Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, Edgar

Someone kind soul set one of my favorite EAP poems to Tim Burton's animation.

How cool is that?

Poe died, drunk, on election night, dressed in someone else's clothes, under very bizarre circumstances that no one has ever explained.

I'm sure there's a lesson there.

I wrote a whole story about it once. Science fiction, in the style of Poe, explaining his death. Nice little story that everyone I dragooned into reading it liked quite a lot and that was rejected by every editor I ever sent it to.

I'm sure there's a lesson there too.


res ipsa loquitur said...

Saw the headline, and while the page was loading I wondered, "Rice Burroughs, Cayce, or Allan Poe"?

Anyway, he completed "The Raven" while living on what's now West 84th Street.

Happy Birthday, Edgar.

textygirl said...

Saw this http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/34935288/ns/today-today_books/?GT1=43001

It is my birthday as well. May I have an autographed photo of DG?

Phil said...

Damn, I saw today that for the first time in sixty years, a mystery fan failed to leave a dozen roses on his grave.

Kathy said...

Many doctors now think Poe died not of liquor, but of rabies.

Cirze said...

We know why, dear.

Because they couldn't recognize genius.

Wish I could read it.

Will you publish it sometime?


I'm sure there's a lesson there too.

P.S. I used to visit all the Poe haunts when I lived in Baltimore, and saw the dark figure one dark, stormy night.

Anonymous said...

Sooo....I'd read that story. Post it.