...is a man who takes the ball and RUNS with it. **(09/07/Addenda)
Reader Joe Max was generous, patient and artful enough to take my photoessay of "Us and Them" and set it to music with a few embellishments of his own.
It's wonderful -- much better and more melancholy/operatic than the original -- and what a damned nice thing to do. And also please note the plug for the Red Cross at the end; we all know who got us in this mess...and who, in the end, will help get us out.
I'd post his email in a minute, but he signs his work with his nom de guerre and I respect a man's privacy, so all I can say is, way to go, Joe.
It appears that Joe's site has been FEMA-ed and this video became mysteriously unavailabled (1...2...3 "I Blame Clinton!")
...but not before the good people at Progressive Independent picked up the ball and ran it even further down the field.
So it's here, at this site .
And, as Joe informed us in the comments "...you can find the ZIPped archive of the BIG SCREEN version with HI FIDELITY sound (the only way to listen to Pink Floyd) here.)
So, as Mr. Max says, "...you're too late, MiBs! Bwahahaha!"
You done good, Joe.
Real good.
Take a bow.
To the good doctor driftglass, thanks for the props. It was a labor of love, even though I stayed up all night doing it. *grin*
Thanks for the inspiration; not only from that one piece, but from damn near everything you write. You help make the Horrors a bit more bearable. The person who coined the term "Christopath" deserves a place in history. You make us all miss Dr. Hunter Thompson a little bit less.
And thanks to my wife, who encouraged me to keep at it and cried when she watched the final cut.
I'd like to post the larger version of the video, but my account won't allow streaming that size of a file. If anyone has a home for a 35 meg OuickTime video, let me know. My e-mail is j.swailsATcomcast.net. Let the hate mail commence! And the spam, of course.
And everybody, dig a little deeper to help out your fellow Americans. As one who lives in the SF Bay Area, I know that someday, it'll happen here -- again. I went through the 1989 earthquake and was rendered homeless, so I've tasted that kind of despair. And this is worse. This is bad, really really bad. It's so bad we don't even know the half of it yet. If you can't spare money, roll up your sleeves, call the Red Cross, and give your time or your blood. Please.
Beautiful animation. Gorgeous.
In a similar vein is this biblical verse from Isaiah juxtaposed with a montage of current events.
great joh
i tried to make my own....but movie maker sux
it was a lot more angry than driftglass, but anger is good right now
Simply spectacular. I salute you both.
I thought that Driftglass's original was moving, but this is waaayyy over the top. Thanks.
I suggest you get this out to Crooks and Liars, he has a lot of capacity on his servers. I'll send him a note.
This truly deserves to be widely disseminated. "Must watch TV"!
Maybe I missed something...who did you say got us into this mess?
Awesum! Roger Waters would be proud!
Fly, FLY, little video!
Alight everywhere!
Thank you. We are all finally weeping through the outrage.
As Dot said. And thank you, both.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph Max, but that was gorgeous, guys. Even I got misty-eyed and I don't cry easily. It's so much more powerful with the music and the additional photos filled out the song quite nicely.
The best five megs of hard drive space I ever spent. I can see this thing getting huge. I've provided a link to the Quicktime video to my list.
Awesome. Other than that I am speechless.
Yow. This is SO exciting. I put out a comment on HuffPost about some stuff, and also said that everyone should see the photo montage. Here's one comment that came in after:
Fast Eddy: Thank you so much for the link to the Pink Floyd photo montage! I sent it to all my friends and family, and I'm getting responses like, "Makes me wish I owned a tv station!" I think I would DIE of the emotional relief of seeing that beautiful piece on network news. Things are SO awful right now, I really think I wouldn't live through my joy from seeing that coming through mainstream media. So, anybody looking, please spread that link all over the planet!!!!
I am so fricken pleased.
Good work. You've gotten this hulk of a man to tear up. I'd love to see this make it on TV somehow.
gr8gol4 said...,
It's highly unlikely that it will be seen on TV, one can only hope. But I've emailed it all over and my husband has.
My God, what a powerful piece. Thank you. Both of you. Absolutely incredible.
Awesome guys.
Great, now I have to go blogwhore this all over.
we will send it around the world, including that picture that Malacandra gave us a link to.
Will someone post a mirror site for download? I'm curious as hell and they aren't working! Where's FEMA when you need them! (oh, wait...)
Seems to be some problem with my webpage... don't know why... hmmmmm... if I were the paranoid type...
Anyway, the kind folks at Progressive Independent are carrying the video. So you're too late, MiBs! Bwahahaha!
Also, you can find the ZIPped archive of the BIG SCREEN version with HI FIDELITY sound (the only way to listen to Pink Floyd) here:
I just tried it and it seems to work. You have to download it and unzip it first.
And thank you all for your kind comments about my humble shuffling of pixels and soundwaves.
Before we let the conspiracies fly, it could be a technical problem, like bandwidth or some such thing.
I'm going to nominate it for mention on Delilah Boyd's Blog Box.
That was great. I just wish it had that photo of Bush playing the guitar.
I was kidding -- probably a bandwidth issue. Looks like a lot of people are hitting it!
The BIG version is now available too (thank you John!)
It has to d/l completely before it'll play.
Tomorrow, I'll update my webpage to include mirror links. Must go bed now...
I contacted Joe Max and asked if he wanted a mirror; he said yes, so
I've put it in two places.
Anyone can save it, or link to it; bandwidth use should not be an
issue for either:
fj at panix dot com
Share and enjoy.
Two things:
1) It was mentioned to me that the top level page for chthonic.com is Not Safe For Work.
Sorry about that; I forget it matters to some. So, do not strip off the trailing path
and go to the top level page. If you do, Do Not Click on the blue bar.
2) There was a small issue with the .mov file; apparently, it was compressed (or something)
and some versions of QT did the right thing, but others did not. That issue should be
resolved, and it should work in all QT versions. If not, you can yell at me via
fj at panix dot com.
I couldn't stop thinking about this slideshow version of DG's post. To paraphrase Jack Nicholson, it makes me want to be a better American. It gave me energy and resolve and I'm redoubling my efforts to help these poor people.
People, I think we're looking at a Koufax award-winner here, certainly a strong fucking nominee. I'm thinking best blog post of 2005.
Speaking of which: Here's an idea that hit me at work:
Suppose we set up a rightie blog award (for fun, of course) the same time as the Koufax's? We can call it the Rogers Hornsby Award and anyone who knows baseball history will get the inside joke. Hornsby was a rightie hitter who was such a racist that he belonged to the KKK.
But the Freepers don't hafta know that.
So, anyone want to discuss this? Email me privately. I got ideas. Lots of ideas.
If anyone's still watching the comments here...
It seems that Concast yanked my website after receving complaints about "obscene" content, a violation of their terms of use. I can appeal.
But the genie has fled the bottle. New site hosting the video:
My new webpage is at:
I may take the video archive down and replace it with links, and make it a catalog page for any future works. Until the freepers and schoolmarms catch up with me again and declare me "obscene".
Sorry, but I'm not going away.
Life, Love and Liberty to you all,
Joe Max
Obscene? They said that? Boy howdy, I really do hope they try that
with me.
I predict that my ISP will brown out their bermudas laughing at
that noise.
fj at panix dot com
Bush uses his thing as a guitar.
How about a new version with "Brain Damage" instead?
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