Sunday, July 15, 2012

For Those Who Rightly Wonder

"Who in the world could still give a shit about what David Brooks says?" and, "What sort of cognitive dung cube could possibly take a tool like Mark Halperin seriously?"... 




This is not aimed at you or me.

We know better.

Because Team Romney knows they cannot become the Romney Administration on the strength of wingnut votes alone, this is aimed squarely at the denizens of Fake Centrism's Iron Triangle; those assiduously low-information voters who aspire to approximate political savvy by listening to David Brooks on NPR, watching David Brooks (and Mark Halperin) on the Mouse Circus, and reading David Brooks in the New York Times.

God save the Republic.

1 comment:

John said...

If the Romney "machine" thinks there are significant numbers of voters among those who listen to NPR, watch the Mouse circus and/or read the NYT, then they are truly out of touch with reality.

John Puma