"Remember, when Conservative Corporate Spokesmodels tell you 'It's not about the money', hide your wallet" Edition.
America's very own Monty Burns was back at the Mouse Circus Sunday, not only upping the ante on the bullshit he trotted out last week by suggesting that the problem in American politics is that we actually have too little money sloshing around in it

but also to state flatly that the "marginal utility of the last political dollar" is wildly overrated. And so, when "when failing political movements -- like the Democrats" -- want to talk about "process", no one cares.
Well first, George Will's assertion that advertising/propaganda doesn't work is going to come as a huge surprise to, well, every single corporation in American history. Every single not-for-profit. Every single disease, handicap and addiction group. MADD. The US Army. Firework safety advocates. 1-900 sex lines. Museums. All the houses on my block that are up for sale. The Marshall Plan. NASA. Leni Riefenstahl. The guy selling bootleg DVDs out of his trunk. Fox News. The builders of the pyramids. Rock and roll. The creators of the cave paintings at Lascaux. Reddy Kilowatt. And basically every sentient creature who has ever walked the Earth.
Second, why does the exact phrase -- ""marginal utility of the last political dollar" -- sound so familiar?
Oh yeah, because America's own Waylon Smithers

was telling exactly same lie using exactly the same words last week in the New York Times:
"Every federal candidate in a close race has plenty of money and the marginal utility of each new dollar is zero."thus demonstrating once again that the only thing wrong with the sentence "Jesus, it's as if everyone on the Right it a fucking automaton reading from the same fucking script" are the words "as if".
Bobo was back again this week, re-re-re-iterating that same lie on "Meet the Press". You know, for some reason I can't quite put my finger on, the mouthpieces for our plutocrat overlords seem to really, really -- for the Love of God! -- want us to Stop Paying Attention to Corporate Money.
Bobo was flanked by Rick Santelli who (if you are unfamiliar) is a CNBC Wall Street douchebag who never had a problem with bailouts as long as they were raining on his garden, but the minute it looked like some working class people might get also some gummint protection from have their mortgages sawed off with a butter knife by skeevy banks, he went ape-shit on camera.
He knows nothing and has no standing other than screaming on teevee, but he is Marginally Famous For Something Other Than Being In Rehab and/or Showing His Hoo-Ha In Public, which is apparently all that is now required to be invited into "Meet The Press". And so, because every bullshit creation myth has to have its Quaker Instant Vishnus and Brahmas, meatcicles like Gregory fawn over this "Father of the Tea Party" as if he were Yoda, or the Master Control Program, or Pepe LePew.
Honestly, I knew it was going to be a weird day when two of the things with which I most agreed came from Andrew Sullivan and FoxPAC’s Chris Wallace.
On the subject of disgraced Fox News Contributor Juan Williams, Wallace spent a few minutes soliloquizing about how NPR still employs Cokie Roberts as an analyst even though the NBC/”This Week” version of Cokie Roberts is basically a yappy, opinion-spewing Muppet.
Wallace then bolting a question mark to the end of his indictment in order to make it sound an inquiry-ish.
Now those Cokie-ologists out their know that Herself usually covers herself in shame by going on “This Week…” and either whining about Democrats, or blatting about Both Sides Being Wrong About [Fill in any subject in the world here], or faulting Candidate Obama for once vacationing in Hawaii where his ailing grandmother lived
instead of someplace normal and American.
However Wallace eschewed the many millions of examples of Cokie’s inconveniently Rightward-bending opining and instead focused exclusively on the one time she unloaded on Wallace’s fellow Fox News pornographer -- Glenn Beck -- for being a hateful lunatic. Because, in Rupert Murdoch’s Land of Miracles and Wonders, saying false things about Muslims and saying true things about Glenn Beck are both equally despicable.
However, I do agree that Cokie Roberts is basically a yappy, bullshit-spewing Villager Muppet who should have been sacked a decade ago, so there you are.
On the other hand, my agreement with Andrew Sullivan is not backhanded. However much I may grind on Andrew on other occasions, he deserves full marks for going on "The Chris Matthews Show" and, in response to a question about Juan Williams, political correctness and “the media”, state clearly and unambiguously that you cannot paint the media with a single brush. That, broadly speaking, there is “the media”, which has many faces...and there is Fox News, which is nothing but the corrupt propaganda wing of the Republican Party.
A self-evident truth to anyone with a functional cerebral cortex, but one that is virtually never permitted to be stated out loud on teevee.
Strange days indeed.
As to the rest, I am sorely tempted to just rebroadcast this with underscores....
Once again the temporal ministers and agents of the Most Infernal
(Chris Wallace)
Were again free to stalk our nation's airwaves virtually unmolested.
(David Gregory)
Once again they smiled and licked their hungry lip and hoped that foolish humans would stay mesmerized by their accursed words
(Harold Ford Jr.)
Long enough for them to feed and feed and feed.
(Ed Gillespie)
Once again, the Slayer stuck 'em in the chest with sharpened chair legs.
(Rachel Maddow)
But once again, it doesn't seem to make much of a dent --
Harold Ford still boldly stated that, even if Democrats win, "we" will have to be much more willing to suck Republican dick. Much more willing to admit how wrong we were, and how we want to give wingnuts everything they want, 'cause we're sooooo sorry. (Whatever the issue, former Democratic Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. always councils Democrat preemptively surrendering, which is why Harold will always be rich and always have a seat in front of the camera.)
And no one is going to fire David Brooks for saying that money doesn't matter, and nobody fucking cares about it anyway.
When Ed Gillespie or Michael Steel blather on and on about how they don't need to tell nobody nuttin' about no secret hundreds of millions of dollars flowing into Republican coffers from God knows where because "it the Law of the Land" it is only Rachel Maddow who seems to notice or care that it only remains the Law of the Land because Republican pig-fuckers blocked changes to that law in the Senate.
David Gregory: Lalalalala. Hey, lets talk about Juan Williams!
David Gregory: Isn't the fact that Teabagger Favorite Christine O'Donnell is an idiot hurting your Super Duper Movement?
Rick Santelli: Who am I to say? Lots of people don't know a lot of "constitution" stuff. And she is "more normal and less elite" than most people.
At this point, Rachel Maddow jumped in to call out the demonstrable insanity of Sharonn Angle on issue after issue. And because he is such a fucking hero, Harold Ford then immediately jumped in to drag the conversation to Hell away from the terrifying realities the Teabaggers have wrought.
Once again, nice job job today, Rachel.
How I wish it were enough.
On a related note, if you are going to the other, big 10.30.10 Event, this site offers a nifty way to arrange transportation: Ride to Rally
He knows nothing and has no standing other than screaming on teevee, but he is Marginally Famous For Something Other Than Being In Rehab and/or Showing His Hoo-Ha In Public, which is apparently all that is now required to be invited into "Meet The Press"
I love this blog.
apropos of nothing, a song about rahm emanuel i happened across.
As usual, when I saw that Rachael was going to be on MTP, I tuned in and made a valiant attempt to make it through to her segment.
As usual, I was reduced to cursing and crushing the button on my remote within the first 6? minutes...seconds?
A salute to your even tempered constitution, and your ability to wade though a room full of crap to find that pony ...again.
There should also be some kind of award for you making it through any episode of Faux sunday morning (or any time) fare as well.
The teeth grinding alone would reduce me to a liquid diet in one morning.
The amount of time it took me to change channels when Mr. Steele crawled out of his cave for some appearance was more akin to a kind of Hitchcock time sequence slow down, as my living room transformed in to a 200 foot hallway with me running in slow motion toward the teevee...
...and as for Mr. Will, my slapping hand still shakes in unrequited anticipation.
You da man....
Smithers, who is that bespectacled fop blathering on about "the base ball" and the evils of "FDR" and the "nanny" state and how mega tonage of corporate money is a "free speech" issue and....oh wait...it's meeeee!!
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