We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Ark!
Because according the GOP Meteorological Department, it will never, ever, ever rain again.
File this under: Lonely are the Depraved.
I’d like to be a pure, good man and not mock at the misfortunes of others, but I’m just not built that well.
So I’ll cop to the ignoble sentiments, and then the sermon.
First, it is simply tragic in the oldest, Greekest sense of that word that it took back-to-back catastrophes of genuinely Biblical Proportions to begin to sandblast away the Magic Teflon Underoos that have so ably protected President Cuckoobananas from anything remotely resembling scrutiny by anyone in his own party or in the press. That it took a wrecking war and a crippling storm to take a final, round-housing two-by-four to the skulls of the transcendentally stupid Red State Fucknuts to get them to even begin notice that the Nice Jesus-Luvin’ Man they gave the keys to was driving their double-wide’s right off the fucking cliff.
Damn. If only they had had some kind of warning that this might happen.
Some hint.
Just some inkling...
So now we find ourselves hemorrhaging blood into the deserts of Iraq while our treasure is looted by the hacks and liars and criminals that put us there, all via what is now very clearly a tissue of lies invented for the express purpose of pimping our righteous grief and walking us – tear-blind and still-stunned – into a slaughterhouse we were promised would be a cakewalk.
And as if the lies that dropped us into Hell were not enough of an insult to our nation, it turns out the men who were leading us who were not outright liars, were inept to the point of criminality.
So we stand like the Roman Army stranded in at the foot of Masada, screaming at the enemy to come down and fight the only kind of war we know how to win, enraged that they just lob shit on our heads and laugh at us, and acutely aware that what was touted as the “dead ender” denouement to this clusterfuck is obviously the main event – an event for which we were disastrously unprepared. And that we are losing. Badly. And our real enemies are taking copious notes.
Every day, the Bush War manufactures a hundred new terrorists and metastasizes them, and every day the Bush Presidency scares the countries that used to be our friends. Showing them that, yes, we actually are stupid enough to let a dry-drunk halfwit helm the last remaining superpower through dark and dangerous waters.
That is, when he’s not on vacation.
And once he has proven his incompetence beyond any reasonably doubt, having run the Ship of State up onto one reef after another, we absolutely show our sticky ass to the world by re-electing him, 51/49.
And then came The Flood.
And the fools and cowards and racists who mocked the Ark of Government – called it Evil and wasteful, Liberal and bleeding-hearted -- and demanded that it be pulled down, sold off and the profits divvied up into beer and pin money had the fucking nerve to turn right around and demand to know where the ship was that would float them off to safety when the rains fell.
And it is cold comfort, but I believe it is time to say it – again and again and again – until the furry, little ears of the chittering, inbred Red State fuckers bleed.
We. Told. You. So.
Holy FUCK did we ever tell you so.
The arrival of Halley’s Comet is less predictable than were the serial disasters that the Bush Presidency has inflicted on us. And we still have three years left on this Ship of Fools.
Way to go, dickheads!
We. Told. You. So.
You don’t put boobs in charge of Great Enterprises.
We. Told. You. So.
You don’t put chucklehead in charge of Big Shit.
We. Told. You. So.
Go to any corporation in American, pull any working man or woman out from their cubicle or off the shop floor and ask them this question: “You put a spoiled, half-bright trustmonkey in the corner office and give him live ammo, and what do you think is going to happen?”
They know exactly what'll happen, because most people who actually work for a living have lived through that scenario at least once.
The answer will always, always be the same.
He will no-doubt-about-it fuck things up.
It's not even a question, and the pattern of his pathology never varies.
He’ll drive out the smart people who might question his ludicrous schemes and make him look stupid. He’ll pack high-paying management jobs with cronies and his fellow circle-jerking buds from back at dear old Chugga Case-a Stoli. He’ll bleed the place white, and occasionally feed an underling to the wolves to cover up his crimes.
And once he and his carrion-bird cronies have picked the place clean and busted the business completely out, they’ll grab their Platinum Parachutes, hit the silk, and leave the poor fucks who haven’t been fired yet holding a fistful of I.O.U.’s.
Well check, check and fucking check: so far the Bicycle Chief is dead on schedule.
And the thing is...
We. Told. You. So.
It is almost enough to temp to the Dark Side. Honestly, after the all the pictures and all the stories coming our of the Gulf Coast has washed over me for a good ten days, an evil, little voice piped up in my head and said, “Let them rot.”
Not by any stretch of the imagination do I mean the residents of NOLA. Not the drowning or the dying or the abandoned.
Not them.
Instead I could not help but notice how hurricane after hurricane rolls over Red States, from Texas to Florida.
I couldn’t help but remember that it is already the tax dollars confiscated from the hard-working men and women of the Blue States and Socialistically redistributed to the Loser Red States that props up their backwards economies, illiterate WalMart Confederate populations and their hateful Fundy Cults. That without Welfare from the Hated Yankee States, the States Formerly Known as Slaveholding would collapse into the Third World dictatorships and pestholes that they always wanted to be.
If ever a swath of states absolutely BEGGED to be written off as a bad debt, it’s the Confederate South. The roots of so much that is cancerously wrong with this country come straight out of the poisonous legacy of Dixie, and if I thought that pulling the plug on the mutant children of Jefferson Davis in the name of State’s Rights, Secession or just finally-kicking-these-fuckers-to-the-curb common sense would solve our problems, I’d drop my alias and petition for it coast-to-coast tomorrow.
But life isn’t that easy.
We’re too intermingled, and the poorest and the weakest would suffer the most, and Paulo Freire reminds us, “Washing one’s hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.”
And since the foundational pillar of the Modern GOP is Fuck Everyone But Me, the care of the least of these – our fellow men/our fellow citizens – falls to us Liberals, wherever they may live.
Iraq and Katrina have shown the true degenerate face of the Republican Party, and the only ones who can still defend it are the retarded, the Fundamentalist, the hirelings and the depraved, so of necessity rather that by design, the age of Compassionate Progressivism must begin.
And in this fight, no one gets to be neutral any more. This time everybody needs to be out on the field, or have a note from their Mommy explaining why they can’t suit up.
If you are one of the millions and millions of Americans who has declined to get involved in the business of governing your own country – who rocks back and forth on the thumb you keep permanently jammed up your ass and disdain the political arena because it’s all so unpleasant and no one’s a Saint...fuck you.
Pick up a newspaper; the price tag for your lazy, self-indulgent, self-rationalizing apathy is featured on the front page every day.
If you are one of the literally dozens of Greens or LaRouchies, Libertarians or Naderites who pooh-pooh a major party because they aren’t sufficiently Utopian, or they don’t hew with sufficient vigor to your One Issue, Play Time Is Over.
The Majors are calling and it’s time to step up or take up a different sport.
(Unless you are Ralph “Not a dime’s worth of difference between the Democrats and Republicans” Nader himself, in which I invite you to do the honorable thing and seppuku yourself with the gear shift of a Chevy* Corvair.)
Don’t get me wrong: I love movement and grassroots politics. Most political theory – with the exception of theocracy or fascism – has at least the germ of an idea that I believe merits consideration. Socialists are right in that, left unchecked, Capitalism will inevitably destroy the Earth for the short term gain of a select few. Capitalists are right in that individual initiative and creativity creates wealth, and a government that actively punishes wealth-creation is stupid and ultimately slides towards tyrannical.
I get it.
The problem is, the ideologically pure ingots stamped out of these Idea Factories are not practical building blocks for governing huge, complex and interdependent nations in a vast, dangerous and interdependent world. So pack up your ideas, leave the bullshit at the door and come help take over a Party that might actually be able to win something.
And as to the Republicans, if you still will not look the consequences of your own “success” in the eye and call the horror your party has visited on us all by its true name, your soul is lost and you, at long last, stand for nothing, and stand as nothing but an enemy of the nation you claim to love.
It’s time to pick a side, America.
And the bleachers are closed.
*(Corrected due to alert readers catching my error. Because sometimes being a fast-typing autodidact means you have to be an auto-redact too.)
I know everyone loves to pretend Hurricane Ralph brought on the Bush Flood, but the past five years of invisible Democratic opposition to Bush's policies have -- to me -- pretty much proven the point that he was right in 2000.
Most of the top Democrats have been firmly lodged in the great ass of the Iraq war. They've kept quiet when they should have been dragging their heels. To quote driftglass quoting Friere above: "Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral."
And there has been a great amount of hand-washing going on in Democratic cloakroom the past five years. It took having the presidency grabbed out of his hand by the Supreme Court for Al Gore to finally come out swinging in the past couple of years (not that anyone's really listening). John Kerry gives a great speech about Bush's incompetence -- now that his approval ratings are at or below 40% -- but where was that fire from 2001-2004? Hell, most of the Democratic leadership overlooked the crappy intelligence on Iraq to support the war in the first place, when bozos like myself -- and most of the rest of the sentient world -- could tell there was no there there.
Go to any corporation in American, pull any working man or woman out from their cubicle or off the shop floor and ask them this question: “You put a spoiled, half-bright trustmonkey in the corner office and give him live ammo, and what do you think is going to happen?”
They know exactly what'll happen, because most people who actually work for a living have lived through that scenario at least once.
The answer will always, always be the same.
He will no-doubt-about-it fuck things up.
But... But... But... Wasn't Pretznit Doofus supposed to be "the CEO president" ?
"That it took a wrecking war and a crippling storm to take a final, round-housing two-by-four to the skulls of the transcendentally stupid Red State Fucknuts to get them to even begin notice that the Nice Jesus-Luvin’ Man they gave the keys to was driving their double-wide’s right off the fucking cliff."
And then this scene takes place (from National Lampoon's Vacation):
Mechanic 1: Ain't never seen anyone so shit-all stupid as you driving off that road. You musta got manure for your brains.
Clark: Yeah, well, we're from out of town. How much do we owe?
Mechanic 2: All of it.
Clark: C'mon, seriously. How much do we owe?
Mechanic 2: [waving a wrench] I said all of it, boy.
Clark: What does your sheriff think of your business practices?
[Mechanic 2 laughs and shows his sheriff's badge]
I'll let you sort out allegorical representations of who is Halliburton
Drifty, you said "...the only ones who can still defend it are the retarded..." I read sites like HuffPost a fair amount, and frequently they'll get comments defending Bush or his administration against whatever the blogger said. And you are so right: the commenters are *always* retarded. Not just sometimes, always. They have no clue about argumentation. They never make any valid points. They never cite any facts that are in favor of Bush (since there aren't any.) They generally resort to ad hominem attacks, because they don't have anything else.
Terrible. The retarded, both mentally and morally, have taken over the country with the bestest and mostest nukes. 3 years and 4 months of insanity to go. How many more disasters? I figure the Over/Under on further disasters while Bush is Preznit is 1. And personally, I would take the Over - at least 2 more disasters to come under his watch.
Invasion of Syria, nuking of Iran, another horrific hurricane with no response by the Feds, the collapse of the dollar, gasoline at $6/gal and the collapse of the economy. Take your pick.
Here's the money shot:
The problem is, the ideologically pure ingots stamped out of these Idea Factories are not practical building blocks for governing huge, complex and interdependent nations in a vast, dangerous and interdependent world. So pack up your ideas, leave the bullshit at the door and come help take over a Party that might actually be able to win something.
As frustrated as I get with the Democratic leadership, this is the tether that keeps me from saying "Fuck it all" and joining the Popular Front of Judea.
Our collective toolbox is full of bright, shiny, clever devices, each possessed of merit and utility. But if you want to open a can, there's really no substitute for a good old-fashioned can-opener. And if you want to knock down the grotesque, malevolent construct that calls itself the Republican Party, it's gonna take the Democratic Party to do it. So line up, sign up, and re-enlist today, because we need more schooling, for more students, for More Science high!
So, if I may summarize, "You are either with us or you are against us", would be an accurate appraisal of your position? You are on the side of the angels and anyone who disagrees is on the side of the debbil.
Now where have I heard that before?
But hey "teflon underoos" is cute and pointed and is now stolen.
Yo, ck, ain't much of a debate really. Bush has fucked up in every way possible. Period. End of discussion. DG is not saying that politics is perfect, just that it is time to get rid of fuckwit politicians who support ideas and practices that, time and again, are proven failures.
DG- I'm away for the week. Don't let up!
Darrel above touches on why the people who voted for other parties aren't fucked in the head - and says so very nicely (Full disclosure: I voted for Gore 2k/Kerry2k4, I voted from the "anybody but the Shrub, PLEASE" school of exercising democratic franchise on the cusp of the 21st century).
Because the Democrats haven't done much to reccommend them. Not even Kennedy, who Bush totally screwed by refusing to fund NCLB, has stepped up and growled with a tenth of the eloquence of Boxer, who I agree with when she says she should have gone with her gut and gone with the pleas from the small, harried (mostly members of the congressional black caucus), and practically unheard Representatives who called for a Senator to stand with them and Object to the certification of the 2000 electoral votes of Florida. There are only a handful of politicians of EITHER party that are trustworthy in any meaningful sense of the word.
Only one thing has changed my mind, period. Mr. Howard Dean's strategy of going to the grassroots. And I'm watching that with all the suspicion of a New England grocer watching a pack of children drifting over towards the candy barrel. Yes, one of the two political parties might be soon run by and for the adults in this country, and I have no choice but to put money on it for precisely the reasons you described, drift... but only because the odds of success seem to me to be marginally higher than backing a reform party.
And by the way, I gave up looking for a party that would back my issues a LONG TIME ago - nobody in their right mind is catering to white, epileptic, vegetarian, anti-war (war in general, not just this one), gun-owning (I refuse to say "pro-gun..." it doesn't mean anything. It's like saying "pro-dildo" - one immediately should be asking "well pardon me for asking, but what the hell are you in favor of doing with the dildo?!?), pro-choice, economically and socially (mostly) liberal Atheists. (No I didn't take it personally, I'm just peeved this morning. -_- Sorry.)
And no. I'm not drawing a parallel between the two. To me, that was the most ridiculous comparison I could possibly make. Pro-automobile might have been a better choice. Oh, and I forgot non-car/house/credit-card owning.
o.o .o(Did I really bring up dildos??)
and yet...and yet...FORTY percent of Americans are STILL backing Great Leader Nero.
Just finished reading "Rubicon, the Last Years of the Roman Republic." There is no guarantee that the American republic will not fall. Well past time to fight!
Sorry bud, but if "picking a side" means either Republican (you know, the party of Lincoln, Central Banks, an insistance on making the red states you now wish to jettison stay regardless of the Articles of Federation, the party of the North) or Democrat (who's leadership seems to think Iraq was a "mistake": One they can do better), or we remain "Minor League" Americans, drift, I am disappointed in you.
To me, it is like picking sides in a team practice.
No official results kept.
Or changes made.
Personally, I would embrace ANY Party other than Democrat or Republican, after this last election theft fiasco.
Exit Polls don't lie. Gore won, Kerry won.
Meaning both sides are in on it.
Or, have you heard Dean making a secure election the number 1 issue?
(a quote from the above status-quo-slanted article)
'"The results show that our election system failed the citizens of Ohio in 2004 and in particular failed African Americans, new registrants, younger voters and voters in places using touch-screen machines," Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean told reporters. During a question-and-answer period, he declined to rule out that partisan actions by the Republicans may have contributed to the problems.'
Seems pretty unequivocal than the answer to your last question is "yes," farang.
Drifty honey, the Corvair was made by Chevrolet, not Chrysler.
This nitpick was brought to you by an otherwise satisfied reader of your rant.
- yam
the corvair was made by chevy, not chrysler. but other than that, nice.
I have trouble with my "ch" sounds. It's very sad, in an "After School Special: Why driftglass can't chafe." kind of way. And this is also what happens when one types faster that what one knows for sure.
Exit Polls don't lie. Gore won, Kerry won.
And yet
Meaning both sides are in on it.
So since both side are in on it, Gore ad Kerry they are just both brilliant performance artists? Who pretended to be hugely pissed? And Gore just pretended to take it up thru the courts?
And pretended to have a series of recounts?
Is Obama in on it?
The whole Kennedy family, or just Ted?
And they are all engaged in the greatest performance art piece in the history of the universe?
And did the Omnipotent GOP magically Diebold the margin of victory to 100K in one state just for the theater of it?
Was there voter fraud? Of course there was, and most of it right out in the open, and it was awful. And Jimmy Carter is falling down on the reform commission job he has, and Conyers is calling him out on it.
But this persistant "were heeeeelpless" because "both sides in on it", Illuminati, X-Files grade paranoia is something else entirely.
This is to address the valid concerns raised by StealthBadger:
Every rational creature, finding itself on the brink of disaster, first tries to get away from the brink and only then does it think about the satisfaction of its other needs. If mankind is to get away from the brink, it must overcome its divisions. - Andrei Sakharov
But this persistant "were heeeeelpless" because "both sides in on it", Illuminati, X-Files grade paranoia is something else entirely.
Which is why I think of Dean not as the chairman of the DNC, but as the U.S. population's sympathetic 5th column within the (largely unsympathetic) party leadership. Boxer and some of the others you named are as well.
When I see people like Wellstone in office again, then I'll believe we're getting somewhere.
*thinks about how to phrase this*
Perhaps the Progressives we elect should be combat veterans?
And a big FUCK YOU!!!!!! to Federated CEO Terry Lundgren, You PRO-BUSH CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!. Go suck your boytoys!!!!!!!!!!!!. CUNTMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Great rant, as always, Drifty, but one small quibble:
The Corvair was a Chevrolet.
At the time GM was cranking out Corvairs, Chrysler was putting together the Dodge Dart -- for my money, the most reliable American car ever made.
The kid at my local gas station still has one. It's a 1974 Dart Swinger. It has 240,000 miles on it, and I'm green with envy every time I see it, since my own Darts have long been consigned to Parts Heaven.
Tommy Mogliozzi works at your local gas station?
And they are all engaged in the greatest performance art piece in the history of the universe?
It has been suggested...
stealthbadger's sets up a condition:
When I see people like Wellstone in office again, then I'll believe we're getting somewhere.
I think that's a completely acceptable indication that hard work is paying off.
But first comes the hard work.
I'm just as critical as anyone else who complains that the Democratic Party hasn't done enough to distinguish itself from the Republicans, by and large.
This presents a number of options:
1) Despair that both parties suck and give up.
2) Despair that both parties suck, but since one sucks marginally less than the other, support it.
3) Despair that both parties suck and try to start a third party.
4) Wait until, by act of Divine Grace, some messianic candidate will appear who will fix things.
5) Work with others who feel as you do to gain control over one of the parties.
Since I started paying attention, in the mid-seventies, progressives have mostly been bouncing back and forth between choices 1, 2, 3 and 4.... while the right-wingers chose Door Number 5.
Here's the thing about these options, respectively:
1) Giving up means that your opponent has won. Not an option, given our opponent.
2) This works fine, assuming can resign yourself to electing people who suck marginally more or less than one another.
3) This is doomed to failure for a number of reasons. In a winner-take-all system, third party candidates are spoilers at best. And the voting reforms needed to change the winner-take-all nature of national politics won't happen: The bloated, inertial bodies of the Democratic & Republican party will stand together in concert to impede the way of the establishment of any 'progressive' party.
4) Messiahs get crucified. (c.f. The Dean Scream, Gary Hart, RFK, and an endless array of others ) If we’re to take our country back, it isn’t going to be because some great political giant will come along and make the Bad Men Go Away: if there isn’t sufficient ground work, even a giant can be brought down by an army of Lilliputians. To effect political change, you need a bunch of people who can give air cover and ground support to even the most exemplary of leaders. Especially them.
5) This is the strategy that worked for the right-wing loonies who blight our nation... back when they found themselves in a similar fix to the one we're in now. The media was against them. They didn't have the presidency, the house or the senate. For them, 1964 was like our 2004. You know how crazy the media made Dean seem to the Man in the Street? That was Barry Goldwater 40 years ago: "In your guts, you know he's nuts". So what did they do? They took the long view and decided that a Republican Party without much going for it was the perfect Host Organism for them. Why start from scratch when there's an organization with a national presence that one can take control of?
If I'm reading driftglass right, he's saying that if you don't like these Democrats, then it's time to raise us up a whole new crop. But to do that, we have to plant seeds, water them, fertilize them, and not just stand around waiting to see if this year the crops look better than the field we left fallow last year.
On a personal level, because I don't like a whole lot of the Democrats we've got now, I'm trying to become the kind of Democrat I want to see more of. It's an inside job.
I think we’ve got to look to each other, starting on the local level, in our communities... to build a political climate in which we rise up through the ranks... supporting each other with time and money... and increasingly occupy positions of influence and authority in order to institute the changes we desire and desperately need.
If you think that'll take time, you're absolutely right. There's no time to waste.
But if anyone has got a better alternative, I'd love to hear the plan.
John Kerry gives a great speech about Bush's incompetence -- now that his approval ratings are at or below 40% -- but where was that fire from 2001-2004?
Except for a campaign by a Rethug named John Simon for one of the Senate seats here in CA, Kerry ran the worst. campaign. ever. It was his for the asking and he punted.
Hell, most of the Democratic leadership overlooked the crappy intelligence on Iraq to support the war in the first place, when bozos like myself -- and most of the rest of the sentient world -- could tell there was no there there.
Yep, agree 1,000%. I mean, I voted for The Clenis in 1992 even though I didn't like him at all because I'd have voted for any human being with a pulse to get the nightmare of Ronnie Raygun/Bush I in the rearview mirror. I voted for the Green Party candidate in 1996. Now, those both worked out in the end, but I had the same feeling in 2004--I'm not voting *for* Kerry, I'm voting against Bush. Gore in 2000? *Sigh*
Right on the money. I'll do fury and sadness (and some naughty stuff that I'll blog about one day), but I don't do despair. Counciling "We're all doooomed" is easy and lazy and let's people off the hook. Vast, untraceable conspiracy is to the cynical-to-the-point-of-useless Left what the Rapture is the the Right: the final act of a story already written.
Churchill faced odds a hundred orders of magnitude worse. So did Washington. So did Lincoln.
This is a fight, but it is a winnable fight, and those who say "Shit this is heavy!" and then thow their shoulder into it because the cause is worth the pain are our heroes.
Damned right it's heavy. So what?
But those who say that the fight is over and that we should lay down and die, or that we should spend our passions on useless boutique movements that stand no chance of doing anything are every bit as much of an impediment as anything Rove can throw in our direction.
Bush sucks Terry Lundgren's juicy transplanted thing.
And to Jim Sluzewski of the Federated cesspool............SZWENIE DUPIE, PIEZDA NA KURWA, GOWNO HEAD, SPIERDALAJ, CHUJ HEAD, DUPA JASZ, MATKA JEBCA, SZWENIA............
BTW, These ASSHOLES are PROBABLY ardent contributors of the Bush-GOP shitwagon.
Didn't you see Fahrenheit 9/11? Didn't you notice those African-American voters at the beginning who vainly tried to get a bill sponsored by the Senate regarding the clusterfuck of a Florida election?
Remember when not one Democratic senator would co-sponsor the bill and those poor people had to leave Washington with their tails between their legs and their hands empty?
Al Gore sent the word out.
Don't fight it. Let's not look like sore losers.
We have to believe that this is for the better, that the Supreme Court, in its finite wisdom, decided in their unsigned decision containing the caveat that this is not to be construed as a precedent (which is ridiculous, since theoretically any court decision, especially onew coming from the Supremes, can and will be used as a precedent) knew what they were doing in appointing a reformed drunk as President when the opposite is supposed to be true.
Don't rock the boat, my fellow Democrats.
And. They. Fucking. Listened.
And turned their backs on their most faithful voting block. Even Barbara Boxer remained mum.
What would Gore had done in reprisal if raising a stink and initiating an investigation into voter fraud would've helped make him President? Elevate them to a Cabinet position? Make them Ambassador to the UN? Give them the Presidential Medal of Freedom?
That Senate session was one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen and I could go for another ten lifetimes before seeing that travesty of justice ever again.
I forgot to add one thiing about Jim Sluzewski; DUPEK!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Hey Sluzewski!!!!!!, Masz srake zamiast mozgu!!!!!!!!!!.
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