(h/t David Frum)
This is who the Party of teabaggers, death panels, "Ground Zero mosque" hysteria, abortion provider assassination, birth certificates nonsense, 2nd amendment remedies, Justice Sundays and Christian purity tests

is preparing to nominate as its 2012 standard-bearer.
The racket you hear beneath your feet is the sound of Abraham Lincoln spinning in his grave fast enough to give local spacetime a double swirly.
And here is a Romney advisor counting on the Etch-A-Sketch effect to get the voters to forget this confession:
(Sorry about the link, don't know how to set it up as a link - goes to Crooks and Liars)
I get the feeling Mitt would be President Lumberg.
He insists we come in to work on Saturday AND Sunday. He'll for sure take our staplers. We'll all have to face the Two Bobs. We'll all have to find a space for ourselves in the basement.
And everybody will end up wanting to set the country on fire.
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