Thursday, October 09, 2008

Yes! Yes!

After eight years of epic Republican treason and failure, let's give them more of our stuff to fuck up!



Anonymous said...

Lesseee now:

Henry Paulson worked for Goldman Sachs for 32 years; several of which were as CEO.

And what's-his-face, who will be overseeing the distribution of the $700 bil, was also a G-S higher up for years.

Talk about a "user-friendly" bailout...


or maybe, "resuscitation"...

We mustn't use profane language when talking about the Holy See's issuing of $700 billion dollar financial Papal Bull's to the faithful.

Oh. Another $38 bil to AIG. Now they can get pedicures, too.

Anonymous said...

And, good old Doonesbury nailed it:

"They've privatized profit and socialized risk."

Armadillo Hussein Joe said...

I'm writing to you here because it's your latest post, so sorry for being off-topic.

Thank you for adding me to your Blog Roll. I don't know when you did, but I got some traffic from you and I am much obliged.

I'm a huge fan of your work so I consider it quite a honor to be counted among your Wild Things.

Cirze said...

I get busy for a few days and what do I come back to find?

Only one of the best commentaries on the madness of our time.

Thank you, Dg,

You are THE BEST!
