Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Professional Left Podcast Episode 870: Propaganda! (Science Fiction University)

All episodes available at our Science Fiction University website here.


Robt said...

Thanks, It is a soft Pillow of using they live in Sci Fi theater to underscore our present state of affairs with the Orange Imhotep spreading his snake towers across the land.
The beast has awoke and is in full strength inflicting his curse..
We must find the book of the dead and the key that opens the book to speak the words that make the beast human . Then can be dealt with.
I write in terms of Chewing bubble gum or resisting and obstructing Imhotep with a cat.

Anonymous said...

Have you heard the story of Wernher von Braun, the renowned German-Nazi-turned-American rocket scientist who wrote a sci-fi manual/novel about how to colonize Mars, which turned out to be ruled by a figurehead called ‘the Elon’? Errol Musk, amateur rocket hobbyist, claims that this character partially inspired him to name his son Elon. Anyway, interesting shit.
