Saturday, April 27, 2024

Oh The Pain! The Terrible Pain!

I consulted the Oracle of All Human Literature and asked it for a fictional looking for an equivalent to Trump.  A traitor and saboteur in the pay of a foreign power...who was also lazy, greedy, selfish, a physical coward. and a lying crap-weasel narcissist who never stops bitching about everything, and whining about how personally put out he was by the conditions he himself created.   

The Oracle considered the problem for several days, and then came back with its answer.

I Am The Liberal Media


Bazzer said...

Actually, the best literary Trump character is Papa Ubu from Alfred Jarry's Ubu Roi.

Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

As much as I hate to make this comparison, if you imagined Calvin from "Calvin and Hobbes," as a grown up, with all the flaws of his childhood, that'd be a decent, though not complete, fit for Trump.

On the other hand, there's Sh*thead from Mark Millar's comic "Wanted," described as "the collected feces of the 666 most evil beings to ever have walked the Earth"...

Best to you and your loved ones.

Mandy said...

Dr. Smith is far more intelligent and capable than Trump!

Robt said...

Notice ice from the academy of collecting Trump Doppelgangers/
Want to be's (as DeSantis) and clones. Imposters or analogy
fictional characters.
We will place your Dr. Smith submission into the database if there is still any memory bytes left.

Meremark said...

Each day Don'T emerged in his tv view baby-crib bars, whining and crying and temper of firework, his lawyer stands at attention together in the baby crib.

Mr. Atty Attention has the decorum that asks men, upon standing, to then button their jacket or suit coat. At that the wingman, shows a worn suit stretched at midriff across a well-fed girth.

Undoubtedly billing 5-figure hourly fees standing 'together' in wingman hell, I suspect, and that's a low-ball number.
Well able, Mr. AA, go get a new suit fitted.
As we say down on the farm, "if you get stiffed by a pig, you'll get dirty and the pig squeals gleefully." Make that 'squeels.' Either way

Jon Sitzman said...

Greetings, salutations, and HI DG and BG. Hope you are well.

You've probably seen this. Maybe someone else who reads this won't have. I think it's good news either way:

Unsung Achievements

Money quote:

>>> Remember “popularism”, the idea that Democrats should campaign on a strategy of focusing on issues that enjoy electoral popularity, such as focusing on economic issues over polarizing social and cultural issues? Well, Biden has delivered, and delivered and delivered on those issues. He saved the economy, doing far better than any other industrialized country and basically nobody seems to believe it.

How the fuck is that good news, with the last part? Well - I admit to smoking some hope here - because the Biden re-election team's messaging department has shown themselves to be savvy, scrappy, well-informed and capable of creating a bang-up ad. I'm hoping we see barrages of success stories like this. The Foxies won't see them - and I think we all need to be over that. They're unreachable until they Change The Fucking Channel. The ads would reach a lot of people. Enough, I can hope.

Also, since I'm a cynical old fart, here's a honey of a quote from Mark Sumner at DKos (link):

>>> I’m pointing out this post from Alan Feuer at The New York Times not because I agree, but because it very much shows the attitude of the Times and some other outlets.

“The gossip industrial complex that Keith Davidson is describing is remarkable — and remarkably crass. He’s out there leveraging his client’s sexual liaisons for money and employment opportunities in a way that resembles a Mafia shakedown.”

Notice that it’s McDougal’s effort to find some means of compensation after her long affair with Trump that’s “remarkably crass” and not the fact that a married man had an affair with a much younger model at a time when his wife was pregnant.

Saving those backhands for the little people. It’s what they do.

Emphasis on the last line added. Couldn't have put it better.

Stay safe and thanks for all you do.

shortale said...

Gaius Baltar from BSG fits too