They know who the real enemies are.
A local member of the Breitbart Collective spells it out:
The left is filled with vitriol and hate. The American left despises anyone that disagrees with them. The American left hates the Constitution because it stands in its way to remake America in its own image. The American left practices the politics of personal destruction. The American left has called for rioting, murder, and has commonly created images depicting the gruesome deaths of those on the right. The American left has engaged in riots, property destruction, assault, and criminal activity all in an effort to force their political opinions on the rest of us.
This can be said without the slightest fear of contradiction.
Also, for those of you keeping score at home, ACORN was the greatest threat to democracy since the fall of Athens, unions are thugs armies who are to blame for your every ache and pain, global climate change is a sinister Socialist hoax, and the New Black Panther Party is right outside your door!
Blah. Blah. Blah. Rattled off with the same, dull, mindless, monotonously-Orwellian predictability with which all such talking points are puked into the noosphere.
24 hours a day.
Every day.
Year after year after year, with a malignant energy that is hurling the Party of God ever further into darkness.
These are damaged, demented Americans with skulls packed so hopelessly full of shit that they can no longer contain or perceive anything else. Who have gone so "all in" on their own, paranoid, rage-addled lies that there is no going back. Whose eyes shine with the light from the bonfire they have made burning their last bridges back to decency.
And their ceaseless, crackpot clattering is the price we pay for our First Amendment.
Which is a deal I will take any day of the week.
"Psychological projection ... is a psychological defense mechanism where a person unconsciously denies their own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, such as to the weather, or to other people. Thus, it involves imagining or projecting that others have those feelings.[1]"
" ...(P)projection is a psychological defense mechanism whereby one "projects" one's own undesirable thoughts, motivations, desires, and feelings onto someone else."
John Puma
The only mirrors in Opposite World are the carnival kind.
Somebody's got to pick you up soon, Dg. You are just toooo fine every time you pick up a pen (or type a key?).
Congrats on the latest news!
How can the right survive under such withering fire?
the bonfire they have made burning their last bridges back to decency
Dude, just when I thought you could not top your previous best, you do exactly that.
You got your game on.
"Pretty Please" for the collected columns?
puked into the noosphere.
And in those shining eyes, alight by the raging bonfire, one can see the reflection of the evil one, known only as The Teleprompter. Hark, ye loyal followers, the signs are upon thee, and everything like that also too.
Rehctaw, You just echoed a thought that occured to me recently. My thought was that if you prop something ugly up in front of a funhouse mirror, it's a save bet that it ain't gonna get any prettier.
Drifty, as soon as I get a job, I'm going to donate. I promise.
Also, kudos on the interview. It's only a matter of time until... the silent, black helicopters are after you :D
Who does our Government fear the most, Wingers with their manly arsenals, Liberals with our -uh- "facts" and our mean photoshops, or ....
.... Wikileaks?
On a whim I left a comment via the "spells it out" link suggesting that whose rhetoric can get more frighteningly colorful may be less important than who fills nearly all the bodybags in its wake.
They fear peace the way the sane fear war.
The last time I saw projection like that, it involved Linda Blair's spinning head and copious spews of pea soup.
This can be said without the slightest fear of contradiction.
Or the tiniest bit of actual cognition. The Right really has attained the long-sought terminal bliss of doubleplusgood duckspeak:
Ultimately it was hoped to make articulate speech issue from the larynx without involving the higher brain centres at all. This aim was frankly admitted in the Newspeak word duckspeak […]
Orwell - 1984
"This can be said without the slightest fear of contradiction."
Because he's assigning "the left" to a group of a hundred million people, then asserting attributes held by anyone at all in the group.
The statement is void of content.
The question is not "how can people with opposing views overcome their differences civilly and find common ground for the good of society?" It is "how can a society sustain itself when 30% of the population are irremediably rendered unable to reason and mobilized to resist with hate and violence all that is civilizing or humane?" I don't have the answer. Anyone else?
Repug have been heavily propagandizing their Base since the 80's, working hard to convince them that Democrats/Liberals are enraged, violent and insane, that We are actively working to destroy our country. Everything a Dem/Liberal tries to do or advocates doing is instantly labeled by Repugs "evil", twisted out of recognition and used to further convince their base of the underlying "dangerous" premise.
And if you really do believe that a person or group is bone-evil, plotting and working towards you-and-your-children's destruction, then obviously the best defense is to destroy them first. What Brainfart wrote is exactly what the Repugs-Fox-Conservative leaders have been saying for a long time, in hopes of gaining power from the fools who believe them.
It actually speaks well for Americans that so few people really believe this crap, and even fewer act upon it. Considering the Billions of dollars, the millions of hours, the "Think Tanks", the incredibly highly paid assholes like Beck & sLimebag constantly pushing pushing pushing this madness, it is surprising that things aren't a lot worse than they are.
And I think a well-thought out response, a "leftie propaganda" TV station and such, particularly if we stayed honest, could and would counteract the effects of Repug propaganda on most people. The hate-filled crazies are in the minority, and would skulk back to their shadows, muttering; marginalized as they should be instead of pandered to by evil-doers. Such a station would need to do more than just "tell the facts" though, it would have to be as professional and clever as our current corporate-owned-propaganda (News) stations.
The right is filled with vitriol and hate. The American right despises anyone that disagrees with them. The American right hates the Constitution because it stands in its way to remake America in its own image. The American right practices the politics of personal destruction. The American right has called for rioting, murder, and has commonly created images depicting the gruesome deaths of those on the right. The American right has engaged in riots, property destruction, assault, and criminal activity all in an effort to force their political opinions on the rest of us.
Apparently, the Breitbart Collective is conveniently ignoring this video. It also bears pointing out that if you ever saw a gang of out-of-control liberals (which you wouldn't) engaging in such utterly foul sore-loserism, the SCLM would make fucking sure the video-footage showing it were seared into the national consciousness.
Hey folks, time to vote for the Best Blogger. I'm votin' for DG, at:
Gotta' vote by 01/16/2011
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