If you had to pick a point along time-line of the modern United States and say "There! Right there is when it should have been clear to anyone with a brain that something deep and spinal has ruptured inside the American Experiment!" the moment when our political and media elites decided to let the Reagan Administration get away with treason would be an excellent candidate.
This bundle of high crimes, cartoon characters and lies to the American people about matters of life and death came to be known as Iran-Contra, and Charlie Pierce does an excellent job of summarizing the whole, sordid Beltway trainwreck of it.
Here's a snip:
The George H.W. Bush administration might never have happened, for all that would have meant to George W. Bush's eventual career. Criminalizing the constitutional crimes that are the inevitable result of the theory of the "unitary executive" might have encouraged the nation to ignore the ravings of an authoritarian lycanthrope like Richard Cheney.
I can remember what happened instead. Washington decided, quite on its own, that "the country" didn't need another "failed presidency," so what is now known as The Village circled the wagons to rescue Reagan from his crimes. There was the customary gathering of Wise Men — The Tower Commission — which buried the true scandal in Beltway off-English and the passive voice. There was a joint congressional investigation that served only to furnish people like Oliver North with legal loopholes that prevented their incarceration. There was poor Lawrence Walsh, the special prosecutor, whom everybody wished would simply go away, but who pressed on, making a case that ultimately forced President Poppy Bush to pardon everyone except Shoeless Joe Jackson on his way out the door in 1992.
In addition to all of its other tragic and melodramatic elements, Iran-Contra came with at least two additiona features that deserve to be underscored.
First, few remember that Iran-Contra led to a suicide attempt by a high ranking government official:
The Iran-Contra Affair came to light in November 1986, and a political scandal ensued. Disheartened, feeling abused by his former colleagues, and in depression over the embarrassment for the President that his actions had contributed to, McFarlane attempted suicide with an overdose of valium on February 9, 1987, saying he had failed his country.
In 1988, he pleaded guilty to four misdemeanor counts of withholding information from Congress as part of the Iran-Contra cover-up. He was sentenced to two years’ probation and a $20,000 fine but was pardoned by President George H.W. Bush on Christmas Eve 1992 along with the other key players in the scandal, during the lame duck period of Bush's presidency.
Second, Iran-Contra is one more metric ton of irrefutable evidence to shove down the gullets of certain Conservative death-bed converts who persist in insisting that the GOP just suddenly and inexplicably lost its mind last Tuesday, but before that everything was Jake.
Iran-Contra made Bush 43 possible. And Ford's pardoning Nixon made Iran-Contra possible. And the Gulf of Tonkin incident made Nixon possible. And the Cold War made the Gulf of Tonkin incident possible.
Yeah, IC led to some seriously bad shit. And it should have led more people than Mark ("On Bended Knee: The Press and the Reagan Presidency") Hertsgaard to observe that our news media were seriously dysfunctional, too. But our problems didn't start there. There was serious rot in the system long before.
I listened/watched to most of the hearings and could not believe what was said. Big Whore Media took a huge leap into mind fuckery that continues to this day. Difference is the lies are bigger. Media biggies who sold the Irak war on lies need to swing with the killers bushes as well. It's well known in certain circles that the offer/honor by of pulling the trip rope on these treasonous bastards will always be on the table by me.
I'm a gentleman so I say Kinda Sleazy Rice get your fat black killer ass up there first!
And what coverage do we get in Big Media these days about this critical turning point in history?
About what I thought.
Certainly there were very high crimes and misdemeanors that went unpunished from I-C, but now that I think of it, probably the biggest was the fact that didn't HW pardon Shoeless Joe....
Especially given the cast of ingrates he did.
Pardon, I mean.
Iran/Contra was the moment that the voting public lost interest. For what ever reason, the voting public did not ever understand that Iran/Contra involved the unconstitutional severing of the relationship between the Executive Branch and Congress. The voters were left sitting on a siding. This had been the goal of Cheney and like thinkers since the Nixon crimes woke up Congress and the public for a few years. There is a direct line from I/C to our current faux democracy, to the fact that the GOP cannot even find a serious Presidential candidate. The GOP insiders already understand that being President is a job for a fucking actor.
Playing connect the dots or drawing the lines might have helped c. Gulf of Tonkin, now it's almost pointless unless you can use some Bugs Bunny ACME Tunnel paint to send a shitload of bullshit into oblivion.
I'd be in favor of retro-actively persecuting ratfuckers like Ollie to the full extent of Klingon law. It's long overdue Frog-marching season for usurpers and treasonous bastards.
I would consider it societal triage to give `em a fair trial before their public hangings. That's MY jobs program!
Wonder what the Quisling toadies would make of that? There's sure to be a run on brown pants. DFB would probably turn albino pleading for "reasonableness".
The new motto should be: "Life's too short to deal with assholes!"
You wanna see a return to civility?
Line the roads to D.C. with pilloried lobbyists.
Wanna see industrious, productive, happy American workers?
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