This week with an extra ration of "Rachel the Damn Liar Slayer", which was nice.
First, of course, Grandpa Walnuts (Senator, TeeVee Land)

had to be trotted out for the 14,275th time to lie and dribble and blink like a tarsier being hurled into the Sun

(Although it was gratifying to see him once again trot out the Driftglass Federal Refinancing Authority Plan from 2008.
You're welcome!)
Then Rachel Maddow was up, and I'd like to report that she mopped the floor and painted the wall with the lies of the Right and the Center -- and she did -- but when I consider where our Beltway Conversation stood when Ms. Maddow went on "Meet the Gregory" in July of last year -- long before the Tea Baggers knew how to spell "Debt Ceiling" --
... [Then-White Hose Spokseman] Robert Gibbs (one of the the Lesser Brother's Gibb(s)) promised job growth in the Battery Sector (apparently, by 2014, 40% of our nation's Chinese-made sex toys will be powered by American-made batteries, so USA!USA!).I find my delight with her candor a tempered by the painfully obvious fact that -- one year later -- other than events repeatedly underscoring the fundamental accuracy of the Liberal critique of the American political system, and the fundamental nihilism of the Wreckers on the Right -- nothing substantive whatsoever has changed.
David Fucking Brooks wanted America to know that there are plenty of Moderate, Sensible (tm DFB) things we can do to make our descent into Conservative Hell more comfortable, but we won't do them because neither party is willing to give any ground on anything.
Shocking, I know.
...Blue Dog Wall Street stooge Harold Ford Jr. wanted America to know that if only Democrats would compromise a just liiiiittle bit more, and give Big Business just a few more concessions, we could maybe get some stuff done.
As they do every Sunday
The temporal ministers and agents of the Most Infernal![]()
Were again free to stalk our nation's airwaves virtually unmolested.
As always, they smiled and licked their hungry lips
And hoped that, once again, foolish humans would stay mesmerized by their accursed words
Long enough for them to feed and feed and feed.
In the end, there are really only two ways to deal with a population of ravenous undead Conservatives running loose and draining the life out your democracy.
The first and wisest is never, ever to invite them into your democracy in the first place, for vampires are powerless until you open the door and let them in.
Once inside, however, the only other way to keep them from destroying every living thing is to stake those fuckers through the heart every single time one of them jams its grinning blood-drunk maw in front of a teevee camera and starts to lie to you, or abet one of its fellow liars in the act of lying to you.
Our mainstream political discourse is a museum in a dead city full of humanish shaped plastic things running the same tapes over and over again.
Of course the Pope of All Capitalism was on hand to decline to predict what "The Markets" will do tomorrow.
I dunno what the fuck is going to happen next. Humans are weird. They behave in all these goofy ways that my Galtian Overlord Model didn't predict. I've read the last 700 pages of "Atlas Shrugged" over and over again and still can't figure it out.
Also too some shit is going down in Israel.
One more week of one more wingnut being asked to pull up a chair 'round the fire:
Rep. Jason Chaffetz Claims Tea Party Has 'Done a Lot of Compromising'One more week of one more GOP paid hack
By David
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) says that the tea party should not be blamed for the political brinkmanship that led to S&P's downgrade of U.S. credit because they have bent over backwards to compromise.
"We have actually done a lot of compromising," Chaffetz told ABC's Christiane Amanpour Sunday. "Remember, it was the tea party that really spurred -- I was the primary sponsor of 'Cut, Cap and Balance.'"
"Wait a minute," former Obama administration "Car Czar" Steve Rattner interrupted. "'Cut, Cap and Balance' was not a compromise."
"Yes, it was," Chaffetz replied. "It was a raising of the debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion. And what is wrong in this country is that we aren't willing to have the discussion about a balanced budget amendment."
...Alex Castellanos who just regurgitated one Republican lie-filled talking point after another during the entire segment.
One more week of Mouse Circus sockpuppets performing their essential duty for Empire: piling sandbags every higher around the Villager Centrist sensibilities against the rising tide of reality.
Rachel did great
but it also reminded me of how sad it is that we actually have to look forward to the Special TeeVee occasion when of a non-liar is invited to sit around the Sunday Morning tribal fire.
And how lonely gets running down that highway outside of
year after year after year.
Santa Mira, not Elmira.
Rachel Maddow has made her mistakes, but usually, she's spot on in her analysis.
My dear, you rook sublime with that stake in your hand.
Holy fuck man, sometimes you are too good for your own sake.
I blew beer out of my nose at Grandpa Walnuts with the rubber band and the cell phone, completely ignored anything you were saying and scrolled down to the Vampire Gregory and ya lost me.
I am assuming the rest was a good read, while I change shirts.
I go with Busted Knuckles on that one. The picture of Walnuts with that cellphone had me howling! And the description was superb. When any of my relatives take on that stupor we all get together and introduce said vegetable to the rocking chair of their choice. Why this man is a sought after pundit just defies logic.
I really like the David Gregory pic. Teeth borrowed from Christopher Lee, or somewhere else?
Many thanks, amigos.
Batocchio, you have far too good an eye for vampire teeth for your own good :-)
Haha, cool. The funny thing is, I'm by no means a vampire groupie, and have missed the bulk of the popular vampire serials...
(Invasion of the Body Snatchers is frighteningly apt for this lot, too.)
In order to maintain some sort of consistency, even as hobgoblin, I guess I have to contribute.
You are toooo good at this!
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