Barack Obama
and Confederate President
Rush Limbaugh
square off over who is really Captain Kirk.
From Politico, with some eye-catching emphasis added:
Obama losing the stimulus message warDispatch these people, Mr. President, and move the Hell on.
Jeanne Cummings Jeanne Cummings Thu Feb 5, 5:04 am ET
At this crucial juncture in the push to pass an economic recovery package, President Obama finds himself in the most unlikely of places: He is losing the message war.
Despite Obama’s sky high personal approval ratings, polls show support has declined for his stimulus bill since Republicans and their conservative talk-radio allies began railing against what they labeled as pork barrel spending within it.
The sheer size of it – hovering at about $900 billion — has prompted more protests that are now causing some moderate and conservative Democrats to flinch and, worse, hesitate.
The anxiety over lost momentum seemed almost palpable this week as the president in television interviews voiced frustration with his White House’s progress and the way his recovery program was being demonized as a Democratic spending frenzy.
The president’s decision to push through a massive stimulus bill, while perhaps unavoidable, is forcing the much-vaunted Chicago crowd to adapt at lightning speed to its more skillful adversaries on Capitol Hill, while at the same time taking a crash course on harnessing the full power of bully pulpit. If he doesn’t figure it out soon, Obama is likely to find out that his stimulus package looks very different than he had in mind indeed.
But while the White House team struggled to adapt, it was business as usual on Capitol Hill for Republicans.
They could practically sleep-walk through their attack plan once House Democrats began to fill in Obama’s broad outlines for a stimulus with a few pet projects of their own.
It required two simple steps: Scream pork, call Rush Limbaugh.
They even could have even used a rotary phone.
These are not the Conservatives you debated and chummed around with at Harvard.
These are not your Springfield Republican poker buddies.
These are the men and women who thrive and grow at the white-hot core of the

GOP Pretty Hate Machine. (click for larger pic)
Your Party Masters have burned your bridges and salted the Earth behind you, and now there is nothing left for you to do but desperately tunnel deeper into the Hell you have built for yourself.
Which is why John McCain now publicly grovels and kisses the poxy asses of the men who service and steered the Pretty Hate Machine diffidently past the bodies of the dead and dying of NOLA, and gleefully down the blood-tarred, bone-macadamed streets of Iraq. Men who went right after his family -- his wife and children -- and his honorable national service without a second thought when it suited their despicable purposes.
Because the Pretty Hate Machine does not come with a conscience, and it now casts its depraved shadow over their entire Party.
And over the entire nation that Party has seized.
And over the entire world that Party has polluted.
It has become all Means and no Ends but More Power, and as with all power, it comes with a steep price.
These are the lavishly-funded flying monkeys of a movement that feeds on misery and fear; who look at the disasters they and theirs have wrought and see a job well done.
Who would happily smash the America you and I love beyond repair and dance on its grave.
These are the elected representatives of the millions of American Theocrats that Kevin Phillips has been trying to warn you about.
"American Theocracy may be the most alarming analysis of where we are and where we may be going to have appeared in many years. It is not without polemic, but unlike many of the more glib and strident political commentaries of recent years, it is extensively researched and frighteningly persuasive...By describing a series of major transformations, by demonstrating the relationships among them, and by discussing them with passionate restraint, Phillips has created a harrowing picture of danger that no American reader will welcome, but that none should ignore."
The anointed representatives of the millions of loyal members of the de facto American Fascist Party that John Dean has been trying to warn you about.
"Looking back on the development of conservative politics in the U.S., Dean notes that conservatism is regressing to its authoritarian roots. Dean draws on five decades of social science research that details the personality traits of what are called "double high authoritarians": self-righteous, mean-spirited, amoral, manipulative, bullying. He concludes that Chuck Colson, Pat Robertson, Newt Gingrich, and Tom DeLay are all textbook examples. Dean calls Vice-President Cheney "the architect of Bush's authoritarian policies," and deems Bush "a mental lightweight with a strong right-wing authoritarian personality."
The Party that counts up it failures, looks at its future, and shouts "More Palin Please!"
Poll: Republicans Want Party To Be Like Palin
By Eric Kleefeld - February 2, 2009, 11:34AM
A new Rasmussen poll further demonstrates that the GOP could be in for a long stretch in the wilderness: A majority of GOP voters now say that the party should be more like Sarah Palin.
The numbers: 55% of Republicans say the party should be like Palin, compared to 24% who say they should be like John McCain.
As I've previously noted, poll data like this could indicate that the Republican Party is getting ready to relive the classic cycle of ruling parties who get turned out of power in a landslide: With the party base itself shrunk down, the people who are still around are the most hard-line members, and are really the least fit people to fix the situation.
More like this please, Mr. President:
Drop the hammer on these fuckers and move the Hell on.Now, in the past few days I've heard criticisms that this plan is somehow wanting, and these criticisms echo the very same failed economic theories that led us into this crisis in the first place -- the notion that tax cuts alone will solve all our problems; that we can ignore fundamental challenges like energy independence and the high cost of health care; that we can somehow deal with this in a piecemeal fashion and still expect our economy and our country to thrive.
I reject those theories. And so did the American people when they went to the polls in November and voted resoundingly for change. So I urge members of Congress to act without delay. No plan is perfect, and we should work to make it stronger. No one is more committed to making it stronger than me. But let's not make the perfect the enemy of the essential. Let's show people all over the country who are looking for leadership in this difficult time that we are equal to the task.
Now is the time to bring that gun to the knife fight.
So, explainm pliss, why he has appointed advocates and acolytes of the previous failed regime to positions of such power and influence in his 'administration'?
I actually don't mind that he's appointed Republicans to his admin. But he needs a bad cop to go ballistic on these people if he wants to stay classy himself.
I think it's time for Rahm to hit the muthafukkin airwaves, myself.
Oh, and one other thing. Every Republican who answered that poll knew that Rasmussen was really asking, "who would you rather fuck, if you knew the ball-gag was firmly in place and the partner was face down ass up?" Palin's gonna win over McCain everytime with that crowd and that question.
That's right...they've had their say..time to move on with the proscriptions and pogroms and whatnot.
Drop the hammer on these fuckers and move the Hell on.
Why is this soooooooo hard to get across to the leadership? Oh yeah, their hammer is due too for their duplicitous complicity in the buggering of EVERYTHING.
Clock's ticking though. Dad is getting impatient.
Don't MAKE him pull over!
Good news, Obama had more to say at the Democratic Retreat.
Check it out on C-Span
Are you even kidding me? "Obama losing the stimulus message war".... WTF!?!?!?
Where the hell are the blogs in all this. They should be doing a big assed take down on every single republican that dare utter a single peep. Loud and clear.
Just tuning back in from some time at the ocean. I agree it's time to get the nasty crew after these fuckers and certainly Obama has his ways..... doesn't he?
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