A flat, $2,000 tax on NOT voting in federal election; states and municipalities can do as they please for local election.
Want to get out of paying? Vote.
Too poor to afford a 2K dent in the ol' exchequer? Quit bitching, get your ass up and Vote.
And sorry Libertarians and "Drown the Government" clowns; this is not the Fed reaching into your pockets. This is an entirely voluntary tax. Hell, the whole point is to powerfully encourage to dodge it.
Finally, since your wallet and tax records are now tied to your voting record, you've got a Progressive Two-fer, and can fucking will bet that people will start to take a keen interest in their accuracy and timeliness.
So there you go.
It would also be important that voters have it emphasized to them that within a month of the actual election, they can vote by absentee ballot. I did so the day before yesterday.
If I'm not mistaken, it is a crime to not vote in Australia. Makes perfect sense to me. But yeah, money might work even better.
I would prefer that people not vote than to vote wrong as the fundamentalist right constantly does. Voting by people who refuse to educate themselves would probably make things worse.
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