Saturday, April 18, 2009

What They Said

What We Heard

In the last 25 years, no sound in American politics has thundered louder than the smirking, conspicuous, complicit silence of the meatsticks on the Right during the Age of Bush as their Dear Leader presided over a historically unprecedented string of impeachment-grade lies, treason, failure, breathtaking stupidity, corruption, catastrophe and outright theft, all wrapped up in an open, snarling contempt for the United States Constitution.


darkblack said...

It really is like Charlie Brown's teacher on helium and angel dust.

Sound and fury, signifying stoopid.


Cirze said...

You've said it all, brother.

Absotively posilutely.

A L L.

HelloDollyLlama said...

Who, under the age of 60, is afraid of the big bad socialists? Even the scare-words the Republicans use are way out of date, coming from a global struggle that we already won, 20 years ago. Next thing you know, they will want to build a wooden stockade around the country to keeping the Apaches out.

driftglass said...

HelloDollyLlama wrote "Next thing you know, they will want to build a wooden stockade around the country to keeping the Apaches out."

They already are, except the Apaches are now called "Mexicans".

Rehctaw said...

Small nit sir.

You forgot to mention the economy crushing give-aways. From regulators ordered not to, inspectors blindfolded and hamstrung, to tax cuts for the rich, to cost PLUS; no bid contracts, culminating in the single biggest cash give-away in human history to a select group (TARP I).

The true Bush Doctrine was to loot, bankrupt, slash and burn Everything.

After all he had to eclipse both Pops AND Brother Neil.

That's how he can state categorically that his Presidency was a success. Mission Accomplished.

Cirze said...


What Rehctaw said.

justme said...

25 years?

I'd be hard pressed to find anything so conspicuously deafening since the Civil War.

K said...

What I love is how indignant some of my friends got that there was heavy law enforcement at these protests. Jeeze, you are having a giant anti-government rally and you are surprised there are cops all around? Apparently, these protests attracted secessionists and Neo Nazis too.

Department of Homeland Security: It's not just for Muslims anymore. There, you should create a photoshop of that.

I have a little dust up over on my blog,