Thursday, June 14, 2007

One day

our national media will no longer be an optical illusion run by men with the morals of panda porn fluffers, who get pirate-rich by catering to the grubby hatreds and vile obsessions of the 27%.

Until then, digby.


L.S./M.F.T said...

And in proper B*A*S*I*C*:

10 If "X$"/= Digby,
then d_r_i_f_t_g_l_a_s_s
20 goto 10
99 end

Anonymous said...

WTF is

Paris in 'the the' slam.

In other words, is that double 'the' significant?

driftglass said...

"Paris in the the spring" in a triangle is a famous optical illusion. Many people often fail to notice the second "the" because of the way the words are configured