Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Your Lips Move

But he can't hear what you're saying.

Jokeline haz a sad over Willard Romney's sudden-onset adult political deafness:

Mitt Romney is clearly a candidate terrified by his own mouth. What other explanation for his campaign’s extreme efforts to prevent reporters from asking him questions? I know that there isn’t much public sympathy for journalistic whining–including my own occasional, stupid laments–about the lack of access. But Romney’s staff has clearly taken this to a new level, preventing reporters from even watching the candidate’s mini-town meeting with middle-class voters at one stop. I don’t know how to improve this situation, but I suspect that reporters shouting questions at Romney when he’s trying to shake hands with citizens on a rope-line isn’t helping any.

Someone please tell Mr. Klein to consult the "Time" magazine style book, because I'm pretty sure for the last 30 years the correct term for Republican presidents and presidential aspirants dodging reporter's questions is "Reaganesque".

Note:  Travelling today and tomorrow in search of employment and will be deprived of reliable internet access until I return to hearth and home.


Cris said...

Nothing to fear from stenographers - a very user-friendly occupation. Makes Mitt a witless wonder if our current Geek chorus puts fear of moroni into him.

(love that blogspot requires I prove I'm not a robot before allowing this comment - is there a similar test for presidential candidates?)

Anonymous said...

it's the Mittness Protection Program

El Cid said...

Well, first, that was after Reagan had ascended the throne, wasn't it?

In candidate phase especially, the divas need their time on stage with their conservative hero star.

I would absolutely love it if the Romnoid managed to piss off all the would-be adoring star 'reporters' and people-who-talk-into-TV-cameras.

It would be nice to have that sort of media blowback hit the R's instead of having to hear about how boring Gore or Kerry are.

Fuzzbone said...

Good luck on the job search my brother.

Ralf said...

The solution, not that it would occur to the sycophants in the press, is to walk away and refuse to cover Mitt. And I don't just mean not cover his unavailable 'appearances' like closed town halls.

I mean, give the ultimatum: no access? No earned media.

I know. HahahaHAhaha. Not gonna happen.

Hef said...

First of do I share that photoshop with the worldwide facebookers...second of all...Rmoney must be sheltered from all those gotcha questions like "What's your position concerning the poors (those making less tan $250,000 a year) third and finally of ya gonna look for a job AND produce a vitally important podcast tomorrow? Best of luck my friend.

Phil said...

Nice to know you are a Pink Floyd fan too.

Best of luck, I am serious, to you getting a paying gig worthy of your considerable talents bud.

Anonymous said...

That is a very funny, by which I mean to say, horrifying photo illustration. Good job.

Merdog said...

Just sayin...if when every time you engage with real people, you reveal that you're not a real person, you're Sarah Palin.
That should be a rule.

Anonymous said...

Reagan worshipers are laughable. His suit was as empty as his head.

jim said...

There you go again ...

Obviously, Willard needs to keep a ReaganCopter with boomer exhaust-pipes fueled & running throughout any & all press encounters. Problem solved!