...that many of the other girls wouldn't do.--Michele BachmannLaurie Bohner, "A Mighty Wind"
Conservatism is not like porn.
Conservatism is porn.
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Sarah Palin and the Davids (Brooks and Broder)
Driftglass and Blue Gal discuss how Sarah Palin and the GOP are actually engaging in a long tradition of the obscene and profane. Plus David Brooks and David Broder, GOP obscenity apologists.
(Bobo was honest enough to admit that he had “talked to the Republicans” and that they’re not going to give Obama a fucking thing. That there simply is no longer any common ground)
the malignant mythology that is being built by Brooks and Sullivan right before our eyes fulfills those same Villagers's dearest wishes: to find the Perfect Lie; one that allows them to simultaneously smirk and mock and cluck their tongues at the car-wreck that is the Palinite Movement, while conspicuously ignoring the fact that they were the ones who helped cut the brake cables that caused the wreck in the first place.
The Villagers want more than anything else to be innocent.
Mission Accomplished. Unless/until a way is found to objectively evaluate and critique the truths they dare not speak. How they seamlessly transformed a humming, bustling, MARKET economy into a consumer/debtor economy by obliterating the public trust upon which the former was built by propelling the most dishonest rewrite of history in history. That the detour they deliberately and methodically steered into was a narrowing box canyon that assured the outcomes we witness today, as surely as night follows day.
We face tunneling through a perpetual mountain of stupidity because there's no going back.
because of harpies like Bachmann we are marching backwards in history
we've already re-entered The Gilded Age where Robber Barons owned most wealth
It will be interesting to see how they sell the much deeper Depression (coming up soon) as another slight but necessary bend in the road to "democratic" control of the rest of the world, which will benefit U.S. citizens for decades to come. With Obama okaying Medicare cuts already, it looks like the rest of the social safety net will be a part of the price tag - cheap at any price.
It's coming.
Depend on it.
Bachmann will prolly be the chosen spokeswoman for the happy announcement.
Yeah, now that's how I like it, my radio porn. Hammer these mofo's aka conservatives/republicans. This was a much better podcast, no big policy discussions of what liberals propose (go to dailykos for that), just a simple analysis of what the conservatives stand for. These people need to seriously pay for their crimes against the citizens and constitution of USA. They have mainstreamed torture/wire tapping which can be one of the worst thing that can happen to a civilized country like US. They have let the biggest corporations pillage the wealth of the country like Genghis Khan and have openly sided with them. Their writings and lectures (for example "Liberal Fascism") reeks of dishonesty and evil intent on preserving their bastions of hierarchy by rewriting history each time one of their own fucks up big time (look up Reagan, Bush, Nixon et al.). These people infest every rung of media, talk radio, tv, print, and pull the levers of govt by siting in the boardrooms of big corporations. The common folks don't have a chance against them. Just look at the tea baggers, these folks cannot even spell correctly on their banners, but want to turnover the govt to someone like them.
So DG, BG keep up the good work, this was an excellent podcast.
Roshan: "These people infest every rung of media, talk radio, tv, print, and pull the levers of gov't..."
Please, don't forget Education. They are very busy corrupting the next generation in our schools. See here:
Locally, in NW Georgia the school board brought in an already retired Superintendent (religious wingnut from Florida), who then brought in more fellow right wing religious wingnuts from Florida to fill the Principal positions and voila they have taken over the whole education system. Using the resources of said system to promote and inflict their bigotry and Christian fundamentalism on all who can't escape the "public" school system. I'll leave it there only mentioning if any child wanted to hear the President of the United States address the School Children of this country they had to bring a note from home as if it was some x-rated pornography they were being exposed to.
Drifty -
That was another great edition. I don't think I ever made the connection between porn and conservativism before, but it is interesting. There is something about the suspension of all beliefs and reality that strikes a chord there.
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