Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Since Team McSame

seems destined to remain strapped for cash... the trust fund CHUDS and serial rat masturbaters who flew their beloved Commander Guy up to the top of Mount Treason on wings of gold don't seem to be warming to his Heir Passable...

...and even the most freakshow-desperate entreaties for cash

fall on deaf ears...

...perhaps Team McSame can save themselves a few bucks and recycle some of the lees from that vintage, 2004 Chateau Maveurique

still sloshing around in very old skins
(h/t Bill in Portland.)

Hell, as long as we're pitching the budgetary virtues of retro GOP for Senator McSame's campaign-on-a-fixed-income, why not go all in with the Pure Quill:

"Candidate stresses experience, willingness to 'bomb anything with two legs and a pulse to atoms'."


Angel Of Mercy said...

Another Dritftastic rant there, Sir! You know that you just KILL me on a regular basis, don't you? "Serial rat masturbators," indeed.

Just had to thank you once again for your obstreperously literate outrage and your Carlin-esque sense of humor. (My very highest compliment!)

Keep on truckin'!

tenacitus said...

The video does not show

Anonymous said...

Fuck Nixon.
Bush, and all of them.

Just FUCK them.

We bury them, all of them, and then hold Obama accountable for every stinking move he makes.
And we march. We MARCH! This time.

On all of them. We march. Arm in arm. Coast to coast.

Or we die. Life is simple, don't fuck it up.

Oh. And FUCK Nixon. Helms, too, for that matter. Now that HE'S dead, let's take Byrd down, too.

Fuckin fuckers.

Even Bush's backers won't buy McCain. Fuck them, too.

Nice post, once again DG. Way to push MY buttons.

Fuck 'em all.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps the big GOP donors are deciding that the worst four years since poor old Jimmy Carter's are poised to descend on this country, and so they would prefer a Democrat in the White House to take the blame?

Whoever wins the White House this time may soon wish he had lost it instead.