Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"How Can We Adjudge..."

" summary and shameful death a fellow-creature innocent before God, and whom we feel to be so?

Does that state it aright?"
-- Herman Melville, "Billy Budd"

Real art -- real civilization -- must wrestle with such things.

Must agonize over them.

And the ragged, simian mob which merely cheers the act of state sanctioned murder in sanitary abstraction is no longer fit to be counted as a member of our civilization.


Cinesias said...

Emotion will almost always win out over reason. It's one of the perpetual tragedies of humanity.

Monster from the Id said...

Well, Troy Davis just became an ex-parrot, despite grave doubts about his guilt.

Once again, I'll quote the first line of one of my favorite movies, Pump Up The Volume:

"Did you ever get the feeling everything in America is COMPLETELY FUCKED UP?"

Denny Smith said...

Speaking metaphorically:
They kill one of ours, we kill ten of them.
Until the left grows a spine, this shit will continue until we all go meekly into the boxcars.
Viva la Days of Rage on Wall Street.

Sad Aussie Expat said...

I so much appreciate your work, Driftglass. You express your outrage in such a literate, imaginative and sensitive way. And with sanity and humor! I check your page every day, and often find a rueful comfort. This is by way of a fan letter, I suppose.