Until we see an actual picture of you in uniform, heading off to stand with those hundreds of thousands that you so cavalierly tear away from their families and plunge into danger, howzabout shutting the fuck up?

This is Nathan Taylor, chairman of the upcoming YRNC 2005 (which, believe it or not, stands for the Young College Republican Liberal-Baiting, Binge-Drinking, Big, Bellycrawlers Reacharound Party), and it just so happens that I was reading about him and his sleek Brother Rats a little while ago as I was listening to a bit on our local NPR show – “Odyssey” -- about Citizenship and “Talking to Strangers”. About learning to talk to people who differ with you. As an exercise in Good Citizenship, I am being told that we have to try to put ourselves in the position of those who differ with us.
Um.....noooo. Not so much, no.
In point of fact, fuck that.
We tried it, and like Aristotelian physics, Phlogiston Chemistry and Romanian/Tex-Mex fusion cooking...it doesn’t fucking work.
Tried being nice.
Tried pretending that the Christopaths were just other wacky branches of the Jesus Tree to be Liberally Tolerated. Tried pretending that Segregationists were just a buncha good-ol’ boys chock full o’ Southern Pride and eventually they’d grow out of their White Supremacist psychosis.
Tried...and with any other bunch, sure, it's worth it, but the sheep does not dicker with the wolves over what's for lunch, and you do not compromise with someone who practically puts right on their motherfucking letterhead that they plan to annihilate you once they grab enough power to get the job done right. This is a basic fact of life that a fair numbers of Liberals cannot seem to comprehend: That you do NOT try to find common ground with thugs who are trying to destroy you.
That's not smart or broad-minded; it's just stupidly suicidal.
Now if any of the soft, pink Moderate Republican Bunnies in the media or in the government ever showed signs of spontaneously generating a spine and throwing the Dobsons and Schlaflys, the Weyrichs and the Falwells – the objectively hateful, ruinous Christopath cultists – the Hell out of their party...we would have a LOT to talk about.
But face it, liar, free-floating moral plankton and the Amazing Remote Diagnostic Superhero of the Schiavo Affair -- Herr Senator Docktor Frist -- is wholly own and operated by James Dobson; is simply a whore, who dutifully regurgitates anything his pimp spits in his mouth. And McCain – the Man Who Would Be King – sold out his credibility and any “maverick” status he might have had the day he decided to crawl up Bush’s sphincter and become just another benign Moderate Polyp lodged deep inside the POTUS' heinie.
Sadly, as the Moderates damned well know in their heart of hearts, the Dominionist Gargoyles have long since taken over Lincoln’s Cathedral. Now they bum around outside, pitching pennies and talking tough while the reckless madmen who kicked them to the curb and stole their party plot the ruin of the Nation in the Apse of their once Holy Place.
The Chaffes, the McCains, the Snowes...they slink in the shadows, drawing their tattered Small Government rags around them, playing out some ghastly, humiliating, Norma Desmond/Sunset Boulevard charade, pretending that they're still Big Shots in a wholly imaginary Republican Party that is long, LONG dead in everything but name.
But since they have neither the honesty nor the integrity to acknowledge that the Party they once loved is a corpse – murdered by the very vampires they themselves invited in – they’re reduce to scampering around out in the cold like some out-of-favor pet that no longer amuses a tyrant child. Listening hungrily for the dinner bell, hoping that they can scrape together one last shred of their dignity to barter away for whatever greasy scraps fall off of Karl Rove’s plate.
And like a Gilbert and Sullivan version of “The Stand”, the spawn of the wraiths who now dress up and dance in the Dead Flesh of the Party Once Known as Republican are gathering in Las Vegas next week to plot their various mini-me evils. Mostly trying to figure out a way to Whitewash the fact that they are vociferously cheerleading a war based on what we in the Real World call LIES...while scattering like roaches when the Recruiter Man come around.
Shit, they could carpet-bomb the Nevada Desert with bleach and Pantone Perfect White paint until it looks like fucking Hoth, and it still wouldn’t be enough to cover up all that Fluorescent Mendacity and Day-Glo Coward’s Yellow.
I tells ya, we are just one Hunter Thompson short of one helluva “Fear and Loathing...” sequel!
So no. Sorry. You don’t argue with drunks and, more than anything else, these man-children are completely smashed on power, and it’s a very primeval, very dark kind of wine that they have gotten a hold of. A toxic, wormwood liquor that leads always to the kind Slave Owner/Apartheid Master thug intoxication that Athol Fugard dramatized in, “‘Master Harold’... and the Boys.”
A very particular and perverse kind of sneeringly-vicious-drunk that you only get when callow, untutored children are given the power to play with the lives of their elders. When they can sentence to mutilation or death men who are often old enough to be their fathers...all without a single consequence.
It’s primal.
In one, appalling Oedipal Stroke these emotionally ingrown man-children have found a way to symbolically slay their Fathers by literally consigning thousands of their betters to death...while they cower stateside and never muss up their snappy summer outfits with the blood.
In one swift, Old Testament thrust, they’ve taken up the role of David and ordered loyal Uriah the Hittite out onto the battlefield so that they can fuck his woman with impunity.
And that is all that this ouchless, taxless, sacrifice-less “support” comes to: a chance to grease the treads of their future careers with the blood of the fallen. A way to make a little, quick political pocket change by pawning the shoes of the dead.
No, from Elder Douchebags of their tribe to the eagerest Young Fucktard anxious to make his bones on the bones of others, these are some despicable little puckered sores on the body politic who positively ooze Red, White and Blue Fascism, and they have to go.
Do you have any doubt that the fuctards would, if given the power and the opportunity, consign the likes of us to camps for re-education?
That they would take away my daughter for "Christian American" education and training?
I have no doubt in my mind that they would.
Actually, why should any of them enlist? It isn't as though the survivors can use that noble service in any future political campaign. They know better than anyone that military service is now *because of them and theirs* worth absolutely nothing on a resume.
Honorable service, brave deeds? Well...that's up for discussion later by those who never spent a day in uniform. A sham "discussion" that leads only and inevitably to slander and libel. Again, by those who "had other priorities" but who nonetheless claim that their armchair support of whatever war is in question was somehow more honorable, cleaner, better than actual service.
When you consider that. When you consider what they know they sucessfully did to Kerry in 2004 how can you ask *why* they don't enlist. Is their really any question of why? Being a filthy, greedy, jingoistic "patriot" is easy well paid work unlike being in the military. Being a coward is a good career move in this "brave new world" they are steadily creating.
(Oh, and for the record, on this Independence day: I did serve.)
I am no way above a lame joke, tranny or otherwise, so the shame thingie's wasted on me. However, I have to agree that the tone rang flat and didn't fit in with the rest of the piece...so snip it went, to the place where all misplaced writing goes: the remainder drawer, to be pulled out again should I need a lame joke...
these are some despicable little puckered sores on the body politic who positively ooze Red, White and Blue Fascism, and they have to go....oh golly, do I sound angry? GREAT STUFF DRIFTIE! Let us all meet up to dance on thier graves one day!
In a heartbeat...and of course, for your own good, which is what makes witchburners especially insidious: they HAVE to oppress you to save your soul.
mr. natural,
You do NOT want to see me dance. It makes an iceberg calving look graceful. I will however happily tip a cup of Oban on Victory Day.
Good writing is what gets the point made in your truest voice, and anything substantive that clutters that up is surplusage and needs to be sliced away. Thing is, I pound this out rather on the run, and to fine tune my own stuff I have to leave it to cool for awhile...which doesn't jibe well with the on-the-run part.
Prof Bible Belt,
Thanks, from me to you, for keeping me safe. As to the other, your right, but I like to remember that the last election was a GOP all-the-stops-out-puller complete with a C-n-C at a time of war, an unprecidented level of campaing sliming, gay-bashing amendments to pry the crankiest Christopaths out from in front of "Who wants 2 B a Millionare" and into the polls and the House of Lies hadn't started to crumble yet...and we STILL only lost by 100,000 votes. Change one factor and Bush loses. Change them all, as will be the case during the midterms...and I think we have reason to hope. Not for miracles, but for steady progress.
they won't call them camps.
they'll call them attitude adjustment facilities.
Thought you might like to know, I cut-and-pasted and sent a copy to the Comments at National Review Online's The Corner.
And at least David 'served'. These guys just want to go straight to the adultery part...
Can we have some more details on this theoretical Gilbert and Sullivan version of "The Stand"? That sounds like such an awesome night out.
Awesome post!
And, a bit off topic, Martha Stewart, describing the horrors of incarceration to Vanity Fair mag, said:
"I hate lockdown...It's hideous!"
I would bet it certainly is, and I'd like to hear more about just HOW hideous!
Say, an appearance for Martha on Oprah, but not by herself.
Let's have a couple of moms or dads from Fallujah, on the couch beside her, to "feel Martha's pain", and share THEIR views on lockdown.
You'd think that whomever did the interview with Martha would have been cognizant of the truckload of irony inherent in having a pampered, self-centered billionairess, complain about a stint in a somewhat-less-rough-than-Attica prison, at a time when we most of Iraq under lockdown, and have wasted a hundred thousand of it's people.
But no. Not a peep.
Thanks, from me to you, for keeping me safe. As to the other, your right, but I like to remember that the last election was a GOP all-the-stops-out-puller complete with a C-n-C at a time of war, an unprecidented level of campaing sliming
First, no "thanks" necessary. It actually wasn't the brightest thing I ever did but I did feel that if I supported (stupidly and naively) the war, I should enlist. What it got me, lo these many years later, is "innoculation" in that every stupid-ass chickenhawk gets a blast and then I just wait..."oh me? You bet I served--USAF!" It doesn't shut them up long but every second they aren't yappin' like insane small dogs is a second of peace---comes in handy in the classroom as well when some fresh-off-the-farm-Napoleon wants to announce that someone else should risk their life to prop up his jingoistic manhood! Somehow it makes it all worthwhile....
Anyway, what I find interesting is that no one will say what that campaign did teach many: military service can and will be described in demeaning terms if it suits your opponent and NO ONE will stop them. Yes, a convergence of circumstances made it all terribly effective in '04 but the shameful thing is that no one wanted to say what was obvious---why should anyone enlist? The "rah rah troops" can easily turn into "you filty slacker traitor"
So much for "support the troops!!!"
Yanno that wolfish grin that is more a baring of teeth?
That's what's on my face right now.
Thank you, I needed that. Now if only the "moderate" wings of the GOP and Democratic party would, if not heed these words, then at least understand that they've become dinosaurs, go off to play in that now-imaginary-and-forever-gone land of the one-party-two-offices status quo of "doing business in Washington" and let us get some work done...
Why, hubba hubba, driftglass, where have you been all my life?
You seem to be the kinda fella Mother warned me about.
You take Alice Rooselvelt's famous quote/bit in your mouth and run with it...
"If you can't say something nice about someone come and sit by me."
May I sit next to you?
Virtuosity in vitriol. I wonder if Dem heavy hitters, like Dean and Kennedy staffers ever read Driftglass. I keep posting links on dailykos.com in the hope that they will.
So no. Sorry. You don’t argue with drunks and, more than anything else, these man-children are completely smashed on power, and it’s a very primeval, very dark kind of wine that they have gotten a hold of. A toxic, wormwood liquor that leads always to the kind Slave Owner/Apartheid Master thug intoxication that Athol Fugard dramatized in, “‘Master Harold’... and the Boys.”
That kind of writing my friend, is what I call a "venom martini". Cool and refreshing as it slips past the tongue--with just a bit of a buzz as it washes down with a pleasing burn. Then...it stops your heart cold. Bam!
A round for the house (and Senate!) on me, bartender!
Like you dance plan Mr. Natural, I've been thinking the same for a while!
HiSurf, 'bro, you on da north shore?
Before you read this letter to Nathan Taylor, Join the revolution for progressive legislation. Hit Republican contributors in their wallets.
If you want an increase in the minimum wage, a stop to social security privatization, an extension of unemployment insurance benefits for those undocmented unemployed you have to call Republican contributors by the thousands and tell them that unless they get their Republican agents in congress to df what they want, they will go bankrupt. so call 1 800 W A L M A R T and demand a 10 dollar minimum wage, an end to social security privatization and extension of unemployment insurance to a year. There appears nothing more convincing than 100,000 righteously angry people calling WALMART, the people that helpws put the Republicans in power and telling WALMART that we want legislation and we want it now or you will go bankrupt. Besides you can call them for free and tie up their sales line for the time you demand national legislation.
and now for the letter to the geek dexter Republican leader.
Recruitment has gone down. People don't want to die for the Republican Party.
Mr. Nathan Taylor
So Mr. Taylor. When do YOU ship out to Iraq? You support the smirking chimp's lies and his War. I suggest that young Republicans volunteer for service in the armed forces which should stem the shortfall that smart people have finally found out, have stopped volunteering for.
Ok, I expect you right wingers appear expert at character assassination (an arabic word by the way) so I will tell you about me so you cannot assassinate my character.
I have reached the age of my mid fifties. I have a fine girlfriend who I have had a relationship of 17 months now. I have a good paying job and I love capitalism. However I do not beleive in the unregulated laissez faire cheap labor capitalism that you and most of your right wingnuts believe in.
Your utopia of unregulated capitalism and no taxes, no social security, no unemployment insurance ended in 1929 when rich white republicans jumped out of tall buildings and your hero Herbert Hoover did nothing to help. It took the nation to dump Herbert Hoover and allow FDR to save capitalism which he did. If not for FDR we would have had a communist state today.
As for Afghanistan we did invade and rightly so, but let's face it, your guy, George, who claims to defend America and your party claims to defend America better than others failed to defend America on Sept 11, 2001. Now Now, don't blame Bill Clinton. You Republicans believe in PERSONAL responsibility, so I suggest you accept the fact that George, who provoked the 9-11 attacks got caught unprepared. You see, it turns out that George had prepared to invade Afghanistan in July 2001. He had the plans on the shelf and he told the Pakistanis that unless the Taliban terrorists that he was negotiating with (OH We republicans do not negotiate with terrorists) refused to allow Unocal and the rest of the energy task force invitees to build an oil pipeline through Afghanistan. The myth that Republicans could defend America better than anyone EXPLODED with the first plane that hit the world trade center on Sept 11, 2001. One only needs to look at downtown NY City and at the pentagon and at 2750 grave plots that you Republicans can't defend America better than anyone.
The retired US Diplomats told the Pakistanis to tell the Taliban of the coming invasion. Well the Taliban did not wait for the invasion and struck us first. 2750 people died for oil.
Then your war criminal president decided to hijack our grief from Sept 11 and fly it into Iraq for no good reason. Ok, moonbat, considering Saddam had no plan to strike us and had no biochemical weapons that could reach NY City, because such weapons that Rumsfeld helped supply to them during the Reagan administration which Saddam used on his Kurds in 1987 but Republicans did not sound one peep then, DID NOT EXIST IN 2002.
I did not hear the smirking chimp rant Charlie Manson style to invade Korea, Syria, Zimbabwe, Cuba or any of the hundreds of countries that do not have Democracy. He picked on Iraq because of the oil there.
Frankly though, George invaded Iraq, Hitler style so he could use the political capital to destroy the new deal and install a laissez faire fascist police state here.
Bush's lies remind me of the joke about the man who gets caught in adultery. The wife finds another woman's panties in the glove compartment and confronts the husband. The husband says they belong to him so the wife insists he wear them from now on.
Bush's claim of spreading democracy comes after getting caught without any credibility of finding WMD in Iraq so now he continues to have to wear the panties of Democracy and talks about spreading democracy everywhere.
An idiot who steals 2 elections has no credibility to spread democracy anywhere. And acolytes as you who revere this idiot smirking chimp live in an illusion so Hitleresque that George Orwell could have written about.
As I see it, as long as George attempts to bring us back to the 1920's you right wingers will cheer him on.
Another thing. I imagine you love Jesus. Did you know that your objection to have government help the poor, the unemployed, the disabled, the elderly goes against alot that Jesus preached? Jesus would recommend you spend an eternity in purgatory.
Another point. Jesus did not exist when God gave the 10 commandments to Moses, a Jew. Christianity did not even exist, so I suggest in the 21st century that Christians keep your hands off the 10 commandments. They do not belong to you. God gave them to my people. My god does not want idiot conservative Republicans to use government to punish the poor, the elderly, the disabled, union workers and others less fortunate than you and me.
You claim that your party appears the party of morality. I suggest not, and that Newt Gingrich, Henry Hyde repent for their sins of adultery and that people not vote Republican because such immoral leaders could not seriously lead this country. Your party elected officals include some child molesters, closeted gays, embezzlers, automobile manslaughterers such as first lady Laura Bush. I suggest before you look towards Chappaquiddick you begin looking at Tejas.
Your party cannot claim superiority in moraility.
I love America and I can criticize the smirking chimp in the white house because I do not consider him a good American. He will go down in history as worse than Nixon.
As a heterosexual person, I consider Republican economic policies more threatening to heterosexual marriages than homosexual relationships could ever do damage to heterosexual marriages.
You should not take pride in a man who stole 2 elections and now has the popularity of Caligula and Ferdinand Marcos combined. Oh and I consider you young republicans childish.
If you support the troops so much then tell your idiot Republican congressman and women to stop attempting to cut veterans benefits at every turn. You do alot of talk but when it comes to action, you Republicans do not support the troops.
You send them to war and danger based on lies. Your defense department doesn't give them fortified vehicles. So your claimed superiority on supporting the troops does not exist. The soldiers who vote Republican are not fighting for freedom. They're fighting for Republican fascism. They hate freedom and they live an illusion. God save us from Soldiers who vote Republican and fight for Republican elitist economic policies and repressive misguided right wing christianity.
If it weren't for liberals. You would not have a 40 hour work week, paid vacations and other benefits paid by employers. We would also not have much of a middle class either. You wealthy Republicans start on third base at birth and think if you score a run you have done the work.
If Herbert Hoover had gotten a second term we would either have a communist country todat or a right wing fascist state. One day we will put conservative Republicanism on the same ash heap of history as we put communism.
Oh you fellows appear the childish malcontents. While men die in Iraq for your glorious leders lies, you get to relax at the Mandalay Bay. Have fun YUPPIE REPUBLICANS.
Dadgum, that was some good writing! You not only managed to mention HST--I think you channeled him! MORE LIKE THAT!
Below in the tagline you'll see my treatment of these weasly little coddled asswipes. It's kind of a supplement to DU's Top Ten Conservative Idiots.
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It appears that you are getting (what I term, with apologies to Emeril) "blammed" -- blog spammed, so your site can be used as a free advertising link for those unscrupulous, undoubtedly entirely Republican mass of mass marketers. You might want to have your site manager look into blocking.
On the more serious side (and more dated with respect to this message stream), I wanted to say kudos for the discretion exhibited in not doing a standard diatribe on Cowan's '05 arson conviction.
Folks impacted by the OLA fire have dealt with enough, and they are indeed none the more helped or healed by people who make politcal or other hay from even this odd twist in their story. Even writing what you did puts you on the radar screen (given the pervasive reach of Google), and these folks still live with the memories, follow up with each other and news, etc. [ For all to see, << www.olafire.com >> ]
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