Monday, July 24, 2006

Meanwhile, down in the Fuhrerbunker…

“And how are my loyal Snowflakesturm today?”

(photo from the excellent film “Downfall”)

When you add the ravings of “Chickenhawks are from Mars”, Bill Kristol

The right response is renewed strength--in supporting the governments of Iraq and Afghanistan, in standing with Israel, and in pursuing regime change in Syria and Iran. For that matter, we might consider countering this act of Iranian aggression with a military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities. Why wait? Does anyone think a nuclear Iran can be contained? That the current regime will negotiate in good faith? It would be easier to act sooner rather than later. Yes, there would be repercussions--and they would be healthy ones, showing a strong America that has rejected further appeasement.

To the clear-eyed and as-always well-written analysis of Billmon @ Whiskey Bar
Losing an Army

Earlier this week I linked to a commentary from William S. Lind in which he warned that war with Iran could result in the loss of the 140,000 man army America currently has bogged down in Iraq. This may have seemed far-fetched, given the enormous military disparity between the two sides. But Col. Pat Lang, a former intelligence officer, explains how and why it could happen:
American troops all over central and northern Iraq are supplied with fuel, food, and ammunition by truck convoy from a supply base hundreds of miles away in Kuwait. All but a small amount of our soldiers' supplies come into the country over roads that pass through the Shiite-dominated south of Iraq . . .

Southern Iraq is thoroughly infiltrated by Iranian special operations forces working with Shiite militias, such as Moqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army and the Badr Brigades. Hostilities between Iran and the United States or a change in attitude toward US forces on the part of the Baghdad government could quickly turn the supply roads into a "shooting gallery" 400 to 800 miles long.

(Christian Science Monitor, via No Quarter)


You end up...where exactly?

With a fistful of President Wimpy’s ludicrious IOUs promising that he will gladly pay you Tuesday for an Armageddon today?

With a lot of “The Rice Man Cometh” pipe-dream smoke-and-terror happytalk about warwarwarwarwar?

With Kristol announcing to the entire planet that this brilliant strategy

is somehow the perfect fucking model for coping with real enemies in a real world where we are about a half-a-million troops short of being able to get it up, get it in and get it on, anywhere?

And you gotta ask yourself, since the war junkies on the Right are classic cowards who will never, ever pony up the flesh of their own flesh to go and fight their wars, where oh where do they think they’re going to be able to scare up hundreds of thousands of warm bodies to throw into the kill box?

But then you add Chief of Staff Mother Goose reading aloud from “There was an Old Dubya...”

(The “bad” version of which goes…
There was an old Dubya who lived in a bubble.
With all these snowflake babies...and election-year trouble.
So he posed them for cameras, then left them for dead
When they could have helped us cure Alzheimer’s instead.)

But the “good” version of which goes...

"...the president sincerely hopes that all 400,000 fertilized embryos can be adopted to grow into beautiful children like the ones you saw..."

And the realization dawns that the Neocons have their future cannon-fodder staffing needs all worked out.

And “Begun, this Snowflake Baby war has.”


Anonymous said...

I fear to ask where they are going to come up with 400,000 willing wombs.

roxtar said...

Christian rock concerts. Mega-church youth ministers as recruiting officers. The lure of close-in parking spots at Wal-Mart. Shit, they'll have a waiting list.

Anonymous said...

roxtar- I don't know whether to laugh or weep...

driftglass said...

I foresee that "I'm a Breeder for Dear Leader" wrist bands with be the "must have" accessory at this year's Purity Balls

Anonymous said...

Driftglass!! HAHAHA. I'm going to find me a nice Chinese wristband maker and get the jump on the market. heh heh. And you thought Halliburton was building concentration camps.

This is a great article if you haven't read it...

Anonymous said...

AAAAAAAAH! I could definitely have done without the Snowflake brigade imagery which is now burnt into my brain. You have been on fire lately, driftglass!

tech98 said...

Bush Maidens for Jesus! Dear Leader requires your womb to breed the next generation of Lebensborn to fight the Islamofascist hordes!

Anonymous said...

Don't soil your sacred womb with sinful, evil sex. Be clinically impregnated with a snowflake to breed the next generation of Xtian soldiers, and remain a technical virgin forever!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does anyone else think the "surprise visit" mode of diplomacy is childish, passive-aggressive, smacking of paranoia, rude and the antithesis of statesmanlike?

Anonymous said...

It's simpler than that, Alyssa. They sneak in and out because they are just THAT afraid of assassination attempts if they step outside US borders, because they know of all US leaders in history, they are the most hated outside US borders. Chimpy, Darth Cheney, and the rest of the neocons are hanging on in the hopes that future historians will vindicate them. Fat chance.

BitterHarvest said...

You can always count on Bill Kristol, Max Boot, Dick Cheney, Micheal Ledeen, and all the other blood-drenched neocon warmongers to see a great opportunity for a war in every situation--one they are very willing to fight with your tax dollars and your childrens' lives. They don't change.

Anonymous said...

Also... just a thought... wonder what the ethnic mix of the precious snowflakes might be?

But really, the whole thing is beyond stupid because as I understand it, the embryos are not viable (to actually implant and grow into a baby) after a period of time in storage anyway. PLUS, the embryos in question in the bill are from donors who signed a form that says, 'I don't need these embryos, please use them for research.' Arrgh the hypocrisy and doublespeak of the right to lifers makes my brain boil.

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