Friday, January 05, 2024

Phoneywise the Clown

Oh Yes, They Debate. They All Debate Down Here.  

In case you were wondering what former greatest-journalist-on-Earth and current conspiracy-sewer-CHUD, Glenn Greenwald, is up to these days, well, here ya go.

Any former readers who used to tearfully shriek at at your old pal droneglass about what a goddamn fucking hero Spleenwald is and how anyone doubting his righteous integrity in the slightest was an irredeemable, drooling, O-bot servant of fascism is welcome to drop on by and continue explaining to me how wrong!wrong!jackbooted wrong! I am about the guy.

No Half Measures


Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.


Mr. Greenwald's gonna argue...whatever...with ALEX JONES by his side?

I feel like you're gonna need that Charlton Heston graphic for post-debate Greenwald once he realizes Jones blew up whatever "reasonable debate" Greenwald was expecting.

Best to you and your loved ones.

DocAmazing said...

Weren't the Krassensteins the "Resoistance" buys who never saw a Republican they didn't love?

wibble said...

...Just thinking about such a thing makes my brain hurt. ~>X[

Robt said...

Sewer CHUD are people too.

They may be a waste of organic material. But God created Sewer CHUDs in his image.
Well he made them in the same image as the Hyena and Bot flies.

I think God made Bot flies to feed spiders. So they have some sort of viable existence. So too , Should CHUDS have some viable existence. Even if we have not discovered what that viable existence might be yet.

Denny said...

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting.