Friday, July 02, 2010

Friday Podcast


"Outside of a dog, a Driftglass/Blue Gal Podcast is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."

-- Something I'm pretty sure Groucho Marx
would probably say
if he weren't
the late Groucho Marx.


Ebon Krieg said...

Bam! You nailed it. Information corruption and campaign finance reform are the "crux of the biscuit." Thank you for the very informative podcast.

Habitat Vic said...

Believe it or not, even when I was a Republican (yes, I feel guilty about that) in the 80s I thought we needed campaign finance reform. Even with today's media outlays, the total election spending for all Congress plus presidential was $5B in 2008. Anticipate $4B for midterm congressional. Hell, add another billon or so to give qualifying (say 5% of vote) 3rd parties some funding/traction, and you're still looking at an average cost of less than $3B per budget year. That's less than 1/10th of 1% of government expenditures.

And media? The founding fathers new the value of a free press and its necessity to maintain a functioning democracy. BTW, they also worried about the undue inflence of too-large banks, but that's another topic.

Public campaign financing (paid-in-full, not "reform") and breaking up media consolidation (plus maybe reinstating a Fairness Doctrine or equivalent) are THE vital issues.

All the related crap, even Wall Street's dominance, need lobbyists and a complaint media to continue destroying the fabric of this country.

Sadly, I think we will need to really implode (a 2nd Great Depression, Repub takeover of government, Palin as president) before enough average voters wake up and change things. If ever.

Christine said...

Hello dg/bg,
Great podcast... I've felt like the 3rd cousin, visiting the alcoholic family for the summer when I've temped. You walk to the break room/cafeteria.... pass desk after desk and people are doing NOTHING! I think to myself, all these assholes have jobs..... what the fuck is wrong with me? Am I too sensible? , too smart.. or even just fucking too normal?? Holy crap!! How about the empty offices, and you're like, who's that?.... and the reply is, "Oh, that's Mary, she's been on disability for the last 4 months, this year!! and 4 months a year for the past couple!! Holy shit.... I need Mary's fucking job!! I never want to work for corporate America again. (and I never heard that George Wallace redeemed himself, but I'm very happy to hear it.)

Demeur said...

I came here from a tip from Tengrain to give my condolences on your job loss. I'd love to help out but you see I'm one of the 99ers. People wonder how I handle this. It's not easy but what else can a body do? I'm hearing there may be some work next week. Just a few months would just make my day.
What really burns me is the republicans who refuse to give even a few crumbs. Their attitude is "I've got mine the hell with you". I just hope everyone will burn this in their minds come election time. Let them blow a wad on TV ads saying how they prevented Democrats from doing anything. Then let's vote them out. I may be out of work and nearly broke but I still have a vote and they're not getting it.

Anonymous said...

Please take this as constructive criticism. I thoroughly enjoy the podcasts but being an ex audio tech I tend to focus on 'audio quality' in addition to absorbing discussion content. Driftglass's mic eq is not set to properly compliment his voice. His natural nasal resonance is higher than most speakers, which is good, but the audio eq should be adjusted -3db @ 1kHz., -6db @ 2.5k, and +2db @ 400Hz. Those settings will help demphasize blocked nasal passages affecting the voice.

Anonymous said...

Excellent point about favortism in the workforce . I was laid off from a job with a very large insurance company , I worked there 3 years. During my time I passed my AIC certification faster than anyone in company history and received the second highest corp award. However in addition to myself they also laid off a lady with 25 years exp who was excellent but too expensive. Who kept their jobs you ask, why the VPs fishing buddies of course two of which never went to college and one who had no job description. yup the VP was playing with other peoples time money and job to playcate his buddies.