Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nobody Left But The Crazies

File Under Gresham's Corollary: "Bad crazy drives out everybody.".

From MediaMatters:

Kristol: GOP's future "center of gravity" lies with Beck, Limbaugh

October 27, 2009 8:05 am ET by Media Matters staff

From William Kristol's October 27 Washington Post column:
Obviously, many Republicans and conservatives -- and lots of moderates and independents -- will be grateful to Mitch McConnell if he can stop ObamaCare, and to Jon Kyl if he can induce the president to embrace a stronger foreign policy. But it's unlikely that the minority party in Congress will be the source of bold new conservative leadership over the next three years. Even if Republicans pick up the House in 2010, the party's big ideas and themes for the 2012 presidential race will probably not emanate from Capitol Hill.
The center of gravity, I suspect, will instead lie with individuals such as Palin and Huckabee and Gingrich, media personalities like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, and activists at town halls and tea parties. Some will lament this -- but over the past year, as those voices have dominated, conservatism has done pretty well in the body politic, and Republicans have narrowed the gap with Democrats in test ballots.
Kristol began working out years ago what the last, few fusspot remnants of the Old GOP seem to only now be dimly perceiving: that there is absolutely nothing left inside the Party of Lincoln but crazy, and if you want to hang onto those sweet-sweet “Conservative pundit” paydays, you’d better cozy up to the rabid Cheney Regime Dead-Enders most ricky-tick.

Of course this will remain an ongoing, toxic disaster for the country until the cultural backwash that is the Party of God is universally repudiated, stamped with a fluorescent HazMat symbol big enough to be visible from orbit, and buried under a mile of electoral concrete (I have said elsewhere and only half in jest that President Obama's biggest job will turn out to be saving the GOP from itself.)

But as a freelance ontologist (“Will Visualization Information For Food’), I appreciate the 30 years of dedicated effort it took for Hate Radio charlatans, Christopathic multimedia colporteurs, FoxNews harlequins and all of their various elected finger puppets to gather together the nation’s bigots, yahoos and moral imbeciles under one political roof.

So way to go Rush! UR doin’ it rite!


Capt. Bat Guano said...

It looks like Always Wrong may be right for once, but prolly just once.

knowdoubt said...

Sir, The last two paragraph's just too good, I mean it's all good, but they just took my breath away. They must really hate you for that, but then that is what they do best. "Until Your Ears Bleed" OMG, mine are bleeding I just didn't know how to adequately describe it, thanks for the images, I do so relate.

Michael Hart said...

So. When they're all under that one political roof, bagging their tea, as it were, any chance we could get the sterilization ray set to "fry" and remove them from the gene pool once and for all?

Capt. Bat Guano said...

Fire away Michael, fire away....

therealhellkitty said...

If the gravitational center of the
GOP is Rush Limpball (given what
We know of massive objects and
All) he has been able to warp
The Right wing so much he may
Suck them all in like a black hole.

dianedp said...

Never have volunteered for a candidate but I am tomorrow and Monday, for Bill Owens, the Democrat.
It is not until the crazies stick their nose in your own backyard race do you realize how angry you get.
Let the crazies form their own party, it will be easy to organize against them.
This will be a fight for the soul of our country if the crazies take over the country.
And I thought Bush was bad!!!

Anonymous said...

Ears bleed, brains vomit.

Symptoms of intellectual and spiritual constipation spewed 24/7 by the right wing propaganda machine.

Excuse We The People as we visualize duct tape over their mouths.

VJBinCT said...

Kristol should have referred to Beck and Limbaugh as 'luminaries' to make it just right.

driftglass said...


I'd argue that there really is no "mainstream America" anymore. There are the engaged, the interested, the disinterested and the disengaged. The disengaged do not notice anything to do with public policy or politics. The disinterested are bestirred every 2-4 years by the sound of loud political ads, grumble about everybody being a "buncha fucking crooks", dial into whatever is making headlines for a few days, and then go back to sleep.

Batocchio said...

Well, and two of the big voices in the GOP, Limbaugh and Gingrich, are mostly just recycling their old crap from the 90s (which includes myth-making about Saint Ronnie in the 80s). We also have Sarah Palin shilling her patented brand of belligerently ignorant McCarthyism, and Liz Cheney running around, campaigning on torture. Oh, for the good ol' days, when the Republican party stood merely for screwing over the poor and hating minorities, and not torturing people to start unnecessary wars.

(But I take exception to that slur against harlequins! ;-) )