Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Tiny Purple Fishes

Run laughing through your fingers.

Da Mare's concluded his final meeting of the Court of Versailles City Council Meeting thus:

“It’s never been a rubber stamp,” Daley said of the council, shortly after aldermen spent an hour and a half praising him and his leadership.

Afterward, the aldermen all went into the back room and presented Hizzoner with a banner the size of Meigs Field Northerly Island in which they had spelled out "We Love You Mare Daley" in their own blood.

Da Mare was reportedly so moved he took them all out for snow cones and regaled them with

tales of Brave Ulysses.

1 comment:

Habitat Vic said...

Nice music selection Drifty, especially for the old farts in your blog audience.

That guitarist in that clip seemed to have some talent. I think his name was Rick Clayton - if memory serves me right - though I don't know that he ever amounted to much. Saw him once in the 80s at some South Side dive, where he came up to play a few songs with a generic Blues guitarist named "Friendly Guy." Oh well.