Saturday, April 02, 2011

Fundraiser Day #3

Shattered like a Glass Reagan.

This ten-gallon jug of dollar-store, popskull Teabagger Lethe is actually a perfect externalized representation of how Conservatives have trained their memories to function:

  1. Invent a completely fictional Reagan. A Cartoon Reagan who never raised taxes, never blew up the deficit, never grew government, never traded weapons to terrorists for hostages, never funded an illegal war with the profits of the sales of weapons to terrorists, never presided over a massive financial collapse caused by radical deregulatory policies, never...never ...never ...never

  2. Get all droolly and tumescent and idolatrous over your Cartoon Reagan. Pour into his empty, CGI-ed suit every dram of white entitlement fury and every maudlin ounce of knee-walking-nostalgia-blitzed longing for a Better America that their own, awful ideology has crippled almost beyond recognition.

  3. Entomb any remaining memories of the last 30 years of catastrophic Conservative failures beneath a vast, lobotomizing sarcophagus so they can get on with the business of pretending none of it ever happened.

  4. Invent a completely fictional Obama and offload onto the backs of the sinister Imaginary Liberals and their Scary Cartoon Negro Leader all of their rage and racism and ferociously intractable ignorance about what has really gone wrong with America, and who is really to blame for it.

  5. Stick Cartoon Reagan and Cartoon Obama in a boxing ring so the Right can watch their Great White Trope kick the Swarthy Kenyan Usurper's Commie ass while they jerk off to "America, Fuck Yeah!"

Reagan was the opening coda of a long, wretched orgy of pure, barbaric, fuck-it-all that has roared along on adrenaline and borrowed money for more than 30 years now.

Reagan was the first mountain of coke the Right piled onto the national coffee table; the first, chilly bottles of champagne bought with stolen credit cards being popped. Reagan was the promise that the peak moment of frenzied, stomping, tribal, rage-drunk Wingnut Worldfuck -- the moment when everything was beautiful, and everyone was gonna get laid -- could be made to last forever and ever if they all just clap-clap-clapped loud enough, hated hard enough, and all agreed to never under any circumstances look back at the ruin they were leaving in their wake.

As I wrote three years ago: the Conservative Crack House of Many Doors, Ronald Reagan was that first cocktail. The first line of coke. The first needle. The first "Holy Mother of God!” WOWGASM that shotguns right through the blood/brain barrier, reformats your entire ethical hard drive, and scrimshaws a brand new Prime Directive on the inside of your skull.

Listen to any aging wingnut sighing and jerking sadly off to a tattered photo of Saint Ronnie -- despite the fact that the catastrophes we are now reaping were sown by his ruinous ideology -- and you can hear every addict who ever lived pining for that first Perfect High. The one they spend the rest of their days chasing, regardless of the size of the debts they run up or the ruined lives they leave in their wake.

Clinton? Objectively, Clinton qualifies as the greatest Center/Right President in history, and with balanced budgets, GATT, welfare reform, NAFTA, DOMA, record surpluses, foreign and domestic terrorists brought to book, and an actual military victory, he arguably delivered to the wingnuts more of everything they ever said they wanted than anyone else.

And they hated him for it.


Because Clinton was mere addiction maintenance delivered in measured doses under adult supervision: all policy-wonk that wasn’t cut with that industrial-waste-grade bigoted, psychotic bloodlust that gives Conservatism its wild, freebasing edge. Clinton was methadone, and for the hardcore lifestyle junkie, that shit is for babies.

And Dubya? Dubya was meth with a ketamine chaser delivered hammer-and-anvil directly to the lizard brain.

Dubya was 40 million Pig People tired of the hard, fussy job of being a tolerant, powerful democracy finally once-and-for-all blowing America’s family inheritance on an eight-year, blood-drunk bender.

Dubya was the United States crawling through dumpsters at our national soul’s midnight, killing anything that moves, licking out the contents of random baggies, hoping the little white flakes clinging to the plastic is crank and not rat poison.

Reagan -- that perfect, luminous Cartoon Reagan of their Limbaugh-addled minds -- is the greatest high the Right ever had: the one they have been chasing down the rathole of Conservatism ever since. He represents a genuine, revolutionary moment in American history: the moment when the Base came to believe --really, viscerally believe -- that they were now the Masters of All Things. When their eyes began to sparkle with a special, crazy light of certainty that they had finally found the Christian Warrior who would sweep aside the whiny, nagging, shabby carpenter-God of caution and consequence and compassion for the least of these...and place on that righteous throne a New, Muscular, Almighty Yahweh of unlimited consumption, White American Privilege, and kicking the motherfucking shit of anyone who said otherwise.

Fuck solar power.

Fuck turning the fucking thermometer down.

Fuck fuel efficiency.

Fuck sweaters.

And while we're at it, fuck pushy women and uppity Negroes too!

Those things and all the others were for fags and tree-huggers and the French, and we were Americans God Damn It. And as Americans, Reagan told us that we had a divine right to an unlimited supply of everything we ever wanted.



Reagan promised the Right that those scary rules about of cause and effect and action and consequences they always been taught were primal and immutable were really just fictions invented by smarty-pants Nanny-state Liberals. That their souls were troubled and lives were being slowly pulverized not because they were being slow-roasted by Ronnie's corporate friends and backers, but because Imaginary Lefty Elites had been holding them back all these years.

And salvation was at hand! All they had to do was stop fearing Hunter Thompson's assay of the dark side of the American character --
...a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.
-- and instead wallow in it. Fling themselves into its arms like the embrace of the wildest, kinkiest lover they had ever dreamed of.


Reagan was the first, few vivid hours of the binge that is now shuddering to its squalid ending like something that crawled off the last page of Harlan Ellison's "Shattered Like a Glass Goblin" (which this gentleman was kind enough to transcribe):

When they cut off the electricity in The Hill, it didn’t bother Rudy, because he preferred the dark. But he went to tell the eleven.

He could not find them.

They were all gone. Even Kris, who should have been there somewhere.

He heard the moist sounds from the basement and went down with fur and silence into the darkness. The basement had been flooded. One of the eleven was there. His name was Teddy. He was attached to the slime-coated upper wall of the basement, hanging close to the stone, pulsing softly and giving off a thin purple light, purple as a bruise. He dropped a rubbery arm into the water, and let it hang there, moving idly with the tideless tide. Then something came near it, and he made a sharp movement, and brought the thing up still writhing in his rubbery grip, and inched it along the wall to a dark, moist spot on his upper surface, near the veins that covered its length, and pushed the thing at the dark-blood spot, where it shrieked with a terrible sound, and went in and there was a sucking noise, then a swallowing sound.

Rudy went back upstairs. On the first floor he found the one who was the blonde girl, whose name was Adrianne. She lay out thin and white as a tablecloth on the dining room table as three of the others he had not seen in a very long while put their teeth into her, and through their hollow sharp teeth they drank up the yellow fluid from the bloated pus-pockets that had been her breasts and her buttocks. Their faces were very white and their eyes were like soot-smudges.

Climbing to the second floor, Rudy was almost knocked down by the passage of something that had been Victor, flying on heavily ribbed leather wings. It carried a cat in its jaws.

He saw the thing on the stairs that sounded as though it was counting heavy gold pieces. It was not counting heavy gold pieces. Rudy could not look at it; it made him feel sick.

Rudy found Kris in the attic, in a corner breaking the skull and sucking out the moist brains of a thing that giggled like a harpsichord.

“Kris, we have to go away,” he told her. She reached out and touched him, snapping her long, pointed, dirty fingernails against him. He rang like crystal.

In the rafters of the attic Jonah crouched, gargoyled and sleeping. There was a green stain on his jaws, and something stringy in his claws.

“Kris, please,” he said urgently.

His head buzzed.

His ears itched.

Kris sucked out the last of the mellow good things in the skull of the silent little creature, and scraped idly at the flaccid body with hairy hands. She settled back on her haunches, and her long, hairy muzzle came up.

Rudy scuttled away.

He ran loping, his knuckles brushing the attic floor as he scampered for safety. Behind him, Kris was growling. He got down to the second floor and then to the first, and tried to climb on the Morris chair to the mantel, so he could see himself in the mirror, by the light of the moon, through the fly-blown window. But Naomi was on the window, lapping up the flies with her tongue.

He climbed with desperation, wanting to see himself. And when he stood before the mirror, he saw that he was transparent, that there was nothing inside him, that his ears had grown pointed and had hair on their tips; his eyes were as huge as a tarsier’s and the reflected light hurt him.

Then he heard the growling behind and below him.

The little glass goblin turned, and the werewolf rose up on its hind legs and touched him till he rang like fine crystal.

And the werewolf said with very little concern, “Have you ever grooved heavy behind anything except love?”

“Please!” the little glass goblin begged, just as the great hairy paw slapped him into a million coruscating rainbow fragments all expanding consciously into the tight little enclosed universe that was The Hill, all buzzing highly contacted and tingling off into a darkness that began to seep out through the silent wooden walls.

In manic pursuit of that first, ecstatic, Reagan Rush, the Right has at long last lost everything.

Including its mind.


Anonymous said...

Wonderfully, scarily, amazing.

Anonymous said...

Drifty...I always enjoy reading your posts but, brother, sometimes you really do scale some awesome peaks using only the most amazingly well crafted sentences.
The view from up there is truly awesome and frightening - the air is cleaner and the truth is almost too pure to contemplate...and each toehold, each word driven into the rock face like a vicious piton, was perfect and necessary - the only way up.

"PAY THE FUCKING WRITER!" ~ Harlan Ellison

SinNC said...

Absolutely elegant.

You are, however, assuming that the Republicans had a mind to lose. I think they mostly operate on the primitive brain level. The corporate handlers have fine-tuned their dog whistles so they can have the Righties attack whenever they choose. If one enjoyed this variety of insanity, it might be admirable.

Hef said...

I hope you stay on a perpetual fund raiser. Your writing has intensified a notch or two since this thing started. That was downright disturbing.

TJWombat said...

God, I needed to read that! What I love about you're blog and indeed the PL podcast is your unwillingness to hold back and play nice- something too, too many lefties refuse to do lest it make them seem unhinged and angry. But as we all know, what's left of the Republican base and the faux conservative movement are mere thin-skinned, brittle creatures, ( like the ones in Ellison's "Glass Goblin"), hanging on to what's left of the Great White Way and screeching with all the bravura of a caged animal who knows it is outnumbered. But once they are confronted we all know they collapse in a heap. So turn up the volume to 11.

Anonymous said...

You did real good there. Super good in fact. That was delicious.

Thank you.

Kyle Curtis said...

Well, it appears that the Wall Street Journal's Stephen Moore is a talking head on that "I Want Your Money" piece of shit movie whose trailer you have posted. Rule of thumb: whatever Moore is associated with is automatically considered pure horsecrap and a tremendous waste of your time. I mean, its not as if the title and the ridiculous animation starting it off wasn't clear enough, but seeing Stephen's smug face should erase any remaining doubts. Stephen is a fucking idiotic moron- which explains why he is on the "Board of Scholars" for ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council whose sole purpose is to draft cookie-cutter conservative legislation at the national level to pass by conservatives at the state level. (More on ALEC:

Good job drift! If I had money to donate, I would! All I can do is share this on Twitter, Facebook, listservs and anything else I possibly can...!

Capt. Bat Guano said...

All of the above, and more. If those of which you write about ever scratched the walls of That fucking "Shining City On A Hill" they would find thick walls of fetid turds which the right has feverishly been polishing since they came to be. I only wish I could have sent you more scratch than I did.

double nickel said...

What everyone else said +1. Bravo.

Blix said...

Got 25 clams comin at ya. Drifty, this was choice writing, and I'm going to link your article in my Facebook page so some other people can read it.

Cirze said...

All this new money's changing you Dg.

You're getting even more powerful (and compelling).

As if that could possibly happen.

Love ya,


Clinton was mere addiction maintenance delivered in measured doses under adult supervision: all policy-wonk that wasn’t cut with that industrial-waste-grade bigoted, psychotic bloodlust that gives Conservatism its wild, freebasing edge.

Cirze said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rev.Paperboy said...

wow, that film is bound to be seen by tens of people.

Great work as always Drift, keep driving that wooden stake into Reagan's vampiric heart.