“...so in conclusion, Afghanistan, Land of Contrasts”
-- Paul Ryan
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 149 BIDEN'D!
The Biden/Ryan debate versus High School Debate Rules. Blue Gal forced to watch FOX. And why we won’t eat out of Tom Brokaw’s cereal bowl. And a letter from a listener on the drug war and what do we do about Obama’s conservatism? More at ProfessionalLeft.blogspot.com
Da' money goes here:

Did you see this bit of offal from Jennifer Rubin?
David Brooks, a good barometer of moderate thinking, put it this way: “This is not just an issue of manners. It is: How are we going to practice the kind of politics that will help us avert the so-called fiscal cliff? How are we going to balance the crosscutting challenges, like increasing growth while reducing long-term debt? A lot of people will look at Biden’s performance and see a style of politics that makes complex trade-offs impossible. The people who think this way swing general elections.”
mr. glass
you missed one in your list of media villains in the latest podcast. along with david frum, david (fucking) brooks, david gregory, and tom brokaw you should have mentioned tom (fucking) friedman. you don't have just three davids you also have two toms. a poker player would call that a full house from hell.
mr. glass
i seem to be 'livecommenting' your latest podcast.
about the people calling for revolution. i often see no other alternative myself, unrepentant old hippie that i am, but aside from the cogent points you brought up, when it gets down to it and i want to call for revolution, i look down at my hand and there isn't a gun in it. nuff said.
maybe the season is skewing my perceptions, but ms. gal's laugh on the latest podcast had a certain margaret hamilton flavor.
Your Biden chart matches my range of emotional expression when it comes to American politics.
Clem: I'll get you, my pretty! :D
"... and your little blog, too!"
I just read Think Progress' list of the zombie-eyed granny-starver's "24 Myths in 40 Minutes":
It beats me why Igor Volsky didn't call the lies "lies", but after the reading, I have to opine that I would not have considered it unwarranted for Uncle Joe to have otically penetrated the ZEGS right there on the stage.
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