Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kristol Blue Persuasion

The World's Best Blogger is mad, dammit!

Bill Kristol's Mindset

Every now and again, the mask slips and we see what the neocon scion really cares about. Fiscal responsibility? Debt reduction? This was a man who barely mentioned the debt or spending under the fiscally ruinous Bush-Cheney years, and mocked those who did. And the reason is simple: this is a writer concerned solely about partisanship and power...

They can't even bother to disguise their rank cynicism and partisan tribalism any more. Their core objective in this Congress: what Mitch McConnell said.

Translation: How much nicer everything was back when Kristol would at least put on a wig and some Sinatra before I gave him his Brotherhood of St. Reagan reacharounds.

1 comment:

mahakal said...

Come on. Everyone who reads driftglass knows that driftglass is the world's best blogger.