Friday, July 11, 2008

30 Years of American Politics

in one minute and 47 seconds.

[[Spoiler Alert]]

Of course, if remember "Key Largo, you remember that the gun Edward G. Robinson tosses over to Bogart wasn't loaded, and another man gets himself killed thinking it is.

None of which Bogart's character knows, but the lessons still obtain:

1. Never trust these motherfuckers. Ever. They will never leave the business of winning and losing to anything that smells of "free and fair", because they know if they do they'll lose every time. Every game they run is crooked, every piety they utter is a lie, and every deck they deal from is stacked, marked and frozen.


2. Never, ever fight them on ground of their choosing.


Fran / Blue Gal said...

It's a painful lesson for political junkies who actually love this country, but there are two parties, inside the beltway, and outside the beltway. Guess which party the media belongs to? Framed that way it's easy to see how Harold Ford can be a congressman AND a paid analyst for NBC.

tenacitus said...

Your videos don't seem to show in Firefox 3

Yodood said...

what tenacitus said

X said...


Kup said...

I agree with Blue Gal...

Mauigirl said...

Great video and good point.

Porlock Junior said...

Glad I was unsuccessful in installing Firefox 3. (Been using a Mac for only a few years, but still, the *first* program I've hit that tells my admin account that it doesn't have enough privilege to follow the installation instructions is worthy of note.)

Well chosen clip. Lesson well taken.

Mr. Natural said...

The vids play fine in MY Firefox3. I propose that ALL the inside the beltway party bigshots be left to rot in the street, as they have left so many...

Peace, eh?