duty to the Reich...

...then, a tasty lunch.


Unknown said...

OMG! Back when I was a conservative in the 80s-90s I thought L.I. was smart if a bit acerbic. As time went on and she became progressively more shrill I began thinking, "What went wrong here?" When she became incredibly vicious and petty in her attacks on all Democrats, especially the Dem. incumbents and their wives in the W.H., I started classing her with the worst of Hate Radio and Fox.

Now, I think she's just batshit crazy. TrumpCruz? Tomorrow belongs. Tomorrow belongs. Tomorrow belongs TO ME!

trgahan said...

Twitter.....Helping idiots appear thoughtful since 2006.

Miskatonic said...

Kudos for a sci-fi reference that always gives me a case of the nostalgias. That, and describing Laura Ingrham accurately. I hate to appropriate a conservative trope (not really) but the phrase that always comes to mind when I hear Ingraham's voice is the phrase AM radio hosts used to deride Hillary Clinton for years: "SHRILL HARPY!!!"

Sexist? Maybe. But she's earned it.