Monday, July 08, 2024

The Fascist in the Gorilla Suit

These days, if you're looking for a source of a severe cognitive impairment that's an actual threat to the republic, look no further than the mainstream media.

Through sheer force of will (and fealty to the corporate bottom line), the corporate media has trained itself to ignore the growing horror which has been staring them in the face, baring its fangs, and inching ever closer for decades. 

 This is collective cognitive blindness at its worst and most dangerous:
Cognitive blindness is the inability to understand something due to the lack of a precept of knowledge, understanding or belief in a necessary fundamental concept. Cognitive blindness can be a result of inadequate intellectual capacity for understanding something or it can be a result of emotional, cultural or cognitive biases.

The phenomenon can also be the result of a person being so focused one thing or perspective that they fail to see another perhaps otherwise obvious thing. One famous experiment that illustrates cognitive blindness was performed by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simmons. The experiment was dubbed the invisible gorilla test.
The collective cognitive blindness has driven the corporate media into a state of single-mindedly obsession with horse race coverage, Both Siderism and counting Joe Biden's verbal tics and stutters, even as this is happening right now in real time:

And as a direct result there is now a fascist madman at the head of an army of grifters, perverts, traitors, criminals and white supremacists, all dressed up in gorilla suits -- 

 -- strolling virtually unmolested through the landscape of the 2024 presidential campaign.

I Am The Liberal Media


Jon Sitzman said...

Thank you so much for this. Incisively and clearly states the huge problem the media's selective blindness presents, and points a stark finger at the successes of the Biden administration that are being so steadfastly ignored.

Thanks for all you do.

Robt said...

Let me point to GOP /MAGA voters and paid hacks who have never had anything decent to admit accomplished by any democrat.
It is as when they hate a musician who be obviously liberal and they rant and rant how rotten they are. But they buy their CD's and listen, they will go to their concerts because they like the tunes.
But steadfast on how rotten they are.

Paid hacks are paid to lie and deceive, Twist and smear. It is their pay check.

MAGA voters will say they support Trump and all his crimes are all fake and deep state creations. They know the rotted meat bag Trump is. They will not admit it because they are on a political sports team. They want the referees to make bad calls in favor of their teem to win.
They have been conditioned for a very long time to lie for the team.
They will throw bottles at their teams opponents to foul any advamce of the opposition. It is about winning.
GW collapses economy and bails out Wall Street running up national debt. They blame Obama because they want their team to win knowing the team stinks.
Trump runs up national debt and they blame Biden. Trump boasted of his great economy that wasn't. Biden actually improves economy and they will not publicly admit it which would mean failure.
I know better. When I speak with some I known for some time and speak for a length of time alone about politicks and such. They find themselves opening up and with disgust for what they support. They have ben conditioned that no matter what, no matter if it was Putin (himself) running for the Opposition. Even a known convicted pedophile would be better if their team wins because of it.

When the press interview these people )MAGA) if you listen close . You hear an egotistical superior mentality unwilling for a low life reporter who are "lib scum" get them to admit their team is bad.
Not sure if the media will ever look and find one of those Democratic coffee shops or Arugula cafes to interview the important thoughts of a few leotards, like they do the GOP . If anyone is waiting for Frank Luntz to do one of his infamous group insight things with Democrats. Don't hold your breath or anything like that.

Grung_e_Gene said...

For years phony leftists declared if Democrats delivered on progressive dreams and goals then not only would the Left (writ large) support them the people would flock to Democrats and vote them into power en masse. This has been proven to be a total lie. It was always postulated white men and women are voting against their interest in voting Republican they are not. They don't care what ever Joe Biden, a Democratic Congress on any progressive does for them they are voting for the Bigotry, for hatred for fear and they will do so again in 2024.

Kathy said...

This has been proven to be a total lie.

No it has not. People haven't flocked to the Dem party because the corporate media, which want Trump to win again and declare himself Dictator-for-Life (that's how incredibly stupid they are)have not informed the public of what Biden has done.

Just as they howl like Banshees about Biden's age/health issues, they completely ignore -they ignored for decades- the fact that Trump is criminally insane, under the thumb (or in the pocket) of our worst enemy, Russia's Putin.

Jack said...

Howdy y'all!

So which is worse, to be cognitively blind to something because of a pervasive belief in something that is false, let's say the liberal bias of the press so that the press has to give equal time and validity to whatever the conservatives have to say no matter how stupid or blatantly false, or to knowingly and wantonly ignore any professional standards that journalism might still have in order to publish clickbait to boost the profits of the corporate ownership?

Is it worse to be cognitively blind and commit sins or to knowingly and wantonly to commit those sins?

Because I think, the MSM press and its cadre of reporters know exactly what they're doing but think they have to to remain employed and have careers. Which is exactly what people who helped Nazi Germany genocide six million Jews did in WW II so they could sleep at night.
