And, no, you do not want to know where that hand has been.
Over the years (coming up on three now, actually) any number of you nice people have inquired about how to send a little cash (or liquor, or fine, fat goats) my way. Which I always thought was incredibly kind, but which circumstance have always made tricksier than Hell to carry out.
So here’s the deal.
Blue Gal needs our help.
She has been a friend of this blog, a tireless and cheery den-mother to the left blogosphere, a fine writer in her own right, one of the pillars that keeps Crooks & Liars rolling, and has employed her position as traveler among the Princes and Potentates of Leftylvania to relentlessly champion the cause of smaller bloggers and worthy causes.
(In other words, if you’re a J-Lister like me and have ever awakened to a surprising spike of morning hitcount wood,
and because of that have spent the day striding the Earth
feeling like this
or even
like this
...it’s six to five and pick ‘em that you have that Blue Gal to thank for the love.)
She is solidly on the side of the angels, and now she needs a little help.
So if you are one of those kind souls who have asked for a way to slide me a little of the filthy lucre, dig deep, go over to Blue Gal’s house here, and kick it into her hat.
And if you are not one of those people, do it anyway, because loudmouths like me come and go, but people who really go those extra miles and hours to patiently and lovingly build community here on the Left are rare and splendid creatures.
And we need them.
You are simply and utterly the best writer in the blogosphere and I am deeply honored to be associated with you.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Sir Driftglass, Sir.
Your wish is my command, sir.
However, I definitely do not consider this fulfillment of sundry promises of beer, liquor and comestibles in the event we meet (I'll bring the wife, and you can bring the Lovely Libidinous Liberal Lass).
And seconding what BG says.
Yer a class act dude.
Blue Gal is indeed a most excellent lady and my plastic will be in my hand forthwith.
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