Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sunday Morning Comin’ Down - Part 1

Quick and dirty "Meet the Press" Only, Early Edition:

Well Those Darned Internets -- Left and Right alike -- are all kinda tingly today over "Meet the Press": Timmuh’s sudden and certainly temporary transformation into something resembling a “journalist" and his beat-down of Rudy Giuliani.

You can find coverage of the train wreck done perfectly well and complete with video at Crooks and Liars here and here.

Or if you prefer just the bare nekkid vid, it's up at Teh You Tubes:

(This is the second of five segments of that interview)

However, while you can find fine coverage of the "Who", "What", "When" and "Where" of the event elsewhere, what you will not find anywhere is an explanation of "Why".

Why this abrupt about-face? Why, after all this time and after all his guests, did Russert decide to spontaneously grow a pair and come out swinging?

And it is on this question that I believe I am able to shed some light.

The answer lies in this volatile exchange -- couriered to me at great, personal risk and an unspeakably high cost to life and limb -- between Rudy and Punkin Haid over
technical/personnel issues (0:29),

the writer’s strike (1:00)

show-related travel (1:27)

and various other teevee production detail conflicts.

All accidentally picked up via the live satellite feed before the show:

Beginning at 3:34…
“Don’t think I can’t harm you,” Russert says.

“Tell me how you could harm me,” Guiliani replies, “when I don’t even know how I could harm myself?”

I guess Rudy got his answer.

And after getting his ass sawed off and served to him on the good china, one can only assume that Poor Miss Judy is in for

a very hard day's night.


Anonymous said...

"Why, after all this time and after all his guests, did Russert decide to spontaneously grow a pair and come out swinging?"

Because his corporate masters have decided for whatever reason that Giuliani being nominated does not serve their corporatist ends.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Physio, for whatever reason the corporatists have settled on Romney and Clinton. Ok hell, we know their reasons for those choices. Now we can watch them slowly go after all the other candidates until only Willard and Hillard are left standing.

The only outcome still in doubt is which one the oligarchs will allow to become President.

CMike said...

Dee Loralei,

I think it's clear that, of the three leaders, Barack Obama is the corporatists preferred Democratic candidate and John Edwards is their least preferred Democratic candidate.

It may be the bad guys are resigned to the likelihood that Hillary Clinton will be her party's nominee and the winner next November. Therefore, they want her as damaged as possible.

Certainly, Obama has gotten better press and TV coverage than have Edwards and Clinton.

res ipsa loquitur said...

I think "MTP" cooked Rudy. I'm waiting to see if Tweety & Co. hammer it all week. My local CBS affiliate has been doing so this morning. Any minute now, someone is going to drag Christyne Lategano out of the shadows for the national media to see.