In the past, I have repeatedly written of the Teabaggers that they:
... seem to be little more than Republicans who are fleeing the scene of their crime, but at the same time still desperately want believe in the inerrant wisdom of Rush Limbaugh. They are completely incapable of facing the horrifying reality that they have gotten every single major political opinion and decision of their adult lives completely wrong, so instead they double-down on their hatred of women and/or gays and/or brown people and/or Liberals, and blame them for the miserable fuckpit their leaders and their policies have made of their live and futures.
Like German soldiers after the fall of Berlin, they have stopped running away from the catastrophe they created only long enough to burn their uniforms.

I was wrong.
From The Hill:
Tea Party Republican dresses up like Nazi Waffen SS!
If you Google "candidate wears Nazi uniform," you would probably guess it would be a Tea Party favorite, a Republican, and someone once called "a rising star in the GOP.” If you did guess this, you would be right!
We refer, of course, to Rich Lott, the Republican nominee for a congressional seat in Ohio, a Tea Party darling and a fellow who gets his jollies dressing up as a Nazi SS officer! Where do they find these guys?
Your humble scrivener regrets the error.
Can't you see that while he's dressed with SS uniform, he's actually a double agent for the Resistance? The three people in that picture were beheaded by him later that afternoon.
I still think the mental movie the Tea-baggers are watching is more 50s Sci-Fi than 80s Sci-Fi. Like a Twilight Zone bizarro world where somehow a wily negro tricked everyone into electing him president, and as if that weren't shocking enough he has, gasp, a woman Sec. of State. Can't we just go back to the good ol' days when good ol' white boys were running the show and the coloreds and the ladies knew their place? Just because. (ok)
Of course this means nothing. He's just playing. They say they never mean any of this shit so it's true you see there.
Maybe he'll have to call in Colonel Palmer from Siberia to explain.
The second I heard "Republican SS officer reinactor", I knew it was a teabagger. What else could he have been?
...still pushing that envelope. There is a deep well of Nazi admiration in the right. If you get them comfortable enough, they will start out with "....well Hitler was a monster sure, but he..(build the autobahn, pull Germania out of the depression etc....")
Get a few more beers in to them and they will start blurting out pure Aryan white hate.
Thats when I usually bring up how much my dad enjoyed his time over Germany...while 50% of his comrades were were being attrided out every mission...
Anon at 10:10AM's experience is widely shared, unfortunately. I can't attest to racist hate coming immediately after Nazi apologia, but I have heard plenty of times people who've spouted this or that about POC also insisting that everyone HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT THAT HITLER DID ALL HE COULD TO SAVE THE GERMAN FORESTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT IN GENERAL!!!!1111
Amazing how much they will double-down on teh crazy.
"Are ve not der supermen? Aryan-pure supermen?"
"Ja! Ve is der supermen!"
"Super-duper supermen!"
GOP = Goebbels' Original Plan.
What was the real inspiration for "Lebensraum" & "Drang Nach Osten" (invading Russia)? Cowboys settling the Wild West. Hitler's heros weren't Siegfried & Bismarck, they were Tom Mix & Henry Ford.
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