Friday, July 24, 2009

No Herb In Horto

Daley gets draconic over chronic.

A snip from Steve Rhodes at NBC Chicago:

Pot Makes Daley Crazy Stroger may veto ticket law


I am so not high!

As if Todd Stroger couldn't make himself any less popular, he's now making noises about vetoing an ordinance passed by the Cook County Board that would ticket pot possessors instead of putting them in jail.

Stroger told WGN-AM that he "didn't think it's such a great idea."

Under the plan, those caught with 10 grams or less would pay a $200 fine and be done with it.

"I'm not really an advocate of trying to decriminalize the drug that people start before they move on to the higher stuff," Stroger said.

Like Scotch?

Meanwhile, Mayor Richard M. Daley appeared to be on acid while reacting to the idea.

"People say you cannot smoke . . . they said, ‘Please don’t smoke.’ Now, everybody’s saying, ‘Let’s all smoke marijuana'."

Dude! Chill.

“Pretty soon, the headline [will be], ‘Let’s bring cigarettes back. It makes people feel calmer, quieter, relaxing' . . . We said you cannot smoke cigarettes. Cigarette smoking is bad for you. Now all the sudden, marijuana smoking is good for you. Can we take Lucky Strikes, mix ‘em together and say, ‘Smoking is coming back in the United States?’”

Um, okay . . .

While it may seem odd that the Mayor of a city with a name derived from a term for "skunk"
The name “Chicago” derives from a word in the language spoken by the Miami and Illinois peoples meaning “striped skunk, ” a word they also applied to the wild leek (known to later botanists as Allium tricoccum).
and whose former chief of staff's last name is pronounced "stash" would get so bug-eyed over something as harmless and progressive as decriminalizing pot, what ace reporter Steve Rhodes conveniently forgets it was the devil weed of marijuana that made the evil hippie anarchists go crazy during four days in late August of 1968 and violently smash their heads against the innocent billy clubs of Richard the First's peace loving Chicago cops on national teevee in 1968, leaving Da Mare's national reputation in tatters.

Mr. Rhodes also manages to overlook all the secondary damage caused by the contact high Da Mare got from the clouds of Satan Smoke caused when it floated in from the parks; a shattering hallucinogenic experience that addled Old Man Daley so badly that when he tried to explain his enlightened and diplomatic offer to ease tensions and serve supper to all those bestial, hirsute hippy ingrates --
"The police would like to take your order. Would you like hors d'oeuvres for starters?"
-- it came out horribly garbled and mistranslated s the now-infamous,
"Da police are not here to create disorder. Dey are here to preserve disorder."
But R2D2 remembers. Remembers all too well. He was at his father's side all through the dark days of the 1968 Apotalypse and it was very rude of reporters to mention a subject which is so triggering for Hizzoner.

Of course all of this would evaporate like early morning dew if Da Mare found out this afternoon that legalizing chronic would increase his chances of scoring the 2016 Olympics by 2%.

Were that to happen -- as everyone here knows -- by Monday morning, 8:00 AM, this would be the view from the

City Hall roof garden.

This would be the new

Chicago City flag.

And Da Mare himself would be cutting PSAs on the safe and proper use of a

"chickaga 'lympic torch".

Proud member of The Windy Citizen


zencomix said...

Reminds of the time Bill Kurtis ,while MCing the Chicago Rainforest Action Group's fundraiser back in the early 90s, was telling stories about eating mushrooms with Native South Americans. Good times, good times...

Comrade PhysioProf said...

Love the last Pshop!! Maybe this'll become the official song of the City of Chicago:

Cirze said...

chickaga 'lympic torch

You do capture a cultural moment viscerally, Dg.

Love that view.

Kinda of reminded me of the Blues Bros. climbing up all those stairs to pay the penguin's taxes. And you know what they were smoking.

By the way, cigarettes are making a strong comeback in the new Depression.

Marijuana would cushion the blows so much better, of course, but do we want to cushion those blows this time?

It's tough enough to organize straight people.


Not that there's anything wrong with legalization.

Mike Goldman said...

Of course the real difference between tobacco and cannabis, tobacco causes cancer, cannabis treats it.

Smoked cannabis even treats asthma. Try that with a cigarette.

equa yona(Big Bear) said...

Actually, Mike, big a fan as I am of legalizing our beloved weed, it does not treat cancer. It ameliorates the side effects of chemo and stimulates appetite. It is beneficial in the treatment but does not treat the disease per se. I know, picky, picky, fuckin' picky. I can't help it, I was an English teacher.

jp said...

Even the Termigovanator of Kali has said that, as pot is the biggest cash crop in his state, that maybe it could be know, legalized so the state could tax it.

I love when Mayor Chuckie gets all chucked up and starts spouting.

Mike Goldman said...

Actually, Big Bear, it does a LOT more than ameliorate side effects of chemotherapy. Probably not something they'd teach in English class, though.