Monday, July 08, 2024

Semi-Retired Elite Media Clown Dreams Up One More Way To Embarrass Himself

It's getting to be long past time for Chuckles to fully-retire.

Maybe consider getting shut of all his NBC perversions altogether and take up a hobby.

Something new and challenging, that he's never tried before.

Like coding.

Or woodworking.

Or journalism.  

I Am The Liberal Media


SteveSteve said...

Hey Chuck. Taco Bell is hiring!

Big Guy said...

First we came for the overpaid, lazy, no talent hacks and they had big sadz.

Dark Phoenix (Nixa) said...

I was really hoping you'd mention the return of "Very Serious" Matthew Dowd to the Church of BothSiderism too...

Lorraine said...

Repeat until true: Center-right nation.

Yes, please do retire Chuck Todd and his Nascar Dad Beard.

Robt said...

I will say it again,
The media needs to step down from reporting on the campaigns. elections.

Told us a red wave was here so no reason to vote.
The got the French election of the right wing massive take over wrong.
They did not see the the massive kicking out the Tories in the English election until the very last minute. Just like the Tories saw their victory, the press reported.
All the legal reporting on the Federalist majority SCOTUS justices would not legalize Trump's whims of his immunity and now Shooting someone in broad daylight on 5th avenue is a legal official act. Oh, official acts cannot be questioned or investigated to find out if it is an official act.
The press opined galore that SCOTUS would not do what they did.
So , The entire media must step down from reporting on the election.
The media has shown they are incompetent to operate and perform journalistic principal; and inform the people. They can only focus on manufactured BS in hopes of ratings.
They are not reporting.
They hype Trump's plan that he leads in the pools and can only lose if election is rigged and this time the SCOTUUS will step in.
Media has a difficulty reporting on Trump's mentally ill rally speech's because they say, his MAGA voters don't care. Which means they are telling us they decided not to report on any Trump serious mental illness because there MAGA doesn't care so no one else gets to have any of it reported . As if the only people they are reporting to and one are MAGA.

Nick Jr. said...

As always, the Democrats need to be 100% grassroots, 100% honest and above board, 100% competent and effective, 100% accessible to the media, 100% willing to compromise. And if they manage to accomplish all that, the right and the media will just lie and say they didn't.