I said "Wench"!
I winched a couple of the representative comments from downstairs and put ‘em up here.
Air’s crisper, light’s better, but oy, my back.
Monosyllables, people!
terry of the C.A. said...
And don't be braggin' about smarter, stronger women. What red-blooded Amerikan man wants a smart woman?!? They are just full of back-talk and vinegar, those damned, smart, uppity womenfolk.
And did you really say "Liberal Chardonnary?" You will not win a single red vote with that phrase.
Drifty, I dig what your saying, but I don't think those fellas on the other side of the aisle will. This was "addressed" to them, right?
My answer generally is that the eleventh hour as long since struck and the echoes long since faded and died away.
I don't believe for a second that if someone still backs Dubya at this late date, they can be "gotten", so I have no interest in wooing a single one of the reprehensible, died-in-the-sheep’s-clothing “red vote”.
I have no interest in debating them or swapping scripture with them or thumb wresting them for forensic points because it simply doesn’t work. This is the tribe of the “Always In Error But Never In Doubt”. This clan of Simple, Declarative Dumbfucks, have been proven bloodily, monstrously, horrifically, incontrovertibly, overwhelmingly and tragically wrong year after year after year and it hasn’t made so much as a dent in their certitude, or nary a new cortical fold or crease (or “gyrencephalization”. And lemme tell you, I cannot adequately describe the toe-curling prosegasmic thrill I get when I dig up a new word.) to form on the smooth, inert surfaces of their Beautiful Minds.
They are lost and doomed; have filled their skulls with bumper stickers and fear, welded it shut, and melted the keys down for tinfoil to line their beanies.
I can respect a man who stands by what he believes, but only a great fool and a brownshirt-in-training actually takes pride in the fact that they have hermetically sealed their minds and sneers the very idea of dialogue and introspection as disloyal or weak.
There is no cure for them but electoral and cultural extinction, and so I also don’t give a owl pellet in a dead possum’s pouch what they think of me and mine.
I'm interested in the people in the middle and the un- or "under"-decideds. The people who say, among other things, that the pussy image of the Dems is why they walked away. I think the stronger and clearer we are -- especially in the way we conduct our own, internal debates -- the more we can get 'em into the tent.
And hell, it's better to be shot as a lion than a lamb either way.
Bitterharvest says…
…I love it that you're not afraid to take a stand on issues when conservatives draw a line in the sand, D. Watch that you don't idealize those old-school conservatives too much, though. William F. Buckley is a rank propagandist and always has been.
And Mr. Filbble adds…
...Drifty, methinks you're taking a somewhat Disneyfied view of the "old school" GOP. Read Gore Vidal's old piece on Goldwater and Republicans from days of yore and you'll see that they haven't changed one iota. The GOP has always, at least since the Civil War, been the stupid wing of the Party of Property
I can only assure you that I don't have any fantasies about the glorious Conservatives of the Old, True Faith. Nor am I blind to the racist past of the Democratic Party. :-)
I do, however, believe in holding people to their own words -- especially if they've weaponized and used them to bludgeon others -- and that the most effective (if time-consuming) way of engaging on this ground is to know more about your opponent's ideology than he does. Its history and original intent. Quoting scripture to Fundies drives 'em a special kind of foaming nuts, as does quoting Goldwater to Conservatives, and while misspending my youth in all the usually, libertine ways, I also read a lot of the Bible, a lot of Ayn Rand, a lot of Marx. Actually a lot of every-damned-thing, omnivorously, leavened generously with porn, pot, Python, Floyd and Fireside Theater.
It doesn’t change their minds, but crossing swords on the field of political values is always about the audience; the non-ossified observers who might be leaning into the shadows and can be brought a little closer to the light by showing-with-plain-words what a howlingly dishonest hack the “engaging Conservative thinker” David Brooks really is.
Or how despicable and deeply Christ-hating Jerry Falwell and James Dobson really are.
Or what hypocritical and pathologically liars the Bush Administration has been, continuously, in word and deed, since Day One.
This is about those who watch and listen from the sidelines, or who are only lightly attached to the Right. Men and women trying to stand up straight, rise above their fear and make up their minds with care. And we don’t need many; a few hundred thousand in the right places can begin to tip us away from the abyss.
I also think there are legitimate arguments to be made on the side of Smaller Government and on the side of Larger Government. Privacy and security.
Hell, there are some nice things to be said about genuine Libertarianism, and the Greens make some very good points.
It’s this simultaneous upward-and-downward pressure -- this magnificent, catalyzing, energizing tension -- that is paramount. The motive power that keep us moving slowly forward, while keeping tyranny in check. And to work, this eternal, experimental churn must never be allowed to shatter its test-tube.
The co-equally important partners of Liberty’s tussling, contentious Yin and Yang are the rules of engagement. A pact I once innocently thought everyone was raised to believe -- that we must all revere the ring in which we contend. That the integrity of our big, messy pugilists arena must be valued more highly than the outcome of any particular round.
That there was a mutual agreement to honor a democratic and respectful framework within which our disputes and differences are periodically renegotiated, and the fascist/theocrat radicals that hijacked the GOP have spent the last 30 years deliberately and aggressively blasting away at these foundation stones of our democracy.
They didn’t do it for the greater good or to save a nation in peril: They did it for no other reason than their lust for power and that appetite for fascism that piggish, self-righteous elitism always breeds.
Those that lead them are simply wannabe-Caesars and betrayers of freedom's first principles, and those that stand with them are cowards, thugs and fools.
The crime I cannot abide is that the GOP has deliberately ripped this basic framework apart for the basest of motives.
The tragedy is that they nuked this most sacred of social compacts to the braying applause of millions of my fellow citizens.
As long as you still admire smart, liberal women (preferably the tall brunette kind), I'm with ya.
...They own it all, have destroyed everything, and petulently whine about how shitty this country is, what with flag-burnin', uppity minorities, faithless hoards, and fags and such.
...If it wasn't for crooked elections they would own neither the Senate nor the White House and Smilin' John and Strip-serach Sammy wouldn't be fouling the SCOTUS.
...If the media would report anything approaching the truth, the agitated discontent we feel all around us would quickly spiral to a force 5 hurricaine of outrage.
...Remember how, in 1974-75, absolutely no one had voted for RMN.
...Strange times indeed.
Well, I think "modern life" has finally tipped over the edge and just gotten too damn complicated for a fissionable slice of the public.
There are people terrified at the prospect of making up their own minds. And that use to not matter, when the choices were so small anyway.
The terrified want to not only not chose anything, they want to make choice itself, in all its ramifications, impossible.
Yep, Drift.
I get the "You're not winning conservative hearts and minds" all the time, on the bluegrass site where I joyfully and regularly celebrate my turddom in the con punchbowl. :o)
But, of some interest, is that not only was I right, when, more than three years ago, I begged them to not climb up on the american dining room table and hang a bloody shit on it, but I've also been saying that by us being the ONLY bluegrass site where the war debate is pretty much unfettered, we would become more and more popular, in something like direct proportion to the price of a gallon of gas, or maybe to the number of caskets being flown into Dover, Delaware, and it turns out that I was right about that, too.
Of course, lately, the new...recruits...to the debate are not of a stripe to please the warbots, and now that the meat-eating petro-dactyls are landing on the white house roof, and shitting and regurgitating body parts, there is a deal of under-the-table lobbying to shut off the political stuff.
So far, much to his credit, the site creator, who is, I think, fairly conservative, himself, is...FAIRLY conservative. And major kudos to him.
I know I talk about this place regularly, but it IS a pretty good mine canary for the conservative worldview, and a few more of the lefty pickers are starting to come out to counter the posts about, for example, the 'Chicks bein' the satanic librul whores from hell.
Also, we're not hearing as much about what a great success "Operation-let's-capture-Saddam's-pistol-for-junior-to-fondle" is, but instead the cons learning curve is improving, and they're getting interested in spreading blame around to Clinton and the dems who gave the "enabling" vote.
I tell them:
"Don't worry, before this is done, people will be making up their voting lists, based on who was "naughty" and who had the room-temperature I.Q. required to recognize the snakeoil and bullshit cocktail that bushCo, with invaluable help from the MSM, funnelled down the throats of americans."
See everybody at the mid-terms?
This post may be the finest description of the 30-something percent that are still blindly following Dear Leader off the cliff. Well done (again) Drift.
Exactly right, as always, Sir DG!
And now is just the time to be fighting the good fight, because success has many parents and failure is an orphan... and the Bush administration is a failure on all fronts, miserably and publicly.
(The remaining math is left to the reader)
The 30% who mindlessly support Bush can be driven back into their caves by lots of good fighting techniques, including hammering away at the godlessness of the GOP, and driving the wedge between "christians who love torture" and "Christians who believe in the Golden Rule". There are so many good ways to fight back against the GOP propaganda machine!
The religious right is always one step away from whining loudly about our godless society and then sitting on their collective political hands instead of participating in electoral politics. So those of us who support the secular governmental visions of our founding fathers need to find the right ways to encourage the christopaths to go back to their "in this world, but not of this world" viewpoint, so our theocratic brethren can still enjoy this great nation's benefits, but without getting their dirty handprints all over our government's steering wheel.
Great work, as always!
I agree that the 30 are irretrievable, and I further submit that even if they WERE somehow won over, they would be a net negative in the political gene pool. How deliberately ignorant does one have to be to still defend this administration? Do we really want to burden ourselves with the continual maintenance of such people? Personally I think the best to be hoped for is that they become confused enough to simply stay home in November - and keep their yaps shut in the meantime.
I am reminded of one of my favorite episodes from my 6 year stint in a very strange town called Branson. A woman, a bit player in the local Passion Play (motto: Hey! We're not as anti-semitic as the one in Arkansas!) auditioned for a touring company of Les Miserables and got an understudy part. She signed the contract and went to the rehearsals. After two weeks she abandoned the job because -gasp!- she also had to understudy Fauntine, a PROSTITUTE! She declared it was against her morals to play such a woman. The production company set about suing her for breach of contract... meanwhile she had a most triumphant return to the warm security of Branson, and the town GAVE HER AN AWARD!!!
The point is that there are people out there who defy cariacture, with whom it is simply absurd to attempt to engage in conversation. Some are intellectually lazy, some are genuinely stupid, and some are willfully ignorant. Because if you dress up as Catwoman and go trick-or-treating on Halloween you are worshipping the devil - and no amount of reasoned, informed conversation will disabuse them of the notion.
Hi Mr Driftglass - I heard about you in passing over at Princess Sparkle Pony's joint. I only had to read one post before adding you to my daily 'must reads'. Excellent blog with excellent arguments with many turns of phrase that I intend to pilfer.
I dunno, DG; I think (or maybe I just hope) that the number of diehard, skull sealed shut, “La-la-la I can’t hear you” Bush supporters is less than 30%, or would be if there was anything across the aisle except the current crop of sniveling, mealy-mouthed Whine-O-Crats. For good or ill, Republicans take a stand, Democrats triangulate. Listening to Hillary for 5 minutes makes me want to beat the dog.
The Rethugs, as you often point out, own the whole show, and have made an incredible mess of it. In the last few months, they’ve thrown softball after softball to the Dems, who stand at the plate with the bat on their shoulder and their thumb in their mouth. It’s beyond pathetic. For example: is there anyone, other than a few neocons and the CEO of Diebold, who think electronic no-paper-trail voting is a grand idea? Are not the vast majority of Americans embarrassed that New Orleans, that strange and wonderful place, has been allowed to become a Third World backwater? Do not most Americans think that Grandma having to take off her shoes and get a cavity search to board an airplane is an insult? Mother of jabbering Jesus, boys, step up to the plate and take a swing!
It was all there for us to take in '04, but instead of snarling and snapping, John Kerry allowed himself to be Swiftboated by a gang of cheap thugs and hustlers. I see the same coming in '06, and beyond that, boys and girls, we'll have few chances left before the Internet is something we'll tell our grandkids about, and the speakers in the wall of every room in every house sing the praises of Dear Leader.
Hey, Drifty, you and I are on the radio again. Blue Blog Radio, that is. I'm listening to it right now. It's a kick hearing my own words on a podcast.
...yeah, BRAYING sounds JUST about right...
Sorry, Drifty. Robert M fucked up. #23 was his last show. The link to the latest show, #24, is here. I had to enter the correct URL in the text window.
Monty (and all): over on Gilliard's blog, Loveandlight noted that fascism is a collusion between business and government, in which govt. is the senior partner. I agree, which I think is why the merry band of buccaneers that has seized our ship of state and is steering it straight for the rocks don't EXACTLY qualify as fascist: In our system, the fat cats, not the political thugs, still ultimately call the shots. (Although the same people can belong to both groups; Darth Cheney, for example)
I think this provides the rationale for the Vichy Democrat strategy. The VDs hope that enough of the fat cats will wake up and realize that the Elephascists are running the country off a cliff--which would hurt even the fat cats--and so the fat cats will throw their support to the VDs, IF the VDs prove their loyalty to the fat cats by suppressing real Democrats.
I'm also grazing my way through Kevin Phillips's AMERICAN THEOCRACY. I think that most of his analysis is correct, but I keep remembering that, back when he worked for the Nixon campaign, he was one of the main architects of the "Southern Strategy" of cultivating encoded racism and authoritarianism in general. Hence, while KP himself is not a fascist, he was willing, in the past, to use them to win elections. I think of him as "Dr. Kevin Frankenstein", bemoaning that his monster has gotten out of control.
Off to mine NaCl, KC
I've been trying to suss out the reason why the Dems are laying back; maybe you nailed it:
I think this provides the rationale for the Vichy Democrat strategy. The VDs hope that enough of the fat cats will wake up and realize that the Elephascists are running the country off a cliff--which would hurt even the fat cats--and so the fat cats will throw their support to the VDs, IF the VDs prove their loyalty to the fat cats by suppressing real Democrats.
A risky strategy, to be sure. Like being in prison and trying to buddy up to the head psycho on the block; he yanks down your pants, bends you over, but you hope that maybe, just maybe he will do the right thing. A fine plan when it works, a week in the infirmary when it doesn't.
It drives me insane to hear Hannity, Limbaugh, etc. talk about a Dem being from "the radical left wing" of the party. There's not a radical in sight; Dennis Kucinich is about the best you can find. Like many of us here, I suspect, I'm not even remotely represented by these people.
Sheesh. I go spend a week in the Webless wilderness, haunted by the fear that one of my favorite wordsmiths has been claimed by blogging fatigue... and then I come back to find a whole slew of superlative posts.
Dammit, driftglass, you're such a tease! ;-)
Driftglass, sir, thanks for the big response to my comments. I am honored.
Also love the phrase, "Always in error, but never in doubt." That describes so many to a T.
I just get so discouraged because I am *surrounded* by the blind. Oh, sure, some of them admit, in whispers, that it was all a horrible mistake, but "stay the course, blah, blah, blah."
And really, as others here have noted, what do the Dems offer? The country seems ripe, seems to hunger, for a Dem with balls. Someone to stand up and say this is wrong and stops NOW. But who will be that person?
I also argee that I once thought that everyone believed in the "rules of engagement, " that everyone respected the underlying freedom that allowed for honest debate and disagreement that once made this country....dare I say....unique. It has been a bitter, bitter pill to swollow to see that the US is being dismanteled so some fat cat can make a buck. We are being torn assunder, not for an ideal, but for profit. It is jus so sad.
So why doesn't the Democratic party seize upon the notion of the economy? Talk up the *inability* of Congress to raise the minium wage? The amount of money being spent on the war? The fraud of the fat cats over Katrina? 'Cuz everybody understands less money in their pockets.
Of course, I am posting at 2am. I seem to be making sense, but I may reread this and feel diffently in the morning. ;-)
...KC..you should be Kid ETERNITY not CHARLEMAGNE....imagine what you could do with just a WORD...
and i wont even say SHAZAM..
I can respect a man who stands by what he believes, but only a great fool and a brownshirt-in-training actually takes pride in the fact that they have hermetically sealed their minds and sneers the very idea of dialogue and introspection as disloyal or weak.
Here's the deal:
The base of the GOP stands for one thing and one thing only, above all else: Making sure none of their tax dollars goes to black folk. They will vote for anyone who does this, even if the guy molests infants on national TV.
But they know that they can't just come out and say that -- not yet, anyway -- so they have to speak in code and wrap their bigotry in various ever-shifting rationales.
That's why trying to argue with them logically doesn't work. Their core belief simply isn't based in logic, and they can never publicly cop to it, so they wind up trying to camouflage it with all sorts of lies and evasions to the point where they literally have lost the ability to know the truth -- any truth -- when they see it.
EB, if I had Kid Eternity's power, I'd call back FDR, Ike, or JFK so we could have a real president again.---KC-not-E
... KC..call up LINCOLN....i would LOVE to see him on faux news kicking some serious ASS....
The base of the GOP stands for one thing and one thing only, above all else: Making sure none of their tax dollars goes to black folk. They will vote for anyone who does this, even if the guy molests infants on national TV
I think it's a little more complicated than that, but I think that's a great starting point. I would also add: the scary brown hordes from south of the border, anything to do with the arts because, as all know, only fags are actors/writers/classical musicians/painters etc. and "Hollywood" (i.e. the Jews who fund and enable the fags).
I had a co-worker who let his mask drop for a second and he said he hated PC because he couldn't call people nigger and faggot without getting in trouble any more. Lovely.
EB--Lincoln is just too much to ask of the great-great-grandson of a Rebel soldier. OTOH, the South would have fared better if Abe had lived. Booth and company did NOT do the South any favors.
If I WERE Kid Eternity and called up Grant, Lee, Napoleon, Alexander, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, and Rommel, do you think they might figure out between them how to win this damned war Cmdr. Codpiece has gotten us into?
And Sun Tzu. I forgot Sun Tzu.
....KC..yeah in about three minutes...it might involve hanging a certain chimperor by his toes though from a streetlamp in downtown baghdad.....
Railroad track melted and twisted around cameras...
Corporate logos in flames...
Cafeteria denuded of everything except that horrible, horrible butterscotch pudding that has been sitting there so long it has, like, a forsekin...
Anchors in rags, forced to beg for botox injections on the street like commoners...
Just a few of the tragic images from Sherman's March to the CNN.
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