Professional fulminator Mr. Greenwald reacting to being asked questions about advocacy journalism by establishmentarian testicle-cozy, David Gregory.
Anything that has the effect of making David Gregory look reasonable by comparison is not helpful.Who needs the government to try to criminalize journalism when you have David Gregory to do it?
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) June 23, 2013
UPDATE: FYI I am currently half a continent away from Netroots Nat'n, on a short, parenting-intensive trip with BG and three kids involving some flying, some fancy driving and other logistical hocus pocus. Normal, book-length pushbacks against the moral entropy of the Universe will resume once I have a lever and a place to stand and a sammich and a long nap.
This is your Sunday Morning Coming Down? Glenn tweeted a lame snark! Oh, what will the rest of the Twitters say?
Who are you?
Until Mr Snowden mentioned it, no one knew that the US spies on China and Russia? Please... give me a break.
Mr Gregory has never appeared to be reasonable, to reasonable observers.
congratulations! Your wingut hybridization is now complete. You have selected the Limbaugh/Brooks/Sullivan protocol. You can pick up your keys to the Executive Wingnut Washroom (EWW!)in Room 641A at the AT&T interception facility. Your checks will begin arriving in 3-5 days when you are fully annealed. Welcome to the Non-existent Club You Were Not In. Be sure to drop off your remaining shreds of reason at coat check.
DG, I knew you weren't there to say it so I said it for you:
Also, you know, what Digby said:
"If I didn't hear so much of this kind of talk coming from journalists I might have thought Gregory was playing devil's advocate."
"Establishmentarian testicle-cozy" is guaranteed to be the funniest thing I read today.
CF, I don't think he's descended to the level of Limbaugh/Brooks/Sullivan, but it does seem lately that DG is on the same side as Peter King and Dick Cheney with regard to Mr. Snowden.
Anything that has the effect of making David Gregory look reasonable by comparison is not helpful -DG
There was nothing remotely reasonable about Gregory's line of questioning in the interview GG references here. Surely you jest... I cannot imagine how anyone can come away from that embarrassing spectacle and draw your conclusion.
Who cares if David Gregory "looks reasonable"? Are you all that fucking insecure?
Glenn Greenwald is so much better than you.
Remember: this is America we're talking about. Putrid shit since 1776.
"Glenn Greenwald is so much better than you."
good grief! The teen thread is now open...
Decently said by David Sirota.
"Two weeks into the hullaballoo surrounding whistleblower Edward Snowden and Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald, one thing is clear: they did not just reveal potentially serious crimes perpetrated by the government — including possible perjury, unlawful spying and unconstitutional surveillance. They also laid bare in historic fashion the powerful double standards that now define most U.S. media coverage of the American government — the kind that portray those who challenge power as criminals, and those who worship it as heroes deserving legal immunity. Indeed, after “Meet the Press” host David Gregory’s instantly notorious performance yesterday, it is clear Snowden’s revelations so brazenly exposed these double standards that it will be difficult for the Washington press corps to ever successfully hide them again."
If only that last point were true!
Hey, I'm with you this time, Lumpy! Amen to that.
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