Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Decade of Service!

Skippy turns 10.

Really.  No kidding.  Skippy the Bush Kangaroo has been blogging for a full decade, consistently and with brio.

In blogging, ten years is geological time.  And to do it as a single-shingle blogger? Without larding the joint up with an an endless stream of 5-word "Rock on" open-thread filler?


Which just goes to show that the word "impossible" obviously does not mean what I think it means.

10 years old.


Soon his voice will be changing, he'll be getting hair in strange places and will discover porn, so before he turns into a surly, foul-mouthed tweenager, hustle on over there and tell him how much you appreciate his home cooking.

(And many thanks to Busted Knuckles for the timely reminder)

1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

I remember hearing that song on the radio when I was a kid! No wonder I grew up into a dfh lefty!

-Doug in Oakland