
Film at 11:00
Here is the concluding paragraph from this article in the
Oh boy!
The Rapture aside, America's evangelical Christians deserve a little respect
... Across the United States, atheists are gathering at Rapture parties to celebrate another day of life on this corrupted Earth. Their joy as Camping’s error is plain mean. While they knock back cheap imported beer and make-out in hot-tubs, thousands of evangelicals will be providing care and love to prisoners, homeless people, drug addicts and the poor. It is a noble calling worthy of a little tolerance.
Points off for not shoehorning "the nattering nabobs of negativism" and "the decadent Left in its enclaves on the coasts" into this hot-tubbing-atheists-versus-"sweet little old lady"-evangelicals hit piece, but really that's just a quibble.
In the great tradition of Conservative Propagandizing Assholery, the author breezes right on past literally millions of pages of contrary evidence on every relevant subject -- from the roots of America's absurd lock-'em-up mentality (racism + ridiculous Conservative faith-based anti-drug laws), to brain chemistry research, to mountains of studies of the kinds of programs that actually work to reduce criminal recidivism -- in order to achieve his political ends: clubbing the Imaginary Depraved Godless Hordes into submission with Prayerful Octogenarians.
Congratulations Timmy -- a bright, New York Times Op-Ed-columnist-for-life future awaits you.
* Thanks for the catch, Dominic.
Born on third base, thinks he hit a triple.
Not all evangelicals are assholes, and some of their groups do good work.
The problem is when they mix with the Republican base.
As I have ranted many times before, fundamentalist faith-based thought has become the default for the Tea-Liberto-Publican base. The Faith is all powerful, will ward off evil, and cause God / The Job Creators to shower you with blessings, a job, and health care. It must be protected, and so you can never, ever listen to anyone else, lest your faith be compromised, and the Invisible Hand of Market God will not let you win the lottery. If you cling blindly to your faith, you are a good person, with the blessing of the church, the blessing of the body politic, and the blessing of your fellow masses.
But, yes, I do agree with you on the created myth that only Christians are good people. Many fundamentalists believe that the Bible was the first religious text. Texts of other religions are simply re-workings of the Bible, attempting to replace salvation through Jesus with salvation through their own false gods that don't require all the "hard stuff" that Christians have to do. (I have no idea what all that "hard stuff is. Most fundamentalists I've known who actually believe that specific crap are small minded, self centered fuckwits who enjoy sniping at other people and playing the Damnation Game to make themselves feel good.) So, by that line of thought, since the Bible was first, Christians essentially invented religion, the awareness of God, and a codified sense of ethics. Since other religions are just trying to get into heaven without appeasing Jesus, then only Christians are trying to be good people. And so, yes, by their own (fairly recently created) mythology, only Christians are good people, and everyone else is of a lesser ethical substance then they.
The festering parasitic hordes know where the easiest pickings are. Had he been born in less fortunate circumstances or was perhaps more industrious, he would be sending out emails to old people telling them a Prince of Eastern Enemaland has died and left them 13 million dollars. Send a blank check and bank account numbers to receive it. His still being on earth after the 21st pretty much establishes that God did not deem him worth taking. Love your writing and shall contribute if I ever find work again.
Sorry driftglass, but the link leads to the Telegraph newspaper not the Guardian. And the reason he's in that one is the Telegraph's nickname is the Torygraph.
Agree with you in regards to him, but the Guardian is pretty much the only broadsheet that's even somewhat liberal or leftwing.
Not to quibble with Gruaud, but Timmy strikes me as the sort was born on third and thinks he hit an inside the park homer, but is stuck on second base because of "socialism" which he define as any non-military or police agency or program employing more than two people. Not that one should judge a book by the cover and all, but just look at that smarmy fucker for two seconds and you smell the young fogey entitlement stench of a Thatcherite
THIS is Megan ArgleBarle's Soul Mate!
"While they knock back cheap imported beer and make-out in hot-tubs,..."
The bitter whinings of yet one more smug little shit not invited to the cool kids parties. The same disease that infects those of Roves ilk. "I'll get even with them all some day" goes the interior dialogue of the shunned. Some body needs to inform these a-holes that It's not our fault.
Cheap imported beer? WTF? Also, he doesn't know when to use the hyphen. Otherwise, he's E.B white.
While the atheists were partying, the true believers were cutting their kids' throats with boxcutters, committing suicide, and giving away all their money to the fanatical cult leader. Of course, partying is objectively worse than attempted murder...
I'll figure it's atheists' responsibility (rather than Christians') to minister to prisoners when atheists stop being so underrepresented in prison populations (and Christians stop being so overrepresented).
This twit, a fucking "resident scholar of American history", claims that religious tolerance in America was formed by the Puritans; you know, the people who executed Quakers for belonging to the wrong religion.
I don't need to mention Salem, do I?
As a card-carrying left-coast liberal, I can tell you with all candor that the last time I was asked to make-out in a hot-tub was by Terry Dolan, founder of NCPAC sometime in the early '80s. And yes, he had cheap imported beer.
thousands of evangelicals will be sneering and condemning to damnation prisoners, homeless people, drug addicts and the poor. It is a noble calling worthy of a little tolerance.
Fixed it for you.
Proof that no shirt is too young to be stuffed.
Anything wrong with the lad could be cured with a few wallops from a cricket bat. Repeat as necessary.
@Anonymous--"Not all evangelicals are assholes, and some of their groups do good work."
The problem is when they mix with the Republican base."
And what pray tell, are those "good works??" Those so called good works are usually about controlling other people's lives. And if they care so much about doing good, why are they mixing it up with Satan's lapdogs--(otherwise known as the Repug party)
And, for the record, this atheist does not own a hot tub, and I prefer champagne over beer bubbles every time. And what kind of tie is he wearing for cryin' out loud??!
I saw the picture and thought, "Tory douchebag." Sometimes looks are everything.
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