Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Early Glenn Beck Footage Located

(Note: Stop the video after the 1:53 mark, unless you enjoy big slabs of old movies. Note to YouTube: How about getting some "end" embed code to work side-by-side with your "start" code?)

Special Limbaugh/Ledeen Alert.

This is what is referred to by your betters as "satire".

It is not intended to be taken by anyone as actual film
of the actual Glenn Beck
actually plotting to destroy
actual America.

In black and white.

In 2036.

Sadly, we apparently have to explain this sort of thing to the wingnut brain caste now.

Using very small words.

Even though their "talent" is "on loan from God".

1 comment:

bondwooley said...

Excellent. Glenn Beck and the Republicans are insane. Now check out this tutorial on how they can re-brand themselves and become a strong 2nd party again. We need a two-party system!

