Thursday, May 03, 2012

Stupid Shit Andrew Sullivan Says, Ctd.

"I didn't realize that Erickson was homophobic. Now I do."

-- Andrew Sullivan, 5/3/2012

Swap "The American Conservative Movement" for "Erickson" and you have the perfect koanic summary of Mr. Sullivan's entire career as one of American Conservatism's leading public intellectuals.

Gotta keep this one short because I don't want to miss a single, electric moment of unreconstructed Neocon and Sullivan running-buddy, David "Axis of Evil" Frum, pimping his new book.

On "Liberal" MSNBC.

For the third time.

Because there is a Club, kiddo.

And you are not it.


Anonymous said...

Homophobia is deeply entrenched in Christian fundamentalism. Every homophobe I've dealt with, no matter how agnostic or atheist, will say, "It's in the Bible!". I've actually spoken with people who, within 20 minutes of trashing the history of mis-translation of the Bible, will use it to validate homophobia.I've even had people get angry with me when I point out the same level of bad translation on the parts they cling to.

Sullivan is probably quite loathe to admit that the fundies have such influence in his party. He always seems to desperately want to believe that they are fringe.


Anonymous said...

It's amusing that the same "It's in the Bible!" thumpers on homosexuality will then enjoy an irony-free endless shrimp diner at Red Lobster, followed by a Bucket O' Bacon at Denny's, with their third wife.

They don't read the Bible. They read a cartoon pamphlet version of it that conveniently conserves their prejudices and egos.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous,

Actually, it's not just the thumpers who do that. The people who I was referring to are people who attend church at Christmas and Easter out of tradition, if that, and have honest contempt for anyone using the Bible against them.

I'm sure, though, that there have always been a multitude of Christmas & Easter Christians who just as freely use the Bible to support their racism, sexism, and antisemitism, but take umbrage at someone "beating them with a Bible" to try to get them to give to the poor.


runst said...

But you can't say there's a republican war on women, because Andrew thinks that's shrill. Besides, he's not a woman, so who cares?